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Orange Aventurine Mini Sphere


Stone Type: Aventurine

Stone Cut: Sphere

Stone Color: Orange

Stone Weight: 1.2 Ounces

Size Stone Size: 1.11 Inches

Location: Brazil

1 in stock

Orange Aventurine Mini Sphere


Orange Aventurine Mini Sphere, Orange Aventurine is a member of the Aventurine family and a variety of Quartz. The orange colors are from tiny inclusions of Hematite and Goethite. Occasionally you will see some forms of Mica (the tiny specs that sparkle on the surface). Depending on the amount and density of these inclusions, this stone can range from a matte orange-brown to a vibrant colorful orange. Major deposits of Orange Aventurine can be found all over the world, with the most important localities being in India and Brazil.

Aventurine stone has been utilized by humans for over two and one half million years. Tools made with aventurine rocks were found in the Omo Valley in Ethiopia. Even primitive man appreciated this quartz for its superior brittleness and hardness. Aventurine’s  brittleness makes it easy to create a sharp edge that lasts and lasts because of its hardness.

Orange Aventurine has a very merry energy full of mischief and laughter.  It invites us to lighten up and to remember that it’s just as important to play hard as it is to work hard.  Orange Aventurine encourages us to stay present in the moment and to respond to what is actually happening around us, rather than getting lost in the past or distracted by future possibilities.

Orange Aventurine is a stone of possibility, abundance, and prosperity. It encourages perseverance and stabilizes the mind, stimulating creativity and higher perception. Orange Aventurine can assist in shadow work. Additionally, it can support you with its lovely light as you travel spiritually through your own darkness.

Orange Aventurine assists in the channeling process of your own personal energy and assists one in understanding exactly where to put it. As you start to work with this stone and build an etheric connection with it, one’s strongholds will begin to rise within.

Orange Aventurine Mini Sphere

Orange Aventurine asks us to be more conscientious of our impact on others, specifically for how we raise or lower the vibration.  It teaches us that having a high vibration is less to do with circumstances and more to do with emotional habits.

Because it is truly a stone of abundance and prosperity, Orange Aventurine is a wonderful stone to have in an offic, especially in a location where money is handled, such as a cash drawer or an accounting room. It’s known to break through blockages or obstacles that could keep the money from flowing.

Orange Aventurine reminds us that it’s not someone else’s job to make life pleasant for us.  We have the responsibility to make our own life as pleasant as possible and to prioritize joyful celebrations.  Being pleasant is a habit and an attribute that we can develop to dramatically improve our own life and the lives of those around us.

Our strength, fortitude, drive, and determination will soon be ready to help one accomplish whatever is most important to them. These physical attributes will show one their true capabilities, while helping to achieve a connection to their “higher self”; the purest form of your existence.

For any new business or endeavour Orange Aventurine is a great stone to have on hand or to wear as you build your business. It’s also wonderful to have when obstacles present themselves. Meditation with an Orange Aventurine stone is wonderful to clear away what isn’t serving.

Orange Aventurine is brimming with confidence and asks us to have more faith in ourselves and in the world.  It reminds that we are capable of great things.  If we feel like we are stuck in a rut or caged in, Orange Aventurine can help us to break free.  It asks us to believe that a better life is possible and then asks us if we’re willing to do the work to make it happen.  If the work feels daunting, Orange Aventurine teases us until we stop taking everything so seriously.  It reminds us that we can’t do “all of it”, all at once anyway, so there’s no need to get overwhelmed by the big picture.

Orange Aventurine Mini Sphere

Orange Aventurine connects with our Sacral Chakra helping to inspire creativity and imagination by dissolving blockages and allowing energy to flow.  This may also assist in the healing of sexual traumas that reside in the Sacral area.  Orange Aventurine wants us to feel calm and balanced while it helps manifest success, joy and optimism in our lives.

Aventurine can help to stabilize one’s state of mind when things seem chaotic or out of focus. Feel stuck? Aventurine helps to open up the mind to endless alternatives and possibilities.
Orange Aventurine is great when dealing with issues of self-worth. Use Orange Aventurine to help you to clear blockages between the Sacral and Third-Eye Chakras. Orange Aventurine can be used to enhance personal will by channeling energy through the Sacral Chakra for assimilation. This also helps one to be more discerning in their application of this will, so that one is aligned with the highest vibration.
Orange Aventurine is a Seeker Transformer. Seeker Transformers are talismans used when the desire is to find a way to transform a part of one’s life to a more desirable state. Seekers are used when we need some help to find a new path, a new approach, or in any quest to gain that which we desire but do not yet possess.
Orange Aventurine has Fire energy and is used in the south area of a home or room. Fire elemental energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. It is Yang in nature. It is the energy of heat, action, emotion, and passion- of ideas, concepts, and sex. It is alive, potent, but often destructive. We all need the heat, passion, and life-giving energy of the fire element. It is a powerful element that must be used in moderation.

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Weight .3 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in