Youngite Slabs
Stone Type: Youngite
Stone Cut: Slab
Stone Color: Brown / White
Stone Weight: 12.2
Stone Size: Varies
Location: Wyoming
Lot Of 8 Slabs
1 in stock
Youngite Slabs
Youngite Slabs, Youngite is a mix of jasper and microcrystalline druzy quartzes. It is a rare stone that you can mainly find in the state of Wyoming in the USA. The hues of this stone can vary from pink to beige. It is slightly fluorescent when put under ultraviolet because its light radioactivity that is due to its uranium. However, it is a harmless dosis for man.
It helps to connect you with your intuition and guides you to make the right choices in life. This stone also encourages you to be more creative and optimistic and take risks while staying grounded in reality. Youngite helps you to stay positive and motivated, especially during challenging times. It is a great stone to keep with you when starting a new project or goal. Youngite brings a great sense of joy and peace. It works well during times of distress and sadness and is especially good for loss and dealing with grief or bereavement. Youngite is a good crystal for meditation, especially for those who find it difficult to clear their minds & focus.
Youngite is also known for helping you access different planes of existence. This is why it is a very popular shaman stone. Many shaman and people who help to retrieve soul fragments use youngite to help them navigate the other planes of existence. It especially helps you with connecting to those aspects of you that broke of as a child. Youngite I can help you through meditation to bring those lost parts back or to help heal those areas so your lost parts will come back to you on their own.
It has a rather gentle feel to it, almost like it is smiling at you. I found it to be very nurturing, even before I started working with it, as if it were saying, everything would be ok. It has remained such a gentle spirit stone to this day. It’s energy is so joyful to be around, just having it will give you a healing feeling.
Youngite Slabs
Youngite is very supportive during times of stress. It can help to bring order and clarity to those who feel overwhelmed by the task of organisation. It assists when we are feeling overwhelmed, helping to remain calm, focused. It brings mental clarity by improving concentration and focus. Youngite encourages us to be honest and to live honorably. It inspires bravery and helps us to take action with unpleasant tasks, while giving us the confidence to achieve goals. Youngite is a dynamic stone that unites courage and strength with love and gentleness. It can help us feel safe and secure so that we are able to more fully explore our spiritual selves.
Youngite can also infuse you with deep feelings of joy and happiness. It can encourage you to find happiness in everything that you do, even with the things that you do not enjoy or you are not good at. It helps in promoting contentment and reminds you that there’s no such thing as a perfect life, only a happy life. Youngite is known for its detoxifying energies that can help rid of the unwanted vibrations and toxicities in your emotional body. It helps in supporting the emotional body in recovering from a traumatic experience while boosting your sagging spirit. This way, you can feel optimistic again about your life.
A powerful grounding stone, Youngite can also help you stay stable amidst all the challenges in your life. It helps in centering yourself while promoting clarity of thinking. This way, you can find better solutions to your issues while helping you find the reason to keep fighting and dreaming. It acts as a soothing balm to your emotions after experiencing disappointments or heartaches. Not only that, but this stone can also help you in developing a resilient spirit that can help you face the challenges with courage, confidence and grace. Youngite is a stone that can take care of you during moments of weakness or stress. It helps in bringing tranquility and peace to your emotional body. Also, this stone can provide a much-needed boost of energy. It rekindles your passion and energy, allowing you to control your emotions and not the other way around. It also helps in showing the things that might be preventing you from gaining emotional stability and from being the best person that you can be.
Youngite Slabs
The harmonious energy of the Youngite can help bring balance to your overactive root chakra. As a result, the body regains its stamina, vitality and strength. Your spiritual energy is also rekindled in the form of a sense of your own power, stability and security. This can lead to spontaneous leadership and independence. Also, thanks to its connection to Mother Earth, Youngite also offers strong energies of grounding that will keep your feet planted to the reality, allowing you to stay present despite the overwhelming challenges in your life.
Youngite is also thought to provide mental clarity and focus to its wearer. The uplifting stone may help to increase organization and decrease stress. Youngite has been viewed as symbolizing the variety that is the Earth, and all the balance and grounding that implies. Youngite is a particularly good grounding stone which can assist those who feel overwhelmed. It can enhance organizational abilities whilst helping in developing creativity. Youngite encourages empathy and communication with animals and can help with allergies to animals and in general. It absorbs negative energy and promotes health, healing and recovery from illness.
Youngite Slabs
Youngite is used as a crystal for protection in the afterlife, as a totem to invoke rainfall, and more. The idea of being a “whole” person is about learning how to deal with your emotions and the ongoing challenges that life throws at you. It’s easy to succumb to the struggles of everyday life. What’s not easy is finding the power to learn from those difficulties and move forward with vigor. Youngite clears the air and helps you understand your emotions better than ever before. Learn why you feel the way you do and how you got there. That nugget of understanding can help you overcome any emotional challenge while still staying true to who you are as a person.
Weight | 1 lbs |
Dimensions | 5 × 5 × 5 in |
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