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Crystal Programming


Crystal Programming, When you begin using programmed crystals, you will find that it works as an extension of your own consciousness. It is an intelligence template, a crystalline structure that will hold desired energy patterns stable for amplified duplication and transmission to specified places.

The essence of programming crystals lies in formulating a thought form (or other energy patterns) then, superimposing it into the matrix (crystalline structure) in a focused and coherent manner. This programming input causes the crystal to respond receptively, thus altering its own pattering to enfold an imprint of the input’s character. Well formulated thoughts appear not as linear progressions of concepts, but as holographic, multi-dimensional images with geometric values and specific vibration patterns. As holographic patterns, thought impinges on the upper universe levels creating a polarized field. The crystals atomic and sub-atomic energy levels comply with its resonance. The potentials existing at the no time no space levels of thought are considered to create stress directly upon manifestation probabilities in 3d. As ones’ intentions and thoughts change, the shifting potentials influence the flows of 3.d. manifestations.

In programming a crystal, a tool is created which is essentially an extension of ones self. The intricacies of an individual’s consciousness are also sensitively encoded along with the intended programming. After continued use by a person, a crystal becomes well keyed to its user and strong resonance is established between them. In effect, the crystals program serves as a template that pattern’s in coming energy and emits that coherent, holographic form into the environment on an amplified beam. Fundamentally, whatever is programmed into the crystal will be duplicated, then (over time) will ‘feed back’ to the programmer. The intention of the programmer becomes a critical factor as to the nature of program and results that will follow. Keep in mind that whatever you program in will duplicate back were you are so, always do programming with a clarity of consciousness, and integrity of intent.

Crystal programming, There are two types of programs distinct in their spiritual qualities. These may be called Inspired programming and Personality programming.

Inspired programming is facilitated by the aid of higher levels of awareness. Inspired programming includes the request of input from ascended individuals, angelic authorities, etc., and is always in the users highest evolutionary interests.

Personality programming on the other hand is the formation of intent that reflect ones desires and perceived needs in the physical world with no input from one’s higher potentialities. Although crystals with personality programs work perfectly well within the impartial laws of cause and effect, blocks to spiritual growth may well occur as personality centered desires for such things as adventure, wealth, sex or power may not be your actual “soul food”. Be mindful, crystals are like double edged swords, the use of which calls for discernment and purity of purpose.

Crystal Programming, A primary aspect of programming is learning how to interact well with the crystal. One’s degree of success is directly related to the quality and clarity of communication established. Your easiest doorway is through your third eye chakra, so holding a crystal to it is most useful. Next, find which facet on the termination seems to be the best ‘window’ into the crystals interior. Position this facet so it is parallel to your brow and over the third eye. Slowly move the crystal directly from there outwardly 10 inches then slowly back to the forehead. You are feeling receptively for the strength of energy sensation stimulated in the chakra. find the crystal position that gives the strongest feeling of harmony with you. Fine tune this sensation by slight variation of movement. Now, project your awareness through the ‘window’ and into the crystals interior. Creative mock-ups work well for those having difficulty.

With a spirit of play, pretend you are breathing into the stone and drawing sensations back from it. By drilling this on a creative (imaginary) level, actual perception will be switched on. Your breathing should be long, slow and with comfortable rhythm. This drill is intended to develop your receptive awareness so do not place expectancy on it, simply be open and playful. Drill this regularly until results come without effort. You will now be skilled to learn an actual programming routine.

Prepare yourself by getting comfortable in a place where you will not be disturbed. Center your awareness, align yourself for connection with your higher self and or “light beings”. Request guidance, assistance and protection during the process of programming. With the crystal in hand, you now raise your awareness as high as possible. Next, formulate the concept of the program. A concise description of intent is needed which requires clarity of concept, a whole picture. Words alone are of little value, one must feel, be the program to create the holographic image needed. So mock it up then make it more solid! Breathe yourself into it. Mock it up again then make it solid. You are building a clear thought, a powerful command of intent that grows clear as a holographic pattern of thought energy.

With the program fully developed, bring the crystal up to your forehead, connect with it (as learned from the prior drill) then impose the program into the crystals interior. You need to hold the program steady and clear for at least one minute. Your certainty to make it stick will definitely help. It is now done, detach from the crystal and close the procedure with balancing back into 3.d. reality. WIth practice, this procedure will become easy. Allow yourself to develop your own style of programming as your familiarity and skill improve.

