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Angelite Tumbled Stones


Stone Type: Angelite

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

Stone Weight: Varies

Stone Color: Blue

Stone Size:

Location: Brazil

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8 in stock

Angelite Tumbled Stones


Angelite Tumbled Stones, Angelite is a stone that can bring serenity, inner peace, and a sense of calm. Angelite is excellent to use when you need to calm down from feelings of stress and overwhelm. Angelite dispels fear, anger, and encourages forgiveness. It is an excellent stone to be used by those who have communication difficulties like problems in self expression. Because of its ability to deepen attunement and heighten perception, Angelite is a powerful stone for healers. It also provides protection for the environment or the body.

Angelite raises the state of conscious awareness. It represents peace and brotherhood. Angelite facilitates contact with your angels and spirit guides and helps to connect with your higher self. It enhances psychic healing and telepathic communication and enables astral travel and spirit journeys. Angelite will help you regenerate and rejuvenate your life and help you come alive. Because of its ability to deepen attunement and heighten perception, Angelite is a powerful stone for healers.  It also provides protection for the environment or the body. Psychologically, Angelite helps you to speak your truth.  It promotes communication and self-expression.  Dispels fear, anger and anxiety, converting them into faith and tranquility.  Angelite encourages forgiveness.  It alleviates psychological pain and counteracts cruelty.  Mentally, Angelite enhances astrological understanding and brings deeper understanding of mathematics.  It also facilitates telepathic contact between minds.

Healers use Angelite to unblock energy pathways. It is a good stone for meditation purpose. This stone can be helpful for those suffering from sleeplessness because of conditions like insomnia. One may keep angelite tumbled stones at the four corners of the bed and ask the angels to protect you as you sleep. If you feel your angelite needs to be cleansed, it should never be cleansed by water or especially salt as water and salt will damage angelite. I would suggest smudging, or placing it in moon light for cleansing.

Mentally, Angelite is the perfect stone for easing communication efforts by easing tension, helping to clearly express one’s thoughts, and helping to clearly understand the viewpoint of others. It also encourages the user to be honest with themselves and others and to accept situations as they are. Angelite is also a good stone to aid in with concentration and focus. Angelite is a wonderful at aiding with connecting to and communication with the angels, Akashic Records, spirit guides, and ascended masters, as well as communication with those who have passed-on/transitioned from this physical life. Angelite also strengthens intuitive abilities, clairsentience, and telepathy. It can help clarify and strengthen visualization work, aiding in manifestation efforts. In addition, it is also a good stone to use for spiritual protection.

Angelite is a very high vibrational stone that activates and aligns our throat, third eye, and crown chakras. This stone will help attune oneself to a higher frequency, which helps connect both their guardian angels and spirit guides. Using this stone as a meditation tool will help transmit and vocalize (into the physical plane) the knowledge in which you absorb through the third eye and crown connection. Angelite is a very powerful communication stone when it comes to connecting to other realms and frequencies. As you work with this stone repeatedly, you’ll notice your inner vision becoming more vivid. Your dreams will be easier to understand, allowing you to be more in touch with your psychic abilities and how to channel them.

Angelite’s connotation equates to no water. The crystal got its name because it falls to a class of minerals that don’t have any moisture or wetness from within them. The gemstone can help you become more spiritually conscious. Angelite is a gemstone that possesses a relaxing and peaceful vibe. As a result, it can effectively eliminate sensations of dread, worry, and even rage.

Angelite is a gemstone with an extreme frequency that stimulates and balances the Throat, Third Eye, and Crown chakras. This gemstone will put you in touch with the divine beings and soothsayers by allowing you to listen to a different intensity. The wisdom you acquire via the Third Eye and Crown link may be transmitted and vocalized using this gemstone as a mediation instrument.

Once it comes to engaging to several dimensions and energies, Angelite is a potent transmission gemstone.  Your internal perception will become more vibrant as you engage with this crystal regularly. Your memories will become more apparent, helping you better understand your spiritual skills and how to harness them.

