Mixed Agate And Jasper 1 Pound Lot
Stone Type: Mixed Agates And Jaspers
Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones
Stone Weight: 1 Pound
Stone Color: Mixed
Stone Size: Mixed
Location: Mixed
For each order of 1 Pound, you will receive 1 Pound at random from this lot
15 in stock
Mixed Agate And Jasper 1 Pound Lot
Mixed Agate And Jasper 1 Pound Lot, Is protective, healing and stabilizing. It comes in many colors and varieties, some of those colors represent other properties such as blue lace agate, moss agate and carnelian. So depending on which kind of agate you are using, you may want to check those descriptions as well. All agate do have similarities in which they are all strengthening and grounding. Agate can also help you connect further with the earth. It is said to cure insomnia if you place it under your pillow as you sleep, it also works to relieve stress and raise energy. It can help to ground and stabilize emotions therefore it is helpful for agate to one that feels unstable in the emotional department.
Agate is a stone of self-confidence as it helps boost self-worth. Agate was used in Ancient Rome as a truth amulet and was said to increase crops if worn on the left arm. Agate is a protective stone and adds a multidimensional healing. Agate stabilizes the energy and brings a balance between Yin and Yang. It is a slow working stone but adds strength to your aura. Agate facilitates acceptance and helps one speak the truth. Agate allows one to overcome bitterness and removes anger. Agate is a stone of rebirth and helps to build a stable spiritual growth.
Agate can help those who have repressed emotional issues that need to be addressed so that they can let go (release) and heal. Many feel that Agate has an anti-depressant quality. It can be helpful for those who are struggling to be genuine in their lifestyle, as it promotes an understanding of the need for deeper meaning. Agate stimulates the exploration of the unknown and furthers ones quest toward the enlightened state.
Mixed Agate And Jasper 1 Pound Lot
Carry Agate to promote creative ability in any project or goal. Agate promotes creativity, and encourages one to find solutions rather than focusing on negative aspects of daily challenges. Crystal healers like to use Agate for its soothing and calming qualities. Agate energizes the auric body and encourages eternal and constant love by bringing in the energies of Universal and Unconditional Love. Agate is a reminder that we are love and compassion in action.
In general, Agates carry a quiet energy that works on the subtle bodies, and are great for achieving stability and balance in many aspects of one`s life. Agates tend to work behind the scenes on the cause, instead of the symptom, of an issue. Agate is believed to improve mental functions and can help where issues of clarity and stability are concerned. Agate is also helpful in overcoming negative emotions by bringing love into the chakras. Although they work very slowly and deliberately, this gentle nature of Agate helps them to have a lasting impact.
This is an excellent stone to help you if you need a lift. These crystals aid you to communicate more positively and allow loving feelings to be expressed in what you say. It can also help with circular breathing for healing or meditation. Jasper is a very protective stone, and any orbs enhance this in regard to protection from the evil eye.
Jasper stimulates the solar plexus, heart and throat chakras with its beneficial vibrations, conveying the urge to feel, speak and act more positively, it supports the expression of love in one’s words and deeds, and it helps one to realize what and whom one truly loves. Ocean jasper helps to bring unresolved emotional issues to the surface so one can accept responsibility for oneself. It also assists one in acquiring and learning patience.
Everyone goes through a crisis of faith at some point. We start to question everything, sometimes even the very concept of right and wrong! Hardships push us to see the darker side of things and dwell on the pains rather than embracing the successes. Jasper provides wisdom and enlightenment. It inspires you to “go with the flow!” Like the ebbs and flows of ocean waves, life is full of ups and downs. The meaning of this stone reminds you that you have to ride things out and embrace everything that comes with the journey. Otherwise, you’ll sink to the bottom and drown!
Mixed Agate And Jasper 1 Pound Lot
Jasper is considered highly restorative for tissue deterioration of the internal organs, and useful in draining the lymph system of toxins that cause body odor and flatulence. It is thought to help stabilize nutritional absorption of vitamins and minerals, especially in balancing sodium and iodine levels and relieving water retention. It is an excellent aid for maximizing benefits from hydrotherapy and salt baths.
One of the most common interpretations of the spiritual meaning of Jasper is that it carries an energy, or vibration of peace, calm, and tranquility. It confers patience and understanding on all who connect with it. Jasper is also widely held to be a very nurturing stone, bringing comfort and reassurance to the wearer or bearer as well as feelings of optimism and freedom from fear. It encourages you to be compassionate and understanding to all those with who you come into contact. Jasper is a calming stone that offers you the warmth and encouragement you need to thrive in moving forward with your life. It carries the feeling of being hopeful and individual liberty to those who wear or have it. Jasper stone is quite suitable for vital organ tissues, the liver, kidneys, spleen, and bladder. Jasper also aids in the absorption of beneficial minerals such as iron and manganese inside your body. It can help relieve abdominal complications and if you are feeling nauseous. You will benefit from its physical healing properties if you suffer from gout complications and a slow digestive system.
Weight | 1.5 lbs |
Dimensions | 6 × 6 × 6 in |
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