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Yellow Hematoid Quartz Heart 3


Stone Type: Hematoid Quartz

Stone Cut: Heart

Stone Weight: 6.8 Ounces

Stone Color: Yellow, Clear

Stone Size: 2.9 x 2.4 Inches

Location: Madagascar

1 in stock

Yellow Hematoid Quartz Heart 3


Yellow Hematoid Quartz Heart 3, Yellow Hematoid Quartz also known as Golden Hematoid Quartz or Golden Healer is quartz with hematite inclusions, with the iron oxide presenting as a golden color. These striking stones are filled with beautiful streaks of gold, yellow and bronze colors with occasional brilliant rainbows.

The combination of Yellow Hematite and Clear Quartz creates an inspirational alliance. If you are on the cusp of a life-change, or seeking a jolt of motivational energy, this happy stone can give you a jump start filled with clarity. If you are stuck in a spinning frame of mind, or simply can’t find your way out of the doldrums, it will awaken your desire to take action and keep you moving forward with a confident, creative edge. Yellow Hematite strengthens will power and increases your ability to remain focused while diffusing stress or unrest.

Golden Healer Quartz, on the other hand, has a rustic yellow-brown color caused by the presence of microscopic pyrite particles inside its natural crystal structure. You’ll find Yellow Hematoid Quartz carries many of the same properties as Fire Quartz but with a few unique differences. It can be used to help transmute negative energy into positive energy, and it can balance the yin/yang energies. Yellow Hematoid Quartz is also a powerful healer in its own right. It will enhance feelings of peace and tranquility while dispelling any feelings of being disconnected or distant from the divine. Yellow Hematoid Quartz is said to have the ability to bring warmth and vitality back into the body.

Yellow Hematoid Quartz allows the golden light of Universal Life Force to flow into the body through the Crown Chakra, clearing blockages and imbalances, aligning all of the chakras. Stars are symbolic of divine guidance and protection, as well as imagination, wonder, dreams and magic.

Yellow Hematoid Quartz Heart 3

Meditating with a Yellow Hematoid Quartz l can open the energetic pathways of the body for multi-level healing. Imagine warm golden light entering your body through your crown chakra and filling every cell with its sparkly healing energy.

Some believe that Yellow Hematoid Quartz access Christ Consciousness, activating the crown chakra and the solar plexus chakra, joining our will with Divine will. Like a ray of sunshine, the glow of the solar plexus chakra lights your path and warms your body with the glow of self-confidence.

Yellow Hematoid Quartz, vibrates with the grounding energy of Hematite and the exquisite high vibration of Clear Quartz. Downloading through the crown chakra, energy moves through your system, anchors you to the earth, and quickly awakens the solar plexus chakra. It alleviates disordered feelings and is fabulous for manifestation, as it allows you to consciously act on your dreams. It helps you see the path ahead and gives you the motivation to jump onto that path with confidence and security. It relieves discord, instills confidence and amplifies intention.

Simultaneously described as gentle and powerful, Yellow Hematoid Quartz is highly valued in the realm of physical healing, it is used to cleanse and enhance the well-being of the organs, stimulate the immune system, bring the body back into balance, balance yin/yang energies, and may be used for energy enhancement.

Yellow Hematoid Quartz is an exceptional stone for grounding energies. Its most prominent property is its ability to protect against spiritual attacks by shielding your aura with Hematite, but it can also be used to ground excess energies that may cause you to feel off-balance or anxious. And because it’s a variety of Quartz, this beautiful stone can also amplify the flow of life force energy in its vicinity.

Yellow Hematoid Quartz, helps you stay in control when dealing with challenging family dynamics. The energy of Yellow Hematoid Quartz is not intended to heal your relationship with your family, but rather to help you cope with it. It offers you the emotional distance and perspective you need to stop yourself from falling into the old traps of the family drama paradigm. This crystal reminds you to be the one who shows up in a calmer and more open state of mind, and it calls on you to be the healer. With the clear mental state that this crystal provides, you will be able to partake in open communication and make rational decisions.

Yellow Hematoid Quartz Heart 3

Yellow Hematoid Quartz reminds you not to take things so personally. Whenever something is said or done that triggers an argument or negative reaction, take a moment to step away and reconnect with the energy of Yellow Hematoid Quartz. Rather than saying something you’ll only wind up regretting, it’s better to remove yourself from the situation and use your crystal to calm yourself down and prevent tensions from escalating. Yellow Hematoid Quartz will help to raise your vibration to a higher state so that you can have better control of your own actions.

