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Spirit Quartz 32


Stone Type: Spirit Quartz

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

Stone Color: Golden

Stone Weight: 2.3 Ounce

Stone Size: 2.16 Inches Long x 2.25 Inches Wide

Location: South Africa

1 in stock

Spirit quartz 32


Spirit quartz 32, can be found in amethyst, citrine, a combination of amethyst and citrine as well as a whitish to clear color. This type of stone is also known by Cactus Quartz, Fairy Quartz or Porcupine Quartz. Spirit quartz is made from quartz that shows a very unusual growth pattern. The typical growth pattern of spirit quartz is that of a main crystal formation with a main termination at the top, that is covered with small crystal points.

Has a powerful healing energy is directed through the main crystal while also being simultaneously radiated out in all directions by the tiny crystals that cover it.  There are many paths the magnified energy of Spirit Quartz can take, and it stimulates on all levels the physical, intellectual, spiritual, emotional and subtle bodies.  Simultaneously, Spirit Quartz brings focus to the energetic center of an issue, the “heart of the matter” or the core of dis-ease. Spirit quartz, in exceptional stone that enhances the energy of quartz bringing it to a higher vibrational level. This stone assists in carrying out the gifts of Spirit that we all have inside of ourselves.

Its ability to focus and bring energies together also makes Spirit Quartz an excellent stone for groups.  Spirit Quartz fosters unity, peace, and a willingness to work together that is beneficial to families, communities, or businesses alike. Use Spirit Quartz in group meditations to connect the energies of all participants. This stone helps to connect you with the spirit realm and your higher self. You can use in meditation and ask it to bring you into connection with the the energy of spirit. Doing this allows you to release the ego and understand that we are all connected to one another. When using it in this fashion, spirit quartz brings out freedom from fear and peace of mind.

Spirit quartz 32

A protective stone, both energetically and physically, Spirit Quartz shields the aura, transmutes negative energy, and protects from physical harm.  The sense of calm and peace Spirit Quartz brings helps decrease fears, and makes it an excellent stone to use when dealing with the loss of a loved one, easing the grief of transition.  Spirit Quartz can aid to increase physical and intellectual fertility.

Golden Healer Quartz helps you stay in control when dealing with challenging family dynamics. The energy of Golden Healer Quartz is not intended to heal your relationship with your family, but rather to help you cope with it. It offers you the emotional distance and perspective you need to stop yourself from falling into the old traps of the family drama paradigm. This crystal reminds you to be the one who shows up in a calmer and more open state of mind, and it calls on you to be the healer. With the clear mental state that this crystal provides, you will be able to partake in open communication and make rational decisions.

Golden Healer Quartz reminds you not to take things so personally. Whenever something is said or done that triggers an argument or negative reaction, take a moment to step away and reconnect with the energy of Golden Healer Quartz. Rather than saying something you’ll only wind up regretting, it’s better to remove yourself from the situation and use your crystal to calm yourself down and prevent tensions from escalating. Golden Healer Quartz will help to raise your vibration to a higher state so that you can have better control of your own actions.

Golden Healer connects us to the Golden Ray, the golden light of Universal Life Force, Divine Spirit, Source, or Creation, and is considered one of the Master Healers. It allows the Golden Ray to flow into the body through the Crown Chakra. This highest vibrational energy spreads its golden light throughout the body as it clears blockages and imbalances that ready the body for multi-level healing, and even reaches into our very cells to activate our crystalline, 12-strand DNA. Its energy is powerful, yet gentle, and soothing. Golden Healer is used to raise our energy vibration or frequency, which can facilitate spiritual communications over a long distance, including between worlds and dimensions. Meditation with Golden Healer connects us with Source energy.

Spirit quartz 32

Golden Healer is the ultimate crystal to connect with the healing golden ray of the universe, that provides purity by connecting and cleansing the chakra body. Healing your physical, mental and auric field is much more tangible when utilizing this stone. Visualizing golden rays of sun and pure gold light in meditation will amplify the transformation and expansion of awareness. Golden Healer crystals are great for crystal healing and communication with the divine. They align all the chakras while balancing yin-yang energies. Golden quartz accesses divine information. It also activates the 3rd chakra connecting the human will to the divine will. It is especially good for the Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, and Crown Chakra.

It is a high vibration crystal, a master healer, a multi-purpose healing crystal that empowers dimensional healing. It accesses the Golden Ray to raise vibrations, intent, and dissolves and releases blockages. This crystal is known to enhance joy, by balancing yin and yang energies while aligning the chakras. Golden Healers have distinctive golden hues and has a actual coating of iron oxide in between and under layers of crystal. Gold Healer Quartz has a powerful ability to amplify energy and intention making it easier for you to manifest your desires. Gold Healing Crystals are excellent tools for manifestation programs due to their high vibrational frequency which amplifies your wishes. Holding a Gold Healing Quartz in your hand or using it with visualization, is one of the most powerful ways to work with this high vibrational Sun stone. Use these beautiful Gold Healer Quartz Crystals with your crystal healing or Reiki practice.

Spirit quartz 32

Golden Healers have an unbreakable force of immense golden light. That force teaches us to observe the world with curiosity, wonder & knowing. By exploring the great mystery you will find the true self. They also impart the ability to not get stuck & the wisdom of using decaying energies for further creation. Golden Healers guide us to exactly where we need to be & what we need to do, for the self & highest good of all. The Iron within fortifies & strengthens the abilities of the Quartz, shape shifting the existing Master healer into a spectacular Grand Master of limitless healing powers.

Golden Healers have such power that no negativity is harbored in its presents. The high vibrational energy field encompasses & expands one’s life force, bringing heightened states of conscious awareness through understanding. There are no limitations in this Master of Masters, far beyond imagination lies the true capabilities of this crystal. If you can dream it the Golden realm can create it. The Golden Healers resonate with all aspects of being & create a pulsating energy of powerful life force, which propels all chakras into alignment, cleaning them of all karmic debris. Past life attachments become irrelevant as the soul transcends the need for explanation through an unspoken understanding of the cosmic universal energies.

Golden Healers are the crystal of total healing, empowering you to heal yourself and others. It promotes peace, alignment, and soothes your mind, body, & spirit. This is a wonderful crystal to use to connect you with your Higher Self, spirit guides, and guardians of wellness. Golden Healers help you reprogram yourself to release yourself of unhealthy habits and patterns. They are an excellent crystal for energy workers, therapists, and healers.


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Weight .7 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 3 in


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