Angelite Tumbled Stones

The core Angelite meaning lies in this stone’s role as the embodiment of all things divine. There are many spiritually connected stones in the crystal kingdom, but many believe that Angelite’s powers are some of the most impressive. Crystal practitioners say that the meaning and properties of this stone can bring peace like no other. Its energy is calming, allowing you to find solace in even the toughest situations.

Spiritually, Angelite is filled with compassion.  It transmutes pain and disorder into wholeness and healing, opening the way for spiritual inspiration.  It creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquility.  It helps connect to universal knowledge and raises awareness.  Angelite facilitates the rebirthing process, stimulates healing, and opens psychic channeling.

Angelite supports the throat, alleviating inflammation and balancing the thyroid and the para thyroids.  It repairs tissue and corrects blood deficiencies and helps to renew blood vessels.  Angelite balances the fluids within the physical body, and can act as a diuretic.  It is useful in weight control, and relates particularly to the lungs and arms.  Angelite can be used for headaches, heart function, the circulatory system and infectious diseases.  At a subtle level, Angelite balances the physical body with the etheric realms.

Due to this occurrence, Angelite stands as one of the strongest stones in building your spiritual and psychic strength. This stone can help you manifest your psychic power and establish your connections with the highest powers in the universe. From the name itself, this stone can also help you build connections and communicate with your ‘angels.’ Angelite can help you get in contact with those powers that mediate between humans and the gods of the universe. By establishing a connection with these mediators, you develop your spiritual strength, something that most people often have trouble with within the modern world.

If you’re someone that is trying to activate your own unique psychic abilities, we recommend working with Angelite alongside other high vibrational stones. Angelite will assist one during lucid dreaming attempts, especially if you place the stone next to the pillow you sleep on. By strengthening your connection to the dream realm and other dimensions, one will become more attuned to this frequency. During this time dreams will be more controllable, with each little message having a symbolic meaning behind it. You will naturally pick up on these signs and their meaning, as opposed to someone who doesn’t remember their dreams.

This beautiful blue crystal brings inner peace, calmness, smoothness, and serenity in life. It is an excellent stone that is believed to calm down the fears and feeling of stress. It also dispels anger, fear, and antagonism and encourages the sense of forgiveness in the wearer. Angelite, it is believed to connect the wearer with the spirited guides and guardian angels. It augments astral travel, psychic awareness, telepathy, and astrology. It creates a shield of psychic protection around the wearer and balances the physical energies.

Angelite is also a soothing gemstone that can aid in the reduction of negative feelings. Merely holding a fragment will give you a relaxing sensation that will spread across your body. Keeping a lump of Angelite regularly with you will fill your atmosphere with relaxing frequencies that will help you shut out stress.

This stone is a symphony of peace and joy, as well as a gateway to heightened awareness. It’s one of those gemstones that exudes mysticism and therapeutic properties. The Angelite Gemstone delivers its distinct color, spiritual power, and signals from another side right to your soul, with tones as delicate as feathers or a beautiful morning horizon laced with a million possibilities.

Angelite is the appropriate gemstone for people on a path to darker depths of awareness, thanks to its heavenly soul, calm demeanor, and guarantee of submission and link to more fantastic ideal and supernatural forces. Read the rest if you need remarkable information to learn more about bringing the magic of Angelite meaning into your life.

Angelite can be used during meditation to enhance the meditative state, and to clarify issues in one’s current situations as they arise. By depositing inspiration from guides, guardians and/or angels into the chakras, Angelite allows them to be integrated into the whole, even after one is done working with the stone.

Angelite Tumbled Stones

Angelite, is a wonderful at aiding with connecting to and communication with the angels, Akashic Records, spirit guides, and ascended masters, as well as communication with those who have passed-on/transitioned from this physical life. Angelite also strengthens intuitive abilities, clairsentience, and telepathy. It can help clarify and strengthen visualization work, aiding in manifestation efforts. In addition, it is also a good stone to use for spiritual protection.

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Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in


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