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Space Clearing

Space Clearing

In short, Space Clearing is a way to ‘clear out’ – or move on – negative energy which is filling a place, and then replacing it with positive, loving energy. And for me, the process is also the acknowledgement of the negative energy, the focusing on it, and then the healing of it.

Obviously, the more intense the negative energy is, the longer, more frequently it persists, the heavier the energy will be

When a space has been cleared or energetically cleaned, many people are able to feel and see the difference. Colors appear more vibrant. The room looks brighter and the air feels lighter and fresher. People who are more sensitive to the energy around them sense a lighter, brighter, more uplifting, and positive atmosphere. 

Space Clearing Tools

There are many ways to perform a space clearing and a variety of space clearing tools. Most people are familiar with smudging – burning sage and fanning the smoke to transmute negative energy, remove energetic blocks and raise the vibration. I love using Dragons Blood for this. It helps to shift the energy and transmute it into a positive energy.

Another way to clear space is to use tools that physically move air like smudging fans, handheld fans or anything that makes a sweeping motion like a broom. For this method, set a strong intention of sweeping or fanning through the air to break up stuck, stagnant, and dense energy and get everything flowing and moving, especially in corners and around physical objects that would affect the flow of energy. 

My favorite way to perform a space clearing is with sound. When you use a sacred sound instrument, it emits high vibrational sound waves that literally raise your vibration and the vibration of your space – clearing away blocks, density, and negativity. You can use any positive and uplifting sound like drums, singing bowls, or tuning forks.

Salt is a great solo act as well in space clearing. Simply, leave Epsom salt in a bowl in the center of a room for 24 hours and it will absorb negativity. Dispose of it by flushing it down the toilet afterwards. I add this as an extra step in spaces that are especially dense and heavy for good measure. 

As you can tell, there are many different tools that you can use for space clearing, but the best tool is your intuition. Trust your gut and use whatever feels right for you. Play around, experiment with different tools, and make it fun! Laughter and joy will add positive energy in your space so don’t be afraid to let loose and involve everyone in your house.  

Space Clearing Seal of Completion