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Yellow Calcite Sphere Small 1


Stone Type: Calcite

Stone Cut: Sphere

Stone Color: Yellow

Stone Weight: 3.6 Ounces

Stone Size: 1.63 Inches

Location: Brazil

1 in stock

Yellow Calcite Sphere Small 1


Yellow Calcite Sphere Small 1, When you work with the energies of this stone, you will be able to learn more quickly, and you will be able to teach effectively. It’s also a stone that will connect you to your own spirit guides. It will enhance your meditation and stimulate your higher mind, which will link you to the most wonderful spiritual guidance. It will enhance your overall physical energy in a gentle manner and increase your strength and vitality. It will heal your sorrow and grief, and it will even lift you out of your depression. This stone will clear your mind and help you access your inner wisdom. It will also give you comfort and reassurance when you’re going through tough times in your life.

Yellow Calcite is associated with the solar plexus, self confidence and hope. It is said to be effective at clearing out old energy patterns and increasing personal motivation and drive. Yellow Calcite specifically is a clearer of accumulated self doubt, giving you the opportunity for a clean emotional slate. It is also known as a mind stone as it heightens mental discernment and analysis, increases memory and the ability to learn quickly and efficiently, great to have on your desk during revision/tests etc. Calcite is by far the the best stone for anyone studying.

It is said to be effective at clearing out old energy patterns and increasing personal motivation and drive. Yellow Calcite specifically is a clearer of accumulated self doubt, giving you the opportunity for a clean emotional slate. It is also known as a mind stone as it heightens mental discernment and analysis, increases memory and the ability to learn quickly and efficiently, great to have on your desk during revision/tests etc.  Calcite is by far the the best stone for anyone studying. It is a powerful energy cleanser amplifier.  The energy of Calcite purifies and cleans out negative energy from pretty much anywhere, including within you.

Yellow Calcite is an wonderfully positive stone. Working with the Solar Plexus Chakra, this stone immediately lifts our mood and heightens our self-worth and self-esteem. It enhances our physical strength and vitality and promotes quick efficient learning. Yellow Calcite is an excellent stone to work with in meditation, as it promotes deep relaxation while strengthening our channeling and psychic abilities. It’s infectious positive nature makes this calcite rich with good luck, and is ideal to work with in manifestation to create prosperity. This stone promotes understanding and trust in order to form healthy bonds in relationships between friends, families, and lovers. It also helps us cope with and recover from sorrow, loss, and grief.

This stone is known to strengthen the heart and help in the healing of the bones and the tissues. It’s also good for the joints and can aid in treating viruses and visual disturbances. Yellow Calcite can encourage blood clotting. It can also regulate hormonal imbalances and remove your physical stress and emotional anxieties. This stone can work to detoxify the kidneys and relieve muscle aches and pains as well. It is a powerful energy cleanser amplifier. The energy of Calcite purifies and cleans out negative energy from pretty much anywhere, including within you. For physical crystal healing calcite is said to be helpful for conditions of the joints, visual disturbances and viruses.

Yellow Calcite Sphere Small 1

Yellow Calcite that stimulates your intellect. It can help you to organize intellectual thoughts and information. It also boosts your general energy levels while it increases your personal power and sense of self-worth. This Calcite is also very helpful for psychic abilities and meditation. It assists you with channeling, intuitive awareness, mediumship, shamanic work, and other psychic activities. In the physical realm, Yellow Calcite benefits the stomach, upper intestines, upper back and upper spine.

It’s a stone that will connect you to your own spirit guides. It will enhance your meditation and stimulate your higher mind, which will link you to the most wonderful spiritual guidance. It will enhance your overall physical energy in a gentle manner and increase your strength and vitality. It will heal your sorrow and grief, and it will even lift you out of your depression. This stone will clear your mind and help you access your inner wisdom. It will also give you comfort and reassurance when you’re going through tough times in your life. Yellow Calcite will also work on the stagnant energies in your life and break you out of your rut. It will remove the sluggishness and will boost your sense of self-worth.

The yellow calcite is linked with the self-confidence and hope. It is thought to be efficient in clearing out the old energy patterns, as well as increasing the personal drive and motivation. Specifically, the yellow calcite is essential in clearing the accrued self-doubt, thus giving you the chance for a much cleaner emotional censure. This stone is also thought as a mind stone, as it helps in heightening mental analysis and discernment, increase the memory, as well as the capacity to learn efficiently and quickly. It is also great to possess on the desk throughout a test, revision, etc. In fact, this is tone is thus far the best stone for students. In this article, we will include some more yellow calcite essential benefits. Read on to learn more!

Moreover, yellow calcite may also help in enhancing the overall physical energy in a gentler manner, as well as increase the vitality and strength that you have. This will also heal the grief and sorrow that you have, and may even lift you up of your depression. This particular stone may clear the mind and assist you in accessing your own inner wisdom. This may also provide you reassurance and comfort when you are going through some tough times in life. The yellow calcite may also work on the stationary energies in life, as well as make you break out of your rut. This will get rid of the sluggishness you have, as well as boost the sense of self-worth that you have.

Yellow Calcite Blog


Weight .7 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 3 in