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Ruby In Fuchsite Tumbled Stones


Stone Type: Ruby In Fuchsite

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

Stone Weight: Varies

Stone Color: Green / Red

Stone Size: 1.2 Inches

Location: Brazil

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3 in stock

Ruby In Fuchsite Tumbled Stones


Ruby In Fuchsite Tumbled Stones, is said to help one understand Love at a Higher level. It amplifies the energies of crystals and speeds up the healing process. To enhance your connection the nature spirits/devas and love and appreciation of beauty in nature. The combination of Ruby and Fuchsite helps to open and enhance psychic awareness. Laying with Ruby Fuchsite on the Third-Eye can awaken latent psychic abilities by opening up the Heart Chakra to receive information from the Third-Eye Chakra. Use Ruby Fuchsite when working with any healing modality as this stone will help to amplify the body’s energy field.

The energies of Ruby Fuchsite combined offer strong emotional support and self reflection during difficult times. The Ruby, which offers endless courage and strength, combined with the relaxing and nourishing vibrations of the Fuchsite, will be felt immediately. This crystal will start working to heal your emotional body and relieve all the weight that we carry on our hearts due to trauma. The Ruby itself will aid in providing strength and confidence in yourself, something that people struggle with daily. Offering newfound confidence will drive us to regain passion in our lives, and push us to begin moving forward on our life path. Fuchsite is a stone that facilitates energy transfer from other minerals , allowing for strengthened effects no matter what stone it’s combined with.

Ruby in Fuchsite represents the green type of muscovite mica. It has a green color, which can range from light to emerald green. The best way to identify Ruby in Fuchsite is to look for the white coloring around the Ruby. Another distinguishing mark is that Ruby in Fuchsite usually features Blue Kyanite around the Ruby. This coloration is specific only for Ruby in Fuchsite.

Ruby In Fuchsite Tumbled Stones

Ruby Fuchsite is a passionate stone that attracts love and friendship, and can help us to build wonderful and long lasting relationships. It encourages us to engage in healthy habits and roles within our relationships, and not fall into negative roles such as the martyr, victim or even the constant rescuer. Ruby Fuchsite help us to explore our feelings and beliefs about ourselves, especially in regards to body image and/or being worthy of love and respect. It acts as a light in the darkness, leading us back to joy and peace whenever we are caught up in painful emotions. Ruby Fucsite reminds us that we are still learning and that its ok to make mistakes, the point is to learn something from every experience. Moreover, Ruby Fuchsite teaches us that life is good, we are good, and everything is going to be alright in the end.

Ruby Fuchsite resonates strongly with the Earth’s energies and uses her vibrations to rejuvenate our life force. This stone allows us to “root” back into earth with an open heart that has begun healing and strengthening. You will soon notice how often you begin to speak from your heart, and not from all the toxicity that once surrounded it. Ruby Fuchsite is one of the more powerful stones but will not be overwhelming to sensitive or new users.

It is known traditionally that it creates a synergy that is more than the sum of the parts. With the mystic properties, it is believed to stimulate intuition of the wearing individual. By bringing great deal of awareness of problems, it is a great stone for psychic work. It is contemplated to release emotional stress and easily deal with lifestyle, social issues as well as physical health of the holder. Ruby in Fuchsite is as well alleged to help one understand Love at a spiritual level.

Ruby In Fuchsite Tumbled Stones

The combination of Ruby and Fuchsite helps to open and enhance psychic awareness. Laying with Ruby Fuchsite on the Third-Eye can awaken latent psychic abilities by opening up the Heart Chakra to receive information from the Third-Eye Chakra. Use Ruby Fuchsite when working with any healing modality as this stone will help to amplify the body’s energy field.

Ruby Fuchsite enhances the connection to spiritual realms, thinning the veil between this 3rd density reality and the other dimensions. Ruby Fuchsite is a perfect companion to use when connecting and communicating with the spirit world. Ruby In Fuchsite Tumbled Stones,  This combination of two complementary colored crystals opens and activates the Crown Chakra and is helpful in deepening meditative states.

Ruby Fuchsite is a stone of powerful magic, and an excellent talisman for manifestation. It is a particularly good tool for healers of all sorts, as well as witches. It gives us a keen sense of natural balance, allowing us to live an intensely adventurous and passionate life, while also being highly practical and sensible. Ruby Fuchsite encourages us to spontaneous, curious, and brave, while also valuing wisdom in all its forms. Ruby Fuchsite invites us to follow our bliss, and also to let others walk their own path, even if its very different from our own. Ruby Fuchsite protects against negative energy and helps us to change any poor habits and behaviors we may have that stand in the way of our own spiritual growth. It is also a fantastic abundance stone, helping us to become more wealthy and to use our wealth in appropriate and positive ways.

Ruby Fuchsite by increasing the energy of other crystals eases the carpal tunnel syndrome, strained injury along with the spine. By stabilizing the spinal column alignment, it releases the blockages caused by excess energy. Known for maintaining good health in general it increases the flexibility in the musculoskeletal system. It aids in cell regeneration and balance the red and white blood cell ratio. Apart from this it too relieves muscle spasms, treats turmoil’s of the nervous system along with the blockages in the flow of neural impulses. Believed to rectify calcium deficiency, it is also valuable in resisting osteoporosis; reducing calcium deposits side by side tooth decay. Green and red energies are used to repair brittle hair and prevent hair loss. It also repair brittle nails, prevents infection, heal blisters and clean up the acnes. Habitually, the energies are ought to treat sexual disorders, impotence, sexual obsession and aids in childbirth.

Ruby In Fuchsite Tumbled Stones

As a powerful talisman of healing and opulence, Ruby Fuchsite is is considered to be the most powerful gem in the universe. To own a Ruby Fuchsite is said to have contentment, inspiration, and peace. The numerical vibration of this stone is 4 furthermore it is considered as an symbol of friendship and love. An icon of vitality, intuition as well as royalty, it links the intellect of the mind with the heart.

Ruby Fuchsite helps us to use our time appropriately, in harmony with our real priorities. It helps us to balance our work and personal lives and to consciously choose habits that serve our Highest Good. Ruby Fuchsite also encourages us to be actively involved in our community and to nurture the best parts of ourselves and our world. It inspires generosity, creativity, goal-setting and active problem-solving. Ruby Fuchsite helps us to perform well under pressure and to stay mentally engaged in projects.

While this stone carries the properties of both ruby for vitality and fuchsite for self worth, in combination it also has its own metaphysical properties. It can vary in color with the Fuchsite being white, emerald green to blue green and the Ruby being shades of red or pink. Ruby Fuchsite also enhances our ability to communicate with the spirit realm. It’s a great meditation stone that will help transmit messages through the third eye to the heart, where they can be better understood.

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Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in


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