Tigers Eye Tumbled Stones
Stone Type: Tigers Eye
Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones
Stone Weight: Varies
Stone Color: Brown
Stone Size: 1 – 1.4 Inches
Location: Brazil
For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot
15 in stock
Tigers Eye Tumbled Stones
Tigers Eye Tumbled Stones, In energy work tiger eye can help one to realize their physical desires and put them to work on those things. Often times we will just realize the desire or dream but do nothing about it, when that is the case, carrying tiger eye or wearing it will help this desires manifest and put into action what you are desiring. Tiger eye is a balancing stone that helps to calm fears and give perspective to upsetting circumstances. It can also help you become more attuned with planetary energies because it serves as a bridge linking sky and earth energies. Tiger eye offers light to dark energies. Tiger Iron (tiger eye with hematite) is an earthy grounding tool. As an amulet tiger eye offers both luck and protection.
The energies of this stone can be used to awaken Kundalini. While to do so is ideal for spiritual conditioning, Kundalini stimulation if misused, can cause crisis. Kundalini is a highly charged energy, and is dormant in us for a reason. It might be better to call for the help of Michael, Uriel, or another being of light. They will assist us to align our will with God’s and we will be better fit to aid humanity with our very own light.
Tigers Eye Tumbled Stones
Tiger eye is said to attract wealth, I have often seen people that did not know this wearing tiger eye and they have been very fortunate in the wealth areas of their lives. If you are wanting to hold on to your money placing a piece in your wallet or purse is a great idea! Tigers eye is traditionally thought to give its holder protection during travels. It is believed to enhance practicality, integrity, willpower and the correct use of power. It brings luck in the form of prosperity, or money. The liquid movement of light across this power stone makes it a great tool for vision or divination work. Roman soldiers would wear engraved stones during battle, it is helpful against dark magic.
A stone of protection, Tiger Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. Particularly useful for healing psychosomatic illnesses, dispelling fear and anxiety. Useful for recognizing one’s own needs in relation to the needs of others. Balancing yin-yang and energizing the emotional body, Tiger Eye stabilizes mood swings, imbues us with willpower, purpose, courage and self-confidence, and releases tension.
The Tiger’s Eye crystal gets its healing properties from a combination of the sun and Earth elements. This is what gives it both grounding and inspiring vibrations. Similar to a tiger’s stripes, Tiger’s Eye crystal has an appearance to match its powerful energy. Its bold coloration is just as bold as its healing properties, which work to balance toxic emotions and create positive mental shifts. The Tiger’s Eye crystal meaning is known for its combination of properties that promote vitality and physical action. By activating and balancing the third chakra, the solar plexus, Tiger’s Eye properties help you stay grounded and centered, even if you’re surrounded by chaos. When you want to step into your personal power and overcome emotional blocks, Tiger’s Eye healing properties are your crystal allies.
Tiger’s eye is a stone that observes practicality and balance. It’s perfect for calming down pressure in families and relationships caused by disagreements in outlook or ideas causing conflict. It encourages your connections to be open with various perspectives, religious views, or life approaches to see all sides of a problem and reach an agreement. Tiger Eye can aid in the healing of a variety of relationships. It can help overcome low self-confidence, strengthen relationships with oneself, and complex emotional links to wealth. Tiger’s eye works to unravel restricting values and clear toxic energy in your life.
Tigers Eye Tumbled Stones
Tiger’s Eye is the ultimate harbinger of courage. Even when you’re faced with adversity, this stone has the uncanny ability to help you find the strength within yourself. The meaning and properties of this stone are all about working hard to build strength from within. But how does it do that? First, it helps you find balance within your emotions. If you’re prone to dramatic emotional swings or find it hard to manage your feelings appropriately, Tiger’s Eye is a must-have.
Tiger’s Eye helps with treating the eyes and is helpful for healing broken bones. It helps you differentiate from what you want and what you really need. If you find that you are a compulsive buyer and you cannot resist buying things that you don’t really need, bring a Tiger’s Eye with you in the shop in your pocket. Tigers Eye helps you feel good in your own skin and helps with depression and low-self esteem. It balances yin and yang to help you lift your mood when feeling down. It helps you to achieve the goals that you want.
Because of its bold, encouraging energy, a Tiger’s Eye crystal is the ideal stone for building courage in all areas of your life. The powerful Tiger’s Eye crystal meaning is also especially impactful when it comes to attracting wealth and breaking through financial blocks. When you connect with this energizing stone, let it be a reminder that the path to success might be full of challenges, but when you harness the energy of the Tiger’s Eye meaning and uses, you’ll have the inner power to push through any obstacle that appears in your way.
Tigers Eye Tumbled Stones
Tigers Eye is all about balance, this includes light to dark and Earthly to spiritual aspects of self, and also yin to yang; and it balances emotions and encourages healthy, harmonious interactions with others. Although it has plenty of physical healing attributes, this crystal primarily targets the mind. It supports focus, direct and clear thoughts, and oneness within self. It can be a great solution for those afflicted with feelings of spaciness, as well as for those who experience failure in backing up their commitments.
Tiger’s eye strengthens your blood flow that boosts resilience and power while maintaining your body’s balance on all levels. It promotes fertility to women or couples having a hard time getting one. It stimulates the endocrine system by ensuring that your hormones and biochemistry will get back to normal. Tiger’s eye has long notoriety for treating the eye by improving night vision. Tiger’s eye will relieve your stomach and gall bladder problems and eliminates painful contractions. It can also improve in aligning your spine if you struggle with good posture. This stone will help speed up the healing of bone fractures by placing it on the surface of the affected area. You can also put the Tiger’s Eye on either side of the head for you to energetically rebalance your brain’s hemispheres.
Weight | .5 lbs |
Dimensions | 2 × 2 × 2 in |
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