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Tag: conscious

Tuning Forks For Sound Therapy And Sound Healing

Tuning Forks For Sound Therapy And Sound Healing

Tuning Forks For Sound Therapy And Sound Healing Tuning Forks For Sound Therapy And Sound Healing, Sound therapy, an ancient practice rooted in various cultures, has gained popularity in recent years as an effective alternative medicine. Sound healing focuses on the therapeutic application of sound waves to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being by utilizing a wide …

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The Meridians

The Meridians

The Meridians What is Qi?The Meridians, Qi energy provides your body with life. We have many types of qi—two examples are inherited qi and gong qi. According to chiropractor and acupuncturist Dr. David Trybus, “Inherited qi is the energy you are born with, and gong qi is your daily energy stock. Once you deplete your …

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Creating Your Book Of Shadows

Creating Your Book Of Shadows Creating Your Book Of Shadows, A Book of Shadows can be an amazing Witch’s tool, full of useful information, spells, rituals, and more. It can make it easier to come up with new magical workings and keep track of the ones you’ve done already. And it can act as a record of your journey as a …

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Associations Of Crystals And Angels

Associations Of Crystals And Angels

Associations Of Crystals And Angels General Associations Of Crystals And Angels Associations Of Crystals And Angels, Crystals are often associated with various spiritual beliefs and practices, including the belief in angels. While these associations are subjective and can vary depending on individual beliefs and traditions, some crystals are commonly believed to have connections with specific …

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Lions Gate Portal

Lions Gate Portal

Lions Gate Portal Lions Gate Portal, Every year on August 8, an astrological event called the Lion’s Gate Portal “opens” in the sky. The celestial occurrence has started gaining traction in recent years, but according to astrologers, it is centuries old. Astrologers consider this as an opportune day for manifestation, to concentrate on whatever you …

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