Root Beer Calcite Rough Large


Stone Type: Calcite

Stone Cut: Natural Rough

Stone Weight: Varies

Stone Color: Root Beer

Stone Size: 2 – 3.5 Inches

Location: Utah


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30 in stock

Root Beer Calcite Rough Large


Root Beer Calcite Rough Large, The name root beer calcite came from when put in the light the shades of brown look like a root beer float. Some properties of this stone are removing blockages, creating positive vibes, and assisting with breaking toxic patterns.

This calcite has a lovely hue of brown, and is sometimes called root-beer calcite. When the calcite is back lit, hues of orange, red and sometimes yellow emerge. This really is a calcite for the physical body, bathing the lower chakras in healing energies. It feeds these chakras, adding a new dimension of confidence, creativity and grounded energy. It aids digestion alleviating digestive disorders such as acid reflux, ulcers, IBS. The energy is warm, soothing, yet uplifting.

Root Beer Calcite is an excellent crystal to break up patterns, repetitive or toxic, and provide equilibrium, so the user can make better decisions. Root Beer is useful in keeping balance, especially at home and work. Root Beer Calcite get it’s name for the light and dark browns, like in root beer floats, that make up this beautiful stone. When put in light the stone can change to different shades of orange. Root Beer Calcite works well with the lower Chakras, aligning the Sacral, Solar Plexus and Root Chakras. The zodiac signs that are related to this stone are Pisces and Scorpio.

Calcite connects the emotions to the intellect there by creating emotional intelligence. Calcite brings hope and motivation into your life. It combats laziness helping you to become more energetic on all levels. Calcite eases emotional stress and replaces it with serenity. It is a stabilising stone, it increases trust your ability to trust in yourself and others. It helps you overcome setbacks that you may encounter on you path.

Root Beer Calcite Rough Large

Calcite is a perfect stone for your desk or wherever you perform your work. This stone helps provide mental focus, grounding and the ability to stay on task. Use this stone to deflect negative thought patterns. Calcite is ideal for past life work to heal old injuries and physical trauma that is affecting your present life. Holding a piece of calcite takes your attention to the site of the previous injury, which can then be released through crystal therapy. Calcite is a secretive stone that assists in keeping your own counsel. However it is said that calcite holds onto the memories of things that have happened to the wearer.

It can be used for psychometry, telling the story of those who are sensitive to its vibrations. Calcite is strength giving. It provides support in difficult or confusing circumstances an during times of enormous mental or physical stress. It centers your energy and aligns it with a higher power. Banded Calcite helps you access higher guidance and its connection with the whole. It can take you forward to view the future and with its capacity to impart personal strength, helps you to be the master of your destiny. This stone promotes vigor steadfastness and stamina. Calcite helps you to learn lessons by imparting self confidence and helping you to be at ease in your surroundings.

Calcite calms the mind and teaches you how to analyse a situation and it stimulates your ability to have insight into a situation, it also boosts your memory. It helps you to know instinctively which information is important to you at that moment. Calcite gives you the ability to change an idea into action. Calcite can help students to study more effectively.

Calcite is beneficial to establish a protective shield when offering spiritual counselling, tarot card readings, channeling, automatic writing and any other modality that opens you up to psychic influences. Calcite amplifies telepathic connections with your own higher consciousness and helps you tap into the Akashic Records. Use it when you intend to obtain messages from the angelic realm to open your intuitive ears. Calcite can enhance spiritual vision and dream experiences. It is useful in stimulating the psychic senses and is often used for spiritual inspiration.

Root Beer Calcite Rough Large

Heals grief that has gone on too long; promotes knowing that there is no death; helps in understanding the wheel of birth, death and rebirth; fosters knowing that separation is an illusion and reunion will come; promotes psychic contact with those who have died through seances, medium-ship, and messages from the dead; aids past-life progressions; prevents and removes spirit possessions; promotes the feeling of being hidden from evil and protected by the Light; promotes feeling of being watched over by the angels, feeling loved; eases loneliness; supports going on alone. Banded Calcite teaches you the appropriate use of power and the focusing of energy into positive force. It is excellent for those who are working to develop their telekinetic abilities.

Calcite is among the most powerful stones for invoking the Light. It fills your aura and your space with high frequency Light, eradicating negative energy or thought forms. Used in grids they can align spaces and create energetic vortices and dimensional doorways. Stellar beam calcite is a powerful psychic surgery tool. It assists in aligning with your highest guides and angels. This stone is useful for cleaning the energetic field after returning from shamanic journeys and for clearing spaces of negative thought entities, poltergeists and lingering patterns of imbalance. For meditation use these stones to seek guidance on issues of service or the manifestation of your spiritual path.

Root Beer Calcite Rough Large

Calcite and aid in overcoming addictions of any sort. It also helps to slow the aging process by supporting physical health and vitality. It supports treatments for cataracts and other eye disorders and infections. It also aids treatments for emphysema through its support of the lungs and may aid in healing from laryngitis. On an emotional level,


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Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in


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