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Chakra Tumbled Stone Set


Stone Type: Chakra Set

Stone Cut: Tumbled Stones

Stone Color: Multi

Stone Weight: Varies

Stone Size: .75 – 1 Inches

Location: Multiple


A 7 stone set for the chakras

2 in stock

Chakra Tumbled Stone Set


Chakra Tumbled Stone Set, The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. It is a wheel-like spinning vortex that interpenetrates the physical body, with the outer ends of each vortex forming a specific layer of the auric field. The whirling circular motion forms a cavity or vacuum in the center that draws in anything it encounters on its particular vibrational level. It is then processed and returned to the auric field. The major chakras of the human body are the seven chakras that are aligned along the spinal column. Secondary chakras of importance are located in the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and at major joints in the arms and legs.

For the people of antiquity – Egyptians, Chinese, Hindus, Greeks, Romans, and aboriginals of many lands – the chakras were an integrated part of daily lives. As these ancient civilizations were conquered, vast libraries of knowledge were destroyed. Only a few remnants of their information on the chakra system have survived – either through the preservation of ancient texts by sacred priesthoods, or orally from generation to generation, as in the traditions of many aboriginal peoples.

In any study of the anatomy of the aura it is important to understand the significance of the chakra system. The chakras exist on all levels of the aura and serve as linking mechanisms between the auric field and the physical body as well as linking mechanisms between the different levels of the auric field itself.

It is usually believed that the three lower chakras correlate to basic primary needs – those of survival, procreation, and will – whereas the four higher chakras are concerned with our psychological makeup -defining love, communication, and knowledge, and connection with the spiritual realms.

Chakra Tumbled Stone Set


The Seven Major Chakras


First Chakra

We must balance this chakra before moving on to the others. Otherwise our growth will be without roots, i.e., ungrounded

Other Names: Root, base, muladhara, Kundalini (Sanskrit)

Situated: base of spine and the pubic bone (but encompasses genitals and reproductive organs)

Color: red

Element: Earth

Area of consciousness: physical body

This includes all physical sensations, such as pain, sensuality, pleasure and power. Also, our survival (as an individual and as a planet), our need for world peace and environmental balance.

Key Words: stability, solidity, unity and form.

Physical organ association: gonads, also the glomus coccygeum or coccygeal body, adrenal gland, the kindeys and the spinal column

Relationship: to the solid part of the body, especially the bones Importance: location of the kundalini

Attributes: athletic, cares about survival, sensuality, pleasure and power

Governs: perception of the physical world, willpower, motivation and intent


Second Chakra
Here we encounter change, for without change we cannot grow.

Other Names: Sacral, sexual, svadhisthana (Sanskrit)

Situated: behind and just below the navel

Color: orange

Element: Water

Area of consciousness: emotional Change in that we now moving beyond our understanding of ourselves and realize the awareness of others – desire arises and with it our emotions and sexuality.

Key Words: difference, separation, change, duality, and movement

Physical organ association: spleen ( Peyer’s Patches) as well as the kidneys and bladder

Relationship: corresponds to the liquid part of the body – circulation, urinary elimination, and sexual body fluids.

Governs: feelings of sexuality, and creativity


Third Chakra

Transformation to a new state occurs through this chakra’s basic dynamic energy and our ability to find a balance between extremes.

Other Names: Solar Plexus, manipura (Sanskrit)

Situated: solar plexus, in the V formed by the ribcage, above the navel

Color: yellow

Element: Fire

Area of consciousness: mental or intellectual body This includes thoughts, opinions and judgements.

Key Words: combustion, fire, energy, action, power, and will

Physical organ association: adrenal glands, pancreas, liver, stomach, as well as the nervous system and the bladder.

Relationship: responsible for the regulation and distribution of metabolic energy throughout the body, asin digestion.

Governs: emotional issues and issues of personal power


Fourth Chakra

The task of this chakra is to integrate and balance the realms of spirit and mind with our physical body (matter).

Other Names: Heart, anahata (Sanskrit)

Situated: midway between shoulder blades (over the sternum)

Color: Green

Element: Air

Area of Consciousness: astral body This is the first level beyond 3-dimensional matter. Here we have the bridge between the dimensions of matter and the dimensions of spirit. Although we may refer to the “lower chakras” as being concerned with mankind, and the “upper chakras” as being concerned with spirituality and God, each chakra is no less important than the other. For instance, the first chakra has a number of frequencies (all within the Red vibration), ranging from very low to very high. The goal is to rise above a chakra’s lower frequencies into its higher ones.

Key Words: love, compassion, balance

Physical organ association: thymus gland (immune system), and the heart, blood, circulatory system, immune system, and the endocrine system.

Relationship: to the heart – to love as a state of being.

Governs: love, compassion, and unconditional acceptance for others


Chakra Tumbled Stone Set


Fifth Chakra

Here we have the realm of consciousness where communication occurs, whether that be within ourselves or to and from another

Other Names: Throat, visuddha (Sanskrit)

Situated: throat area

Color: blue

Element: Sound

Area of consciousness: etheric body This etheric body is the template for the physical body, and represents our potential for perfection.

Key Words: sound, vibration, communication, and self-expression

Physical organ association: thyroid and parathyroid glands, lungs, vocal cords, and bronchial apparatus.

Relationship: the throat area where sound is created

Governs: communication, expression of thoughts and feelings


Sixth Chakra

The essence and function of this chakra is to “see” in the sense that we accept that complete vision will include both darkness and light.

Other Names: Third Eye, Brow, ajna (Sanskrit)

Situated: centre of head, behind forehead

Color: indigo

Element: Light

Area of consciousness: celestial body It is here that we have “sixth sight”, or the ability to “see” by way of clairvoyance. We use this chakra for visualization, receiving insight or inspiration.

Key Words: intuition, imagination and clairvoyance

Physical organ association: pineal (although some believe it is the pituitary gland) Relationship: the storehouse and viewing screen of all visual input from our two physical eyes and our “third eye” (the etheric organ of psychic perception).

Governs: spirituality and the search for meaning in life, intuition, visualization


Seventh Chakra

This chakra represents our belief systems, both conscious and unconscious.

Other Names: Crown, sahasrara (Sanskrit)

Situated: top of head

Color: white (some believe violet)

Element: Thought

Area of Consciousness: ketheric body. This chakra is associated with the spiritual realm. Here is where we merge with God, the All That Is.

Key Words: enlightenment, knowing and cosmic consciousness

Physical organ association: pituitary gland (although some believe it is the pineal gland)

Relationship: not of the material world but as a gateway to worlds beyond

Governs: our connection to the concept of “God” or a higher intelligence


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Weight .6 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 3 in