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Hand Mudras

Hand Mudras

What Are Mudras?

Thus, through pressing, touching, curling or pointing our fingers or hands in different ways, we can direct energy flow to specific parts of the body and brain, stimulating particular emotions, reactions and effects.

Whether you believe that Mudras have genuine power or not, many of us feel something exquisite when we introduce Mudras into our practice. Even the most skeptical of us habitually incorporate a couple of ‘household’ Mudras into every yoga class – think thumb and index finger touching when in seated meditation (Gyan Mudra), or hands in prayer to close our practice (Anjali Mudra).

The practice of these gestures and seals channel the flow of prana life force, and there are three categories: hand or hasta mudras, body (kaya) mudras, and consciousness (citta) mudras.

7 Healing Mudras for Chakra Balancing  

As a result, a blockage or malfunction in the chakra system can lead to physical, psychological, and emotional abnormalities. By manipulating energy in the body, chakra mudras can help you restore balance to your energy system and cultivate a healthier wellbeing. 

As mentioned above, each of the fingers represents an element. This is the same for the first 5 chakras in the body.

In Ayurvedic and yogic traditions, the body is believed to be comprised of five elements, which are ideally balanced in the body. Hand mudras, specifically, relate to the elemental property of the five fingers, which are as follows:

  • Thumb: Fire – Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Index finger: Air – Heart Chakra
  • Middle finger: Space – Throat Chakra
  • Ring finger: Earth – Root Chakra
  • Pinky finger: Water  – Sacral Chakra
Hand Mudras
Hand Mudras
Hand Mudras