Top 11 Stones For Anxiety

Top 11 Stones For Anxiety

1) Amethyst
Amethyst crystals are known to be effective in alleviating anxiety and are excellent for balancing emotional extremes. Simply holding an Amethyst in your palm or placing one in a prominent position in your home, can impart a sense of serenity and calm.

2) Rhodonite
When it comes to mental health, the rhodonite stone can help to relieve feelings of anxiety. We associate this stone with fearlessness, self-confidence, and improves the flow of positive mental energy, allowing your mind to feel less lethargic and clouded. These effects also allow you to process emotional problems more effectively, meaning that disappointments and stresses will have much smaller consequences.

3) Citrine
Citrine raises self esteem and self confidence, It removes destructive tendencies, enhances individuality, improves motivation activates creativity and encourages self expression.
Citrine makes you less sensitive to criticism, helps you develop a positive attitude and going with the flow rather than dwelling on the past. This stone enhances concentration and revitalises the mind, it is excellent for overcoming depression, fears, and phobias. The radiant vibration that citrine emits helps remind your emotions that you are one with joy, peace and love.

Top 11 Stones For Anxiety

4) Moonstone
Moonstone can help to sort through your emotions and gain a higher perspective on their meaning and purpose. It can aid in releasing frustration and surrendering to the natural progress of the cycles of life. It enhances patience and helps you remain objective when receiving empathic information from others. ​Moonstone calms over reactions to situations and to emotional triggers. Moonstone is filled with receptive, passive, feminine energy. Moonstone helps restore emotional balance This is a good stone for cleansing negative energy from your energy centres or chakras.

5) Rose Quartz
One of the best crystals for healing anxiety is the Rose Quartz. This beautiful pink translucent stone radiates unconditional love and can truly help to heal the heart. This stone has a real calming energy that helps to relieve you from stress and worry. It sounds a bit ridiculous that a stone can help to make you feel cared for. Rose Quartz is one of the best crystals to alleviate the symptoms and effects of anxiety. It helps with physical, emotional and mental issues of anxiety but it does so in a soothing, gentle and compassionate way. Rose Quartz is one of the four main crystal healers.

6) Celestite
If you’re anxious by unnecessary negative emotions, this stone will teach you how to let go of them. The stone will also teach you to accept the entire process of letting go. It will relieve tension and stress and help you learn on a genuine and deep level and to go with the flow rather than continue fighting the currents of the universe. Celestite helps ease the transition into a peaceful state of awareness, which can be challenging for a troubled mind amped up with conflict and frustration. Just by gazing upon its heavenly color, the Celestite crystal inspires deep relaxation by restoring your natural state of joy. But for an even deeper and more powerful therapeutic session, meditate with the Celestite crystal stone meaning to align with its high frequency.

Top 11 Stones For Anxiety

7) Hematite
The Hematite crystal meaning is linked to its connection to the root chakra, the center of security and survival. By creating a strong sense of energetic stability, this crystal works to align, clear and balance your root chakra so you feel centered and secure. Not only do the Hematite crystal healing properties lend a sense of grounded-ness and stability, but they can also help you to feel energetically protected by guiding you to release any energies that may be destabilizing you. The Hematite crystal meaning is linked with its ability to absorb any toxic emotions holding you back from your natural state of joy and vitality. Using Hematite in your crystal healing first aid kit can clear away negative feelings from stress, anxiety, and worry. The Hematite works to pull any stray negative energy in the aura to the root chakra where it neutralizes its harmful effects by balancing and aligning all seven chakras. This explains why Hematite crystal also has a lesser-known protective energy.

8) Smokey Quartz
Smokey quartz is one of the most popular stones of the crystal kingdom. Because of its connection to the root chakra. Smokey quartz is a fantastic crystal for releasing anxiety. It is also a crystal that protects against negative vibrations on all levels. More than that, Smokey Quartz also promotes calmness, stability and serenity. Meditate with smoky quartz to help manage stress, anxiety, for added grounding & centering, or when you feel like you need a positive energy shift.

9) Shungite
Shungite crystals are one of the most popular crystals used for enhancing psychotherapy. The high percentage of Silica and Optically Neutral Tones makes it perfect for use in psychotherapy, especially for those seeking relief from anxiety and depression. Shungite crystals also promote clearer vision, alleviate stress, and improve memory. It can be used to focus and maintain clarity of thought, and many people who have used these crystals report an increase in creativity and insight into their lives. Stress can also be reduced by the use of this healing crystal. The relaxing and rejuvenating effects of stress and anxiety can be alleviated through the calming effect of the stone. Some people have said that the healing power of Shungite helps them relax in places where they are having trouble concentrating.

Top 11 Stones For Anxiety

10) Aquamarine
This calming blue crystal is regarded by many as the best choice for reducing anxiety and stress. Its soothing vibrational energy encourages relaxation and calms the nerves. Aquamarine helps reduce anger and fears of being judged. By dissolving repression, it allows for freedom of expression and speaking the truth. It may be used on the throat chakra. It has a great ability to soothe and calm any emotional problems and promotes joy, peace, love and happiness. This stone is an especially good choice for any anxiety, fears or upsets connected to relationships and friendships. It encourages one to take responsibility and breaks old patterns that are no longer useful.

11) Lepidolite
This stone contains naturally occurring lithium, an ingredient often used in medications to treat anxiety, bipolar disorder and mood disorders. This gentle stone allows you to benefit from its anti-depressant-like properties without any of the potential side effects of medication. Lepidolite can help to bring balance and clarity in times of stress when you feel like the world around you or your life is in chaos. Lepidolite aids in spiritual development and helps to reduce issues around insomnia. This stone quells obsessive compulsions and encourages change. It helps to develop independence and fuels transformation.

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