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Red Plum Blossom Jade Tower 3


Stone Type: Plum Blossom Jade

Stone Cut: Tower

Stone Color: Red / Green

Stone Weight: 2.0 Ounces

Stone Size: 2.8 x .9 Inches

Location: China

1 in stock

Red Plum Blossom Jade Tower 3


Red Plum Blossom Jade Tower 3, Red Plum Blossom Jade, Serenity, Clarity, Connection to Spirit, Your Guides and the Angelic Realm, Intuitive Gifts, Heart and Crown Chakra Balance and Alignment. Red Plum Blossom Jade is the Stone of Gentleness, Serenity, Protection and Energy Purification. These particular Red Plum Blossom Jade beauties are subtle in color and pattern, the energy is soft, compassionate, nurturing and empowering. Red Plum Blossom Jade Say yes to a brilliant burst of chi, stir up your soul, and get ready to shoot down those fears that have long been holding you back by tapping into the bold energy of Red Plum Blossom Jade.

Red Plum Blossom Jade (also called Ru stone) brings a sense of renewal and hope, as well as encourages joy and happiness. It dispels the negative and increases one’s level of discernment. It purifies the aura and helps to dream. Red Plum blossom jade is excellent for problem solving as it allows the mind to embrace creativity and flow more freely. This in turn stimulates feelings of confidence, conviction, and wholeness.

Red Plum Blossom Jade resonates with the Root, Chakras, offering clearing, balance and alignment as a way to bridge Heaven and Earth energies, to help you see what’s in front of you clearly and objectively. For most of us on our respective paths, energy can become overwhelming at times. Red Plum Blossom Jade stimulates the Base, combining the energy of the Earth element with aspects of the Fire element. Red Plum Blossom Jade can help ground those energies, gently raise your inner vibe and shield you from overwhelm.

Red Plum Blossom Jade Tower 3

Red Plum Blossom Jade is recognized as the chi stone, which carries the energies of the warrior. It’s an excellent talisman of will and power, eliminating fear, doubt, and worry. It’s a stone that will get rid of anything that’s holding you back and keeping you from achieving what you desire. It will inspire you to move and take action. Red Plum Blossom Jade is a stone of physical vitality, passion, and strength, and it will effectively stimulate your life force energies.

It’s a valuable stone because of the insights, wisdom, knowledge, and creativity that you can get from it. It’s also considered a protective talisman that will assure you of a great life. It’s a powerful healing stone, and it will increase your good luck and good fortune. It will also strengthen your personal relationships.

Red Plum Blossom Jade also signifies peace and tranquility because it will eliminate the negative energies in your life. It will also help you combat your fear of competition and your hesitation to try out new things. It will inspire courageous action when you’re facing tough times and major challenges.

Red Plum Blossom Jade’s energy is capable of clearing and purifying your energy, calm emotions and still conscious mind thoughts so you can tap into Guidance for the highest and best good in any situation. Stone of Gentleness, Serenity, Protection and Energy Purification; aids in grounding nervous energy, emotions and thoughts; powerful and empowering energy; courage and strength, subtle-vibe encourages clarity, connection to Spirit, your Guides and the Angelic Realms; shields you from overwhelming emotional energies; Root, Heart and Crown Chakra balance and alignment; enhances intuition and intuitive gifts; exudes a mystical, magical vibe; deepens meditation to help you see clearly and objectively what’s in front of you and what’s next along your path for your highest and best good and for everyone involved in any given situation; clears, strengthens and repair your Auric Energy Field.

Red Plum Blossom Jade Tower 3

Red Plum Blossom Jade is also considered a stone of luck. It carries the energies of material prosperity and abundance. It’s a very beneficial stone that will help jumpstart your finances when they’re low and give them a boost when they start to dwindle. It’s also a helpful stone when you’re pursuing a promotion, a raise, or a new job. This stone will help you achieve your goals and support you in turning your dreams to reality.

Red Plum Blossom Jade is an excellent talisman for those studying martial arts or training for athletic performances. It combats hesitation and fear of competition, and urges courageous action in the face of challenge. Red Plum Blossom Jade is an excellent support stone for overcoming self-abuses such as addiction to drugs, alcohol, tobacco or gambling. It gives strength in the face of difficult circumstances and lends the fortitude needed to achieve one’s goal. 

Red Plum Blossom Jade is a stone of luck, carrying a frequency of material prosperity and physical health. It is less suited to long-term prosperity than Green Jade, but is quite beneficial in jump-starting one’s finances when they are low, or in pursuing a promotion, new job or a raise.  Red Plum Blossom Jade is a strong Life Force stone, beneficial for healers to help keep their energies high when working intensively. It is an excellent support for tai chi, qi gung and other martial arts concerned with the flow of energy through the body. As a professional support stone, Jade aids doctors, nurses, veterinarians, and all healers in making practical diagnosis and in their applications. It is a support stone for educators, and Jade, carved in the form of a faith symbol, is uplifting to military personnel.

Red Plum Blossom Jade is jam packed with strong fire energies. The stone will make you replenish the needed energy for recovery. This is perfect for you especially when you need action power and endurance. Red Plum Blossom Jade is revered as the ultimate dream stone in ancient cultures and even today, in order to access the spiritual realm, solve dreams, gain insights into ceremonial knowledge and promote creativity.

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Weight .7 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 1 × 1 in