Mahogany Obsidian With Gold Sheen 17 Pound Flat
Stone Type: Mahogany Obsidian With Gold Sheen
Stone Cut: Rough Specimen
Stone Color: Black, Red, Gold