Crystal hearts are typically associated with love and relationships. Many believe that crystal hearts bring two lost souls together, and find comfort and love with each other. Not just that, crystal hearts are also a perfect stone for self-love and enhance connection with yourself. Heart crystal is amongst the most mesmerizing stones you will see. With its energy and benefits, simply gazing at them could indeed make you feel better.  According to crystal healers, astrologers, and shamans, heart crystals and chakras help focus your thoughts and emotions in the center. It also helps in enhancing your emotional and spiritual state.

The heart shape is recognized worldwide as the symbol of love and affection, and its first association with love dates from ancient times and became more popular in the middle ages and now represents unconditional love, empathy, romance, and compassion. Spiritual guides, healers, and psychics consider that the Heart chakra is the center of our emotions and represents the spiritual, and emotional core of our beings. In many traditions is often referred to as the “seat of the soul”. In other cultures, a heart-shaped stone can represent courage and determination. This is a term that is often used to describe the form of an aperture, usually in relation to architectural design. The heart-shaped onyx stone is a symbol of love. A heart is also a universal symbol for compassion and kindness. It can be worn to signify personal strength, harmony, and balance. When given as a gift, the recipient may feel that they are being wrapped in understanding and being loved unconditionally.

Heart crystals are the ideal shapes that help promote a variety of purposes, such as enthusiasm, love, vigor, and zest for life. Ironic as it may seem, but heart crystals are good for your heart. They elevate happiness and endorphins, which give positive feelings to your mind and body. It is also a perfect stone for you as an individual and with your relationship with your lover, family, friends, and even with your acquaintances. It builds connections and growth that are beneficial in the long run. Even though love is the sole benefit of crystal heart, they are not limited to that. This crystal also influences bliss and energy. It helps in making your intention happen, thus it is useful when you are doing your meditation and spiritual ritual. It elevates the look and uplifts your home with positive energy.

Yellow Hematoid Quartz Heart 3

There are many ways to use a heart shaped stone. You can give them as a gift to someone you love, or use them in your home decor. Some people will say that they’re lucky. If you’re feeling creative, you can paint the stones and make custom jewelry out of them! heart shaped stones are believed to represent the love that two people share. They can be used for luck in romance or to remind someone that they’re always thinking of them.

Heart shaped stones can be used in a variety of ways. One popular use is to place them around the home to bring love & peace into the atmosphere. They are often given as gifts for Valentines Day, but they also make great sentimental gifts for anniversaries or birthdays. Heart quartz are also often given as engagement gifts to signify unity. Pink heart stones are commonly used for love spells. They are often used to help with feelings of bitterness, loneliness, and rejection. It is important to be aware that when doing a love spell this is also an emotional spell that could have unintended consequences if not done properly.

Are you perhaps seeking a crystal that radiates love? Well, you do not have to consider anything else since the heart crystal has it for you. A heart-shaped crystal or gemstone is a powerful tool for attracting love energy. The law of attraction attracts the frequencies of pure love and light to you because crystal hearts have a specific resonance and constantly exude light and love. In so many cultures, crystal hearts are often regarded as the “place of soul” since they reflect the spiritual and emotional essence of yourself. It represents the energy of your heart that touches a variety of purposes, including your contentment, resilience, and faith. It is an effective crystal if you want to feel the energies of love that come from divine beings. There are different types of crystal hearts that specifically target your spiritual state.

There are many different meanings of heart-shaped stones, but one of the most common is that it represents love. The symbol most often associated with romance is the heart. Hearts are often used in Valentine’s Day cards, jewelry, and more to convey love or feelings of affection. A heart-shaped stone is typically given to a loved one as a token of their love or appreciation for that person. These stones most often signify fertility and abundance for the wearer.

Yellow Hematoid Quartz Heart 3

A heart shaped stone can be used as a symbol of love. The shape is often given as a gift to signify the emotion and meaning associated with it. The stone can represent many things such as happiness, trust, and friendship. It is different than other gifts because it has an emotional meaning attached to it. There are many different symbols that can be found on the surface of an engraved stone; there is no meaning assigned to any one in particular. Instead, they serve to highlight the individual’s life story or commemorate a special event.

Heart shapes are known to connect romance and delight into your life. So, if you want to find new love or strengthen your relationship, use these crystals. In addition, if you are having a hard time with your emotions and thoughts, feeling under the weather, and your heart is clouded with unnecessary things, crystal hearts will be your savior. They will help calm you down and increase your intuition in life. They promote all kinds of love, including self-love. Hence, when you feel like you are not loving yourself enough, you can use crystal hearts to increase the lost fire of your heart.  Crystal hearts stand for inner peace, kindness, love, and tenderness. It is a popular and effective stone in targeting your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual incapacities. Heart-shaped crystal is extremely popular in women due to its aesthetic and various uses. One of its notable uses is that it has a high vibration that activates the heart chakra, as well as connecting with the energies of love and spirit.

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Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 3 in