Welo Opal Cabochon Necklace
Stone Type: Welo Opal
Stone Cut: Cabochon
Stone Weight: 8 Ct
Stone Color: White Base, Multi Color Fire
Stone Size: 12 x 10 MM
Location: Ethiopia
Come with 18 In sterling silver snake chain
1 in stock
Welo Opal Cabochon Necklace
Welo Opal Cabochon Necklace, These stones are fantastic for channeling Water energy, which is associated with calm, peaceful power, and cleansing. Metaphysical healers may be more familiar with the original red or brown-based Ethiopian Flash Opal found in 1994 at Yita Ridge, the high-vibration Fire energy stones of ancient knowledge that burn off past karma and open the door to rebirth. These stones contain a soul template and provide access to the past, present, and future, boosting all of one’s metaphysical abilities. These joy-filled stones activate the Base and Sacral Chakras, bringing all the subtle bodies into balance so that the entire body operates smoothly. Ethiopian Opals have positive dragon energy that may be used for both personal and global purposes. The Dragon energy represents primeval strength. The Dragon rules over all four elements: fire, water, air, and earth. With its wonderful healing and potent powers, it becomes a great ally in our daily lives as an energetic influence.
Welo opal is believed by some to contain moon and sun energy. It is basically a moon’s stone or female energy, but it has flashes of male energy in the iridescent colors, which is derived from the sun’s energy. These flashes encourage intuition and insight and represent an inner fire that gently stimulates you towards the spiritual realms. An opal can be used to help you fade into the background or become less conspicuous. It is a stone of happy dreams and good changes. An opal can be used to help you open you mystical side and give you an understanding of the higher powers.
Welo Opal stimulates originality and dynamic creativity, it helps in accessing and expressing your true self. Opal is absorbent and reflective. It picks up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them and then sends them back. Opal is a karmic stone sending you the message “what you put out here comes back to you three fold”. It is a protective stone, if you program it correctly you will become invisible and unnoticeable to others.
Welo Opal Cabochon Necklace
Opal stone has a rich history of folklore that spans centuries. In Ancient Rome, opal symbolized love and hope. In other cultures, opal has been widely associated with royalty, good luck, and fortune. Because of its long history, opal meaning is sometimes attributed to conflicting symbolism and theories. Opals are commonly seen as a symbol of good fortune.
​Opal has always been associated with love and passion, desire and eroticism. It is a seductive stone that intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. Opal can act as an emotional stabilizer, but the stone may scatter energy and the user needs to be well centered before using opal to explore or induce feelings, or to have other stones standing by to help integration. Opal shows you what your emotional state has been in the past and teaches you how to take responsibility for how you are feeling now. It encourages you to send out positive emotions. Wearing opal is said to bring loyalty, faithfulness and spontaneity to you but it may also increase fickleness if the person is inclined that way in the first place. Opals are used to send healing to the earth’s energy field, repairing depletions and re-energizing and stabilizing the grid.
Opal, the original October birthstone, has also been linked to supernatural origins and powers, probably because of its otherworldly appearance. On the zodiac calendar, opal falls under Libra for birthdays between September 23rd to October 22nd. The stone is widely viewed within cultures as a symbol of hope, purity, and truth, and was even said to have fallen from the heavens.
Opal makes us light hearted, sometimes even a little light headed. It encourages spontaneity, poetry and an interest in the arts of the Muses. Opals are supportive when encountering mental obstacles. Use this stone to gain the perspective needed to make the shift from distraction to action. Opal amplifies traits and brings characteristics to the surface for transformation. It increases self-worth, helps you to understand your full potential.
Welo Opal Cabochon Necklace
Opal’s fire carries a spiritual energy that burns through attachments, wounds, and negative patterns. It can amplify your emotions, bringing semi-conscious patterns to the surface of your awareness to be dealt with. When these are cleared, it also amplifies joy. The degree to which the process of emotional cleansing is painful is directly related to how much resistance you have to it. When working with opal, it is best to let go as thoroughly as possible and let the healing process take place as it needs to.
Welo Opal is said to be an excellent crystal for business; it is said to draw money to you, smooth the path of change and to encourage progress. Welo opal is thought to relieve energy deficiencies and stimulates sexual organs and the adrenal glands. Opal has always been associated with love and passion, as well as desire and eroticism. It is a seductive stone that intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. Wearing an opal is said to bring about loyalty and faithfulness, whilst putting some fire in your belly.
Welo Opal has a lot of positive attributes that it can bring to your life. It’s a wonderful stone to have, especially if you’re incredibly shy and lack self-confidence. The fire in the stone will give you a boost of self-confidence and improve how you think of yourself and how you relate to others. It’s a stone that will encourage healthy and positive sexuality. It will also promote loving and kind relationships. Welo Opal stone is deeply connected to our sensual selves. If you have found your intimacy lacking of late, either from yourself or towards yourself from others, this crystal can help you.
Welo Opal Cabochon Necklace
With this stone in hand, you are able to connect the lower chakras with the higher chakras to achieve homeostasis. It will encourage compassion for yourself and others and enhance your innate healing abilities. It will assist in encouraging the entire immune system to function at its peak. It maintains a healthy heart and circulatory system. This stone when placed on the heart chakra will help with tissue regeneration.
Welo Opal is a stone of passion, creativity and vitality. It enhances our intuition and helps us to trust our gut while making decisions. It is connected to the Fire Element and Solar Plexus Chakra enhancing our personal power and encouraging independent thinking. A stone of luck and abundance, new business ventures can benefit by placing one in their cash register or near the front entrance. As a stone of passion, Welo Opal can spice up relationships by increasing creativity and sexuality.
Weight | .3 lbs |
Dimensions | 2 × 2 × 2 in |
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