Rhodonite Skull
Stone Type: Rhodonite
Stone Cut: Natural Crystal
Stone Weight: 3.5 Ounces
Stone Size: 1.92 Inches Long x 1.15 Inches Wide
Location: Brazil
1 in stock
Rhodonite Skull
Rhodonite Skull, Is a silicate of manganese and occasionally occurs as translucent to semi-opaque crystals, but usually forms as compact masses in colors of rose, red and pink with brown and red mottling and patches of black veining due to oxidation of the manganese. Rhodonite’s name derives from the Greek word meaning “rose-red”. It was once mined in the Russian Ural mountains and is now found in Sweden, Australia, India, Madagascar, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, Canada and the USA.
Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. It stimulates, clears and activates the heart. Rhodonite grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential. It heals emotional shock and panic. Rhodonite aids in cases of emotional self-destruction, codependency and abuse. It encourages unselfish self-love and forgiveness. Promotes remaining calm in dangerous or upsetting situations. Builds confidence and alleviates confusion.
Rhodonite is a good stone to assist you in healing and balancing your physical body. When you are going through physical healing, emotional balancing, financial establishment or grief recovery, this stone reminds you that it is important to take the time to recover after you’ve been through the wringer. Recovery time is necessary to restore your balance so it doesn’t result in future disease or imbalances.
Rhodonite is a stone of love, self-love, balancing the masculine and feminine energy within us (yin and yang) and a stone that brings dormant talents to the surface to be shared with the world. Its energy works primarily on the level of the heart chakra. Rhodonite relieves insect bites and can reduce scarring. It aids bone growth and the hearing organs. Rhodonite stimulates fertility. It treats emphysema, auto-immune diseases and stomach ulcers. Eases inflammation of joints and arthritis.
Is an excellent support for weight loss, detoxification and purification of the body. Though not a purifier in itself, it stimulates and strengthens the organs and glands, allowing them to purify the body more effectively. It is good for ridding the body of gallstones or kidney stones and can support the healing of the liver from disease or damage. Rhodonite is a good stone to assist you in healing and balancing your physical body. When you are going through physical healing, emotional balancing, financial establishment or grief recovery, this stone reminds you that it is important to take the time to recover after you’ve been through the wringer. Recovery time is necessary to restore your balance so it doesn’t result in future disease or imbalances.
Rhodonite Skull
Rhodonite helps heal from past trauma and blockages created by stressful events. It transmutes the energy into an energy of love and forgiveness. It helps you to love yourself and to let go of the hurt you may be carrying subconsciously. It helps to bring us to express our true purpose in this incarnation by surfacing hidden or repressed talents and abilities and encouraging the development of such talents. It then encourages us to be in service to the world by sharing such talents. It is said to help bring about synchronicities that work to facilitate the blooming and/or sharing of our innate talents. Rhodonite can be useful to help bring harmony in a relationship, especially one where there has been a lot of tension and dense energy. It is said to help reduce codependency and helping you feeling like you are enough. It is said to help with joint inflammation, wound healing and insect bites. It is also said to support the liver in the detoxication process and to promote healing from autoimmune illness.
Rhodonite shows you that revenge is a self destructive feeling and will help you remain calm in upsetting situations by building up confidence and clearing confusion. Rhodonite is a stone of self-worth. It aids you in feeling sure about your purpose. It can help one find a stronger sense of self and a clearer call toward your spiritual path. Rhodonite helps to restore balance to your emotional body after a period of grief following a loss or disappointment. This rosy stone also offers grounded support during times of heartache and sorrow. Allow the gentle pink energy of Rhodonite to help you carry on as you journey through a period of unhappiness
Helps to balance the emotions and calm impatience. Rhodonite is a very supportive stone that works with the Heart Chakra to attract love and ground negative energies. It allows one to see areas in their life that can be improved on without getting down on, criticizing or judging oneself. Like Rhodochrosite, It is often used for rediscovering one’s inner gifts, as well as for bringing much-needed love into the world. Rhodonite can also help one to remember their soul-purpose of incarnation, and facilitate living from the heart. This lovely stone also helps one to remember that the best rewards come from serving the highest good. Carrying It will help provide support to the Heart Chakra, which in turn will promote the service of the Spirit. This is a stone that is an emotional balancer that is said to nurture love as well as encourage the brotherhood of humanity; having the ability to show one both sides of an issue to assist one to be more clear about coming to a conclusion in any disagreement.
