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Zebra Jasper Sphere


Stone Type: Jasper

Stone Cut: Sphere

Stone Color: White / Brown

Stone Weight: 6.1 Ounces

Stone Size: 1.98 Inches

Location: Brazil

1 in stock

Zebra Jasper Sphere


Zebra Jasper Sphere, Zebra Jasper is typically white with black stripes like a zebra, but it also comes in color variations like green, red and brown with white. Zebra Jasper holds the energy of balance, uniting the energies of the masculine and feminine, Yin and Yang. It also balances the chakras, and the physical, intellectual, emotional and etheric bodies.

Like other jaspers, zebra jasper is found all over the world and has been used since antiquity. But, unlike much jasper which is spotted, this variety of jasper marble is striped. Jasper, an opaque chalcedony, comes in a wide variety of colors, each with unique patterning. Zebra jasper is the variety of jasper known for its mottled warm brick red and avocado green appearance. The term “jasper” itself comes from the Greek work iaspi, which means “spotted stone.” Jasper in general has been a gemstone used all over the world, worn by ancient Egyptian priests and carved as seals by the Minoans. While jasper is more widely available today, jasper was once considered a valuable stone.

Zebra Jasper is a stone that brings contentment. It helps you to have compassion and understanding for others. It provides you with courage and motivation, helping you to face the challenges and to solve the problems you may have in life. It gives you the determination needed to see things through. Zebra Jasper stimulates physical energy, providing stamina and endurance, making it a wonderful stone for athletes. It can also help to alleviate muscle spasms, heart palpitations, and vitamin deficiencies.

Zebra jasper Sphere, motivates us to move out of apathy into action. It helps us avoid over-thinking and encourages us to just enjoy the experience of living. Zebra jasper’s striking colors intensify that message. Like the swift, wild animal for which it’s named, it shows us how to live. It says: Get out of your head! Get into your body. Let the zest for life flow through you. On top of this, zebra jasper stimulates the root chakra. This grounds us, helping us find enjoyment in the beauty of our world.

Zebra Jaspers energy is very motivating, mood lifting and energetic. It carries within it a reminder to the bearer that it is impossible to lose all of one’s energy and love by giving it away. The source of energy and love is never-ending and is always accessible and is constantly being replenished. It is said to be good for grounding during meditation and when doing spiritual work with the higher realms, it also helps to stimulate the transition from the material plane to the astral plane during meditation. Zebra Stone helps you to find your balance in life.

Zebra Jasper Sphere, On the physical plain this semi-precious stone is known to aid in healing ailments of the digestive, circulatory and sexual organs. Since it does not over stimulate the body, it is also a good gem elixir. Insomniacs benefit from it since it helps in a sound sleep and also get sweet dreams. Particularly helpful for people who have recently recovered from illness and increases their appetite and imbibes an enthusiasm for life in them. It helps in combating depression and aids in the formation of great relationships. Physically jasper helps with healing the kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver and stomach. Jasper can heal the deterioration of internal organs. Jasper can also be used to soothe the nerves and treatment in the loss of sense of smell.

This stone is very special and has many uses. It was originally revered by the Native Americans for its healing powers and also was used by the Egyptians to increase sexual energy. It was also used for protection and creating a balance between conflicting energies. Carrying this during travel also ensures that you are safe during the course of your travel. It also has nurturing and healing properties and helps to deal with depression and anxiety. It absorbs all the negative energy and makes you calm and tranquil.

Zebra jasper is the stone of opportunities and success. Meaning of zebra jasper is action and decision. It vibrates at the numerical vibration of 11 with the energy to make you radiant. Jasper with zebra stripes is a stone of manifestation. It brings your dreams to reality. It called the stone of anti-apathy.

Jasper is said to contain the spiritual teachings of nature and is often used during earth healing rituals. Its energy strengthens the physical body and calms the emotions. It also has the ability to restore ones faith, creating a vibration of love and peace. It is thought to provide a channel through which to contact nature spirits and devic beings if desired, allowing them to work in harmony with the individual. Jasper strengthens feelings of self-respect and self-value. With it we can more clearly see and accept ourselves as we currently are, without longing for a purer past or better future. Instead, we stay in the present moment and find what has value within it. Jasper brings feelings of hope, renewal, and energy. It is a wonderful stone to work with if you suffer from depression, nature-deficit disorder, or have need to more actively engage in the life around you.

Jasper is a primordial rock that contains relics of some of the most turbulent times on our planet. It consists of microcrystalline Quartz, Feldspar, Cristobalite, and Albite. Interlacing those minerals are Stromatolites. Contrary to popular belief, Stromatolites are not rocks at all. Rather, they are the fossilized remains of ancient cyanobacteria and other primordial microorganisms. Cyanobacteria is a blue-green alga that happens to be some of the oldest known fossils. The cyanobacteria aren’t just your average algae. It’s thought to have created some of the first traces of oxygen on our planet. It helps provide much needed healing to the heart and calming of negative emotions such as guilt, trauma, grief, jealousy, anger, and sadness. This crystal helps one achieve emotional balance throughout the day, and helps keep one “cool” during times of distress.

Zebra Jasper Blog


Weight .6 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 3 in