It is good to repeat a programming several times. This deepens the imprint and also brings higher clarity to the programmer’s own mind. Once programmed the crystal is a specialized extension of the person and there exists an energy tie between them regardless of distance between them. The crystal must be carefully maintained so that gross unbalancing influences do not affect the crystal and it’s user. It is wise to put your crystals through regular cleansing and clearing routines. the most effective means utilizing programmed crystals for personal use is to carry them with you and put your attention directly upon them.

Erasing Programs: With a well programmed crystal, clearing and cleansing procedures will not erase the program. To erase a program, go through usual programming procedure. Formulate the intent to erase with ‘erase the existing program’. Impinge needs to be done effectively once (not 7 times as done when laying in a program). Following this, give the crystal a good cleansing. It is now ready for a new program.

Multiple Programs: Many programs can be imprinted within one crystal. So long as each is harmonically interrelated i.e. has similar characters of command, they will function effectively. For example, one would not put a communication program in with healing programs, as they will tend to neutralize the effectiveness of both. When programming another in, do it in the usual manner, you will not damage any programs already present. To selectively erase a program use the usual technique and intentionally state the program is to be wiped.

To erase all programs contained within, the intent is “wipe all”.

Programming Clusters: Clusters are groups of 3 or more points joined at their base. Each crystal can be individually programmed with differently but harmonically related programs. Together the cluster will create a symphony of vibrations.


The diversity of programming is a second bulletin on this subject and looks briefly at further applications. Healing energies can be used to target specific ailments by the use of affirmations, visualizations and pure energy patterns from crystals as programs. By keeping such crystals upon ones person, and with focused attention your cells and tissues, your whole being is continually exposed to the crystals healing instructions.

Affirmations, visualizations, spiritual symbols, and mandalas can each be programs which will there after chant the specified intent on your behalf. they are used to add strength of conviction while doing creative mind space work.

Color can be programed in. Place the crystals in direct sunlight (expose with a full days worth) wrapped in colored gel, plastic or covered by stained glass. The theatrical color gels work best as their colors have specific values. Multiple colors may be programmed into a single crystal then applied individually or collectively to the healing need.

Sound, tuning forks, musical instruments, musical compositions and mantras are all useful with programming. With tuning forks, place the vibrating fork’s handle directly on the crystal. Repeat the procedure for 10 minutes once a day for 7 days. Keep the crystal in a 6 point grid work (data on grid work can be found in k pool. “grid work”) while the programming process progresses over the week. Use the same procedure for programming tones or cords with musical instruments. To impart an entire composition or mantra, a recording is played with 2 speaker set up on opposite sides of the grid work pointing directly at the crystal in the center.

Environmental influences can be absorbed as a program. Energy essence patterns such as one’s favorite spot, or the vibes from a particular tree, a flowering stream or the earthiness of a cave can each be captured for use. Prepare the crystal in the usual way for programming, ask for divine assistance then leave the crystal in the desired place for at least a week. Remember to solicit the help of devic entities associated to the energy you are seeking.

Vortex areas and holy ground are blessed with powerful energy currents and abundance of light. By programming these crystals you can utilize it’s energy without having to be on location to receive it. Prepare the crystal then ask for permission and assistance from the power sites guardians. When possible leave the crystal within the site for a week. If you can not leave it in place, focused meditation and cramming of it’s vibes will achieve your goal.

crystal Programming, Energy signatures of particular star systems, specific light beings, guides, angelic entities etc. can be captured as programs to establish direct an continuous links with it and ones self. To achieve this, set up a 6 point grid work around a 12 inch pyramid in a quiet, harmonious and undisturbed place. Prepare the crystal to be used as the link, then place it as the center of the grid. Stand directly over the set up then find your communication link with your chosen entity. Ask for permission to establish a solid communication line through the crystal.

Links with other people can be strengthened by exchange of crystals. As the giver, you would put “yourself into the stone” and acknowledge the energy you share with the other. As the carrier of the stone, you will be able to call to presence the other with your focus and the linking will occur. Once permission is received, ask for assistance with the program energy signature, then imprint it into the crystal. Leave the crystal within the grid work and repeat this process once a day for the next week.

Other possibilities for programming include dream state enhancement, emotional healing, astral traveling, mental clarity, chakra activation and balancing. Really, the ways in which programming can be applied is limited only by ones innovation and skill. I wish you well with your energies, enjoy using your programmed crystals. Miracles may occur for you!

Always know that clarity and integrity are the keys.

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