Pink Limb Cast Tumbled Stones


Stone Type: Limb Cast

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

Stone Weight: Varies

Stone Color: Pink

Stone Size: 1,9 – 2.8 Inches

Location: Brazil

For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

8 in stock

Pink Limb Cast Tumbled Stones


Pink Limb Cast Tumbled Stones, Pink Limb Cast is actually pieces of wood which were buried by volcanic ash, after much time the buried wood decayed away leaving a perfect cast or impression of the original wood (limb).  Then over a course of millions of years and with the proper mineralogical conditions, the voids or casts were slowly filled with silica/quartz/agate.

A piece of Limb Cast will give you strength and support, providing insight into cause and effect. You will remember lessons, avoiding repetitive mistakes. Limb Cast will help you forget petty worries, so that no thought or action is useless. Limb Cast is an excellent gem for leaders. It has endured the ravaging changes of time and become stronger, as will you if you ask for its help in your leadership role. Limb Cast is a stone that is good for grounding and stabilizing one’s emotions. It is particularly useful in calming survival-based fears, as it assists one in accessing their practical side for answers, then offering a feelings of safety and security. It is a stone of business success, and a good stone for general protection. Petrified wood is intimately connected with transformation, evolution, and staying the course. When you feel “uprooted” due to a transition or rapid transformation, Limb Cast can help you regain a sense of stability from the inside out. It can also help with overall physical stamina and perseverance if the change you are experiencing is stressful or overwhelming.

Limb Cast reminds us to practice patience. Stop rushing things! Stop searching for instant gratification, instant results, instant success. There is something to be said for slow and steady. In fact, Limb Cast is a reminder to slow down and be present in this moment. We miss so much!

Pink Limb Cast Tumbled Stones

Petrified Wood comes from the Greek root petro, which means rock or stone, with literal meaning ‘wood turned into stone’. It’s the name given to the fossilized remains of terrestrial vegetation. Limb Cast is the result of a tree turning into stone through the process of permineralization. All the organic materials of the tree have been replaced with silicate minerals, usually a quartz, while maintaining the wood’s original structure.

Limb Cast represents our past and gives insight into our evolution. It can help heal problems arising from family history or past lives and can help you cope with transitions. It is also a grounding stone that is calming and soothing. If you find yourself with a problem that is resistant to change, it’s likely based in early trauma, past lives, or the beliefs that come from those events. Limb Cast can help heal these underlying patterns by helping you access insight into the root of the issue. Limb Cast benefits include being able to help you cope with rapid change in your life that make you feel “uprooted”. It can help you manage the transition with less stress.

Unlike other kinds of fossils that are compressions or impressions, Limb Cast is a three-dimensional representation of the original organic material. The petrifaction process happens underground, when wood starts to get covered by sediments. It’s preserved at first due to lack of oxygen. Mineral-rich water that’s flowing through the sediments deposits minerals in the tree’s cells. As the tree’s lignin and cellulose start to decay, a stone mold also begins to form!

Limb Cast is a wonderful piece for balancing, grounding and connecting with Earth energies. It literally will help to root our feet to the roots of the Earth, both energetically and physically. This deep connection helps to find an incredible grounding space. Limb Cast can ease and soothe fears and our natural, ingrained fight/flight response. It allows time to consider all aspects of an issue and make an informed decision, even in a split second if need be.

Connecting with it will most likely help you establish some deep roots. Whether you deal with anxiety, panic or just restlessness, the calm energies associated with petrified wood will keep you grounded. You will manage to maintain your stability. Most of the energies involved with this stone are related to the earth. They can ease panic and calm people, but also provide some good feelings of wellbeing and security. Limb Cast is an excellent choice if you are interested in meditation. You will get indirect clues about what is important and what requires little to no attention. The same rule applies if you are the type who worries about everything. There are things out there that you simply cannot control and you have to stop worrying about them. Instead, take them as they are, without feeling concerned about irrelevant small things. Limb Cast will easily connect with the personal roots, as well as third eye chakras. As a direct consequence, your determination will skyrocket. You will feel positive about things, you will feel determined to try this and that. Moreover, it is handy to have around when not sure how to deal with certain situations. Its energy will help you find the right solutions for all kinds of problems, as well as the courage to implement them.

Pink Limb Cast Tumbled Stones

Pink Limb Cast Tumbled Stones, Pink is often used to represent, heart, love, romance and happiness with the heart chakra. When you talk about pink crystal, it is the epitome of love and romance. It can bring joy and prosperity if you use it correctly too. The delicate hue represents softness and fragility too. Pink color meaning is tenderness and compassion as well. It can teach lessons of kindness like no other color of crystal. It is the stone of humanity!

Limb Cast represents our past and gives insight into our evolution. It can help heal problems arising from family history or past lives and can help you cope with transitions. It is also a grounding stone that is calming and soothing. If you find yourself with a problem that is resistant to change, it’s likely based in early trauma, past lives, or the beliefs that come from those events. Petrified Wood can help heal these underlying patterns by helping you access insight into the root of the issue.

Limb Cast is a stone of transformation. It assists one to advance to ones highest chosen level. Helps to make one feel safe and secure, calming down survival based fears. Limb Cast assists in setting a pace and staying with that pace all day long. It is useful for bringing patience to those in a process of slow inner transformation, and for bringing that change to fruition. Limb Cast strengthens one’s backbone, physically and in terms of self-will. It is beneficial to the skeletal system, skin and hair.

Heart chakra is the core source of power for pink crystal. It governs your blood circulation and emotional intelligence. Pink chakra of heart can help you unlock divine love in the nature and people around you. It can bring your soulmate closer and manifest your deepest dreams.

Pink Limb Cast Tumbled Stones

Rekindling the Root chakra, this grounding energy brings a feeling of security, positivity, and divine earthly love. It brings balance to the root stimulating energy flow, and creativity. Its calming energy helps remain calm, and aid anyone on their journey to keep moving forward against all odds

Pink Limb Cast Blog


Weight .6 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 3 in


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