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Pink Thulite In Scapolite Tumbled Stones


Stone Type: Pink Thulite And Scapolite

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

Stone Weight: Varies

Stone Color: Pink / White

Stone Size: 1 Inch

Location: Peru

For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

49 in stock

Pink Thulite In Scapolite Tumbled Stones


Pink Thulite In Scapolite Tumbled Stones, Thulite, also known as Pink Zoisite, is a unique and rare gemstone that belongs to the Zoisite mineral family. What sets Thulite apart from other zoisite gems is its vibrant pink to reddish-pink color, often accompanied by white or black streaks. This distinctive coloration is due to the presence of manganese within the stone.

Thulite is primarily found in Norway, particularly in the Telemark region, where it was first discovered in the early 19th century. However, it can also be found in parts of Australia, Brazil, and South Africa, although Norwegian Thulite remains the most prized and sought-after variety.

Thulite is a stone that radiates love, compassion, happiness, joy and serenity. Potent vibrations of this stone can be felt when standing near a larger piece or when holding it in your hand. Subtle, yet soft energy begins to imbue your aura, resonating directly with your heart. These pink rays are here to aid you as you embark on a journey into the depths of your soul. Thulite pushes old emotional pain to the forefront, urging you to face these negative experiences once and for all.

This weight may have been carried for far too long and has been consciously driven down in a refusal of acceptance. Thulite will end that way of thinking and provide you with endless amounts of healing vibrations. By facing and removing these “inner demons” from your heart, one will become stronger and allow a more pure form to shine through. We urge you to carry a piece with you as you begin your self-healing journey. Become comfortable with Thulite’s energy and begin deep meditation sessions with a piece placed directly over your heart.

This gemstone is often associated with the heart chakra, which is the center of love and compassion. Thulite is believed to help open and activate the heart chakra, allowing for deeper and more meaningful connections with others.

Thulite is said to enhance empathy and understanding, making it easier for individuals to relate to the emotions and experiences of others. It can promote harmonious relationships and improve communication.

Thulite sparks our curiosity for the world around us. It encourages us to ask more questions, to do our own research, to experiment, and to invent. Thulite helps us to focus on solving problems, rather than bemoaning their existence. Lending us its happy energy, it reminds us that every problem has a solution and that given proper attention nothing is impossible.

It also aids in self-reflection and the quest for self-knowledge. It helps us to examine our own dualities and to view ourselves both logically and lovingly. When faced with an aspect of ourselves that we don’t like, Thulite helps us figure out how to change and become the kind of person that we can admire.

Pink Thulite In Scapolite Tumbled Stones

It immediately provides comfort and acts as a support stone for you to “lean” on. Envision this stone giving you an ethereal hug in which its energy will shield you from anymore unnecessary pain and trauma. Lastly, for all those who suffer from constant PTSD, try meditating with a piece of Thulite directly over your third eye.

A relatively unknown trait is that Thulite is able to open up one’s mind and expand their mental consciousness. This is ideal for anyone constantly being triggered by their surrounding environment. It’s a stone for one to escape too, while providing the necessary energy to keep pushing you forward.

Thulite is a joyful stone that reminds us that all the pleasures of life are proof that the Divine loves us and wants us to be happy! It encourages us to be more spontaneous, creative, and open to adventure. It opens the heart to unconditional love and makes us more generous in giving love and more gracious when receiving love.

It reminds us that we ARE our Highest Self, we just forget to act like it sometimes, and can become addicted to staying small. Thulite whispers sweetly that all we need to do is step back into the Light and just BE. It gives us courage and strength so we can follow our heart and find our bliss.

By enhancing compassion and extroversion, Thulite can be an excellent aid to productive debate. If you find yourself in conversation with someone you don’t see eye-to-eye with, carrying or wearing Thulite can help you to remain level-headed as you listen and work to understand the other person’s point of view before sharing your perspective with grace, not aggression.

Thulite is recommended for when we are faced with a healthcare challenge that triggers us emotionally. If we feel weak or exhausted, it gives us strength and courage to go on. If we are highly-stressed, Thulite keeps us focused on self-care and problem-solving. It is especially good for helping us deal with fertility issues and anything related to the sexual and reproductive systems. It helps us to ask questions, be open to a variety of healthcare options and to stay hopeful throughout it all. Thulite is also an excellent talisman for the keeping the physical heart healthy and the digestive track working smoothly.

Pink Thulite In Scapolite Tumbled Stones,

Scapolite is a complex mineral containing sodium, calcium, silicon, aluminum, oxygen, chlorine, carbon and sulphur. It can form in prismatic crystals as well as columnar and massive habits. The crystals are transparent to translucent with a vitreous luster. Scapolite’s range of colors include white, grey, light green, blue, yellow, pink, violet and reddish. It is common in regional metamorphic rocks. Scapolite has been mined in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. A significant quantity of cabochon grade Blue Scapolite has been found at Mont Saint-Hilaire, in Quebec, Canada. This is a helpful stone for those of you who work at computers, constantly answer the phone or are desk bound as it absorbs and disperses electromagnetic emissions from electrical equipment.

Scapolite is known as a stone of problem solving and achievement. It is said to help find elegant solutions to problems, make changes in one’s life, and bring inspiration and strength of purpose. Use Scapolite for bringing energies of breaking old patterns of sabotaging self and bringing acceptance of success. In this way, Scapolite is a stone of success too.

Pink Thulite In Scapolite Tumbled Stones

Scapolite assists post-operative recovery and stimulates cellular memory and calcium assimilation. It is said to unblock varicose veins, cataracts and glaucoma, assist with bone disorders and the shoulders, calm restless eyes and overcome incontinence. Scapolite can be used to counter all manner of stress related illnesses and imbalances. It is especially useful for ulcers and digestive upsets caused by stress. This stone is useful for stabilizing your mental state and helping to regulate brain biochemistry. Scapolite can be used to balance hyperactivity and inattentiveness. It stimulates digestion, assimilation and elimination. Scapolite is helpful for kidney or gallbladder disorders. It assists with arthritis and bone problems and may help relieve the effects of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

It will work to balance all your chakras so that there will be a good flow of energies. When there’s no blockage in your energy flow, you can enjoy more solid decision making, especially when it involves love and your emotions. Scapolite can be very beneficial for those starting their own business or going into a joint venture. It helps younger children learn to try new things and young adults, who have left ‘the nest’, can gain self-reliance on their own.

Pink Thulite In Scapolite Tumbled Stones

Scapolite teaches you that emotional healing is not about revisiting past wounds. It is instead about releasing attachment to them as part of your identity. This stone is a strict, yet powerful teacher of emotional power use. It will help you understand how you may be using your power to manipulate other peoples emotions or actions, so you can come to understand a more balanced use of your emotional energy. Scapolite can assist those with low self esteem to find aspects of self to value and develop.

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Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in


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