Tag: kammererite

Geological Properties Of Kammererite

Geological Properties Of Kammererite

Geological Properties Of Kammererite History Geological Properties Of Kammererite, was discovered in 1851, named in honor of Russian geologist August Alexander Kammerer, and is found in several locations around the world, including India, where this material originates. It’s often found in a micaceous state, meaning it grows in flat, thing, fragile sheets, and is very …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Kammererite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Kammererite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Kammererite   Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Kammererite, The vibrational energy of kammererite is known for alleviating pain, on all levels. Because the stone has connections with the crown chakra, it can help calm overactive thoughts and anxiety. This is a useful crystal for overcoming negative patterns of thinking. So, you might …

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