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Super Seven Crystal 1


Stone Type: Super Seven

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

Stone Weight: 11.1 Ounces

Stone Color: Purple / Red

Stone Size: 3.02 –x 2.4 Inches

Location: Brazil

1 in stock

Super Seven Crystal 1


Super Seven Crystal 1, Super Seven is a very spiritual stone from Brazil. Super Seven Crystal represents the universal brotherhood of humanity. Although not always visible, a piece of Super Seven retains all the properties of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Geothite and Lepidocrocite combined. This is part of what makes this stone so desirable. It is one of the few stones that retains all the energy and clarity of each mineral and it never needs cleansing or energizing. Because the Super Seven opens up all the senses and helps one to see auras it is considered and important stone for stimulating and developing all types of psychic abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling, telekinesis and others. It is a powerful stone for healing the earth, mind, body and spirit. The very nature of the stone means that it is not associated with any one chakra, instead it is fantastic at healing, balancing and energizing all seven chakras, hence the name Super Seven.

This stone carries the spiritual and protective qualities of Amethyst, the grounding ability of Smoky Quartz, the energy-amplifying properties of Quartz, with Rutile, Goethite, Lepidocrocite and Cacoxenite . Rutile brings strength, love, ease in making transitions, and stabilize relationships of all kinds; Rutile also fine tunes intuition. Goethite facilities clairaudience and metaphysical abilities and communication. Lepidocrocite deepens intuition, promotes grounding, dissolves confusion and overcome negative thoughts and replacing them with unconditional love. Cacoxenite brings spiritual awareness, it also helps to overcome fear and clear stress.

This crystal is an energy powerhouse & spiritual warrior, which opens the soul to new realities. Super Sevens teach us that true beauty is found within, that beauty is the source of divine grace & eternal light. The essence of this beauty is all elements within our personality collaborated into one glorious connected whole, able to affect change & create the highest good for all.

It ranges in color from combinations of deep purple, to smoky black, to crystal clear with inclusions of gold and pink. Crystal healers have used the high vibrational power of Super Seven to cleanse and align the seven chakras and balance the flow of energy in the body. As such, it is one of the rare crystals that never needs cleansing, re-charging or energizing.

Super Seven Crystal 1

The Super Seven stone is powerful for a few things. It is good for channeling its energy to heal the earth, heal your mind, and heal your body. Additionally, it never needs cleansing. The Super Seven stone opens up all the senses and helps one to see auras. It stimulates psychic abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling, telekinesis, and others. It contains a natural inclination to help ground you. Which is why, one of the best ways to use the Super Seven stone is to meditate with it.

These crystals are relentless & will not give up on their goal to create connected planetary enlightenment with all beings. As a spiritual awakener they purge emotional trauma bringing understanding & forgiveness. Super Sevens rapidly awaken psychic abilities & create a powerful light energy pillar which connects one to all higher realms. As a manifestation tool they are excellent at removing obstacles to the goal, releasing fear & opening doorways to creation. The super high frequency found in Super Sevens is impervious to negative energy, amplifies all other crystals & has a healing energy that knows no bounds. They create a massive energy field expansion, bringing forth a blissful state of being & complete understanding of universal connectivity.

Super Seven is a rare and powerful high vibration stone. It is believed to enhance psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, channeling and contacting spirit guides. Similarly, it is healing for both the mind and the spirit. As such, it brings them both into alignment and provides guidance on our spiritual path. This crystal is thought to remove negative attachments, clear blockages, and purify and energize the whole system. Lastly, it is made up of seven combined minerals which intensifies the properties of each individual crystal and can be used to amplify the vibrations of other crystals.

Super Seven Crystal 1

You can receive this stone’s benefits just by keeping it near you. A great use for them is to keep them close to you for extended periods of time. If you keep them close, you may find their energy has a beneficial effect on you on many different levels. You can keep one in your purse. You can keep one in car. You can even keep on under your pillow. By sleeping with this stone under your pillow, you may wake up feeling a deeper sense of peace, harmony, and contentment, than you otherwise normally would.

It is known to have a vibration that links all of humanity and guides the holder to help change the vibratory level of the whole planet. It aids personal ascension by assisting one in developing their psychic gifts, especially psychic knowing, which will aid in taking the right path for spiritual elevation. It attunes one to its metaphysical abilities and triggers the development of psychic abilities to further healing and wellness on all levels for the healing of Earth. It also aids in the healing of physical, intellectual, and spiritual diseases.

It’s important to note that sometimes not all of the minerals occur in a singular cut or tumbled stone. Many dealers will still try and get away with selling the stone for top value, simply because it’s so hard to identify each crystal within. When purchasing this stone make sure it is from a reliable dealer. Trustworthy salesmen may even go the extra length in helping you identify the crystals within each individual piece.

Super Seven Crystal 1

There have been some Super Seven specimens with an unusual red mineral within, as well as sometimes coating the entire top of Super Seven crystal points. This mineral is Hematite, and has been baffling geologist still to this day. These Hematite inclusions have led to the nickname of “Super Eight”, providing one with enough of Earth’s energy to ground the higher powers within.

Super Seven Blog


Weight .8 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 3 × 3 in