Rhodonite Skull
Healing emotional wounds and putting you on the pathway to complete unconditional love – when it comes to mental and emotional wellbeing this is where Rhodonite shines. For those who want to clear their heart of pain and bring down the barriers that may be holding them back, Rhodonite is ready to go to work on helping you dismantle anything that could be having a negative impact on your self-worth. All love starts with self-love and the more we are able to stand in the light of our own self-confidence and our own talents, the better equipped we can be to turn that love outwards and send it spiraling into the universe. If you have issues with abandonment or betrayal or anything that translates to unhealthy attitudes towards relationships, Rhodonite can be an amazing relationship counsellor to get your love life back on track. It’s a stone that encourages mutual understanding and the ability to embrace compromise from a place of pure and honest acceptance.
Rhodonite promotes the energy of love. In this case, the love is more outer-directed. This stone is one of altruism and generosity, using your talents to bring gifts to others. This path of generosity often offers greater satisfaction to yourself than any amount of receiving what you want can give. Rhodonite attracts the people and situations best suited for the application of your unique talents, by using them, you can experience the fulfilment of the deep desire to love and be loved. This is Rhodonite’s gift, to bring more love into the world by acting as a catalyst for the fulfilment of your life purpose, through the expression of your hidden gifts.
Rhodonite Skull
Rhodonite is one of those healing crystals here to bring light and love into everyone’s heart but as a birthstone it is beautifully suited to Taurus. Born in the spring, Taureans capture that balance of being bright and calm but also vibrant and ever ready to radiate new life. However, those born under the sign of Taurus can have a stubborn side and they can be quick to flare up in a temper – this doesn’t always bode well for relationships. With Rhodonite on your side, this gentle loving stone gets to work on bringing a sense of compassion along with solid foundations on which to grow the heart space. It teaches Taureans to love themselves and to remember that only by opening up can they grow to reach new places.
This stone is capable of stimulating feelings of acceptance, forgiveness, and unconditional love. This makes it a suitable tool for when you’re working to heal relationship issues. It can help you to determine whether the problem in your relationship is related to how you have been interacting, or if the issues are more related to your partner, or whether it is both of these things combined. Whether your issue regards an intimate partner, friend, or family member; rhodonite can help you to attain a more level-headedness that will allow you to avoid or solve conflict with that person.
As so often with stones of similar coloring, this one helps us to release guilt and shame from past actions, to let go of resentment, and to create healing within emotional issues of all kinds. Rhodonite will enable improvement when a person is dealing with low self confidence as well.
Rhodonite Skull
Rhodonite helps you to understand your gifts. Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, and an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past. Rhodonite nurtures love. Rhodonite helps ward off negativity and brings a sense of self worth and well being. Rhodonite is known for unconditional love, it can facilitate inner growth, helps overall emotional balance, and can attract one’s soul mate, or mend broken hearts.
Rhodonite is a stone that will help ground your spiritual practice. With this stone in hand, visualize and connect your heart with the energetic roots that grow from the soles of your feet This stone reminds you to find ways to integrate your spirituality into everyday life so your heartfelt connection with the Divine becomes evident in your daily interactions with others. Make this your intention, and take delight in how charmed our life has become.
Rhodonite Skull
Can assist one in discovering one’s true passion, and learning brand new skills to enhance that passion, if necessary. Rhodonite encourages people to find ways to be of service to humanity and helps to draw in synchronization related to this goal. It can enhance power in those who have truly altruistic intentions. Rhodonite is a Heart and Root Chakra stone that helps one to process energies in these areas more efficiently. Use Rhodonite as a stone of power, to bring strength and vitality to the body and spirit so they can support higher vibrations needed for personal evolution. Physically, It is believed to support detoxification and healing of the organs, especially the liver. It is a good stone to help healing ailments of the heart, lungs, and nervous system, and is also used to reduce swelling and inflammation. Tumbled Rhodonite can also be used to stimulate the metabolism. Use it when feeling panicked and/or anxious.
Weight | .5 lbs |
Dimensions | 2 × 2 × 2 in |
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