Tag: lemurian

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Pink Lemurian Quartz Crystals

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Pink Lemurian Quartz Crystals

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Pink Lemurian Quartz Crystals   Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Pink Lemurian Quartz Crystals, Pink Lemurian is strongly heart-centered, attuned to the pink flame of unconditional, compassionate love, removing emotional and karmic debris from the heart chakra and emotional body, taking it to a purer vibrational state and bringing in universal love. …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Golden Healer Lemurian Crystal

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Golden Healer Lemurian Crystal

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Golden Healer Lemurian Crystal   Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Golden Healer Lemurian Crystal, This crystal is from a very recent find and is one of only a very few known. The color is a rich gold and is not a coating, but rather the color is within these magical crystals as …

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Golden Healer Lemurian CrystalRead More

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Jade

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green And White Jade

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green And White Jade  Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green And White Jade, is known as a dream stone and as a stone of fidelity, bringing realization to ones potential and devotion to ones purpose. It improves ones remembering of dreams and assists in dream solving. It is used to release suppressed …

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green And White JadeRead More

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