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Quartz Crystals With Fuschite Small


Stone Type: Quartz With Fuschite

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

Stone Weight: Varies

Stone Color: Clear / green

Stone Size: 1 – 1.5 Inches

Location: Brazil

For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

73 in stock

Quartz Crystals With Fuschite Small

Quartz Crystals With Fuschite Small, Crystal Quartz is probably the most versatile, multipurpose, powerful healing stone on the planet due to is unique helical spiral crystalline form. It is a master healer and can be used for any and all conditions. It’s stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. It takes the energy to the most perfect state that is possible; going back to before the disease set in. It cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. One of the most dominant crystals on the planet earth. Clear quartz crystals are ubiquitous and can develop in different common conditions and environments and as such, they can be seen in all the world continents. Hence, they have become integrated into the culture of early civilizations. The name Quartz actually comes from the word “Ice” which formed the basis for some ideologies and meanings.

Fuschite Included Quartz. Inside the Quartz crystal is a green color, this is Fuschite. Fuschite is a type of muscovite, which is a form of mica. It is sort of a surprise to find it in a quartz crystal. Quartz crystals are the manifestation of the Creator’s finest hour of expression. They are windows of light with many facets which show the myriad dimensions of life created from cosmic dust in an ever expanding universe. Divine plan as foreordained that all expanding life revolve around one common denominator, quartz crystal. Through frozen solidified light all creation could be monitored and assisted through the evolutionary process.

In the spiritual world, Fuschite will guard your beliefs against doubt. Everyone at some point begins to doubt some of his or her most cherished beliefs. That doubt can grow and affect our lives. A Guardian crystal can help you keep true to your ideals and beliefs. The Guardian crystals can also protect your spirits. If you anticipate a trying and difficult, even stressful future, a Guardian can be very effecting in aiding your efforts to maintain your disposition, sense of humor, and respect for others.

Quartz Crystals With Fuschite Small

Fuchsite helps us to understand issues concerning our daily lives; such as stress, physical health, routines, career and environment. It brings about a need to focus on basic concerns directly related to interactions with other people and the material world. Fuchsite channels information regarding holistic and herbal remedies, giving suggestions as to the most holistic action to take and receiving guidance on health matters and well-being.

Psychologically, Fuchsite teaches true self worth, assisting in the elimination of a tendency towards martyrdom or issues of servitude. Fuchsite helps to overcome codependency and aids in a speedy recovery from trauma, both emotionally and physically. Fuchsite increases the energy of other crystals and helps in the transfer of their energy. It shifts energy into positive channels, therefore releasing blockages caused by excess energy. Fuchsite stabilizes spinal column alignment and increases flexibility in the musculoskeletal system. It treats repetitive strain injury, carpal tunnel syndrome and also aids in balancing the red and white blood cell ratio.

Fuchsite links the intellect of the mind with the intelligence of the heart. It can help you to understand your interactions with others and deal with issues of servitude, helping you to only do what is necessary for someone else’s soul growth. It teaches true self worth. It can direct us to the most holistic action to take and can open you to receive guidance on health matters and well being. Fuchsite is a stone of renewal and regeneration, imparting resilience after trauma or emotional tension. It is thought to intensify and facilitate the transfer of energy from other minerals and increase flexibility in the body.

The Fuchsite crystal stone meaning is also associated with fairies from the spirit realm that serve as guides on your spiritual journey. Call on your guardian angels when you go deep with the Fuchsite crystal during a therapeutic session of peaceful contemplation. Begin your meditation practice by giving your stone a specific healing intention. If negative thoughts continue to surface, gaze at the rock and ask it to give you guidance on your inner journey of self-discovery. You’ll be amazed at how quickly the answer comes to you when you open up your mind to a higher consciousness.

Known as the wish stone, Fuchsite also works as a good luck charm that works to keep the hope in your heart burning long and bright. Wishing and dreaming is just as important as breathing, especially when it comes to discovering the true desires of your soul. Fuchsite crystal healing properties help to give you the strength and inspiration needed to follow you wildest dreams. Keep Fuchsite in your stone collection and may your feet take you where your heart wants to go.

Quartz Crystals With Fuschite Small

Quartz is probably the most versatile, multipurpose, powerful healing stone on the planet due to is unique helical spiral crystalline form. It is a master healer and can be used for any and all conditions. It’s stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. It takes the energy to the most perfect state that is possible; going back to before the disease set in. It cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. One of the most dominant crystals on the planet earth. Clear quartz crystals are ubiquitous and can develop in different common conditions and environments and as such, they can be seen in all the world continents. Hence, they have become integrated into the culture of early civilizations. The name Quartz actually comes from the word “Ice” which formed the basis for some ideologies and meanings.

Quartz can be used to imprint with any energy or information and helps to focus the mind, aides in concentration and enhances mental ability. This crystal has been used to counter black magic, to perform diagnostic healing, and to communicate with spirits and other worlds. Quartz has the ability to receive, store and send energy, which makes it a powerful manifestation tool. Hold/gaze into the crystal, and put your thought/need (what you wish to manifest) into it. The Quartz Cluster receives the thought (and the feeling behind the thought), then stores and transmits those thoughts and feelings into the ethers. Thus, even while you’re not thinking about that particular manifestation, the Quartz Cluster is still working on your behalf, putting out your thought forms.

Quartz Crystals With Fuschite Small

It is also quite beneficial for clarifying the emotional processes, which in turn will enlighten your creativity and inspiration. A stone used for studying and retaining information as is helps with concentration and retaining what is learned. Crystal Quartz is a power stone that harmonizes and balances. It enhances energy and thoughts, and purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical. It is also a powerfully protective stone, bringing the purified energy in.

Quartz With Fuschite Blog


Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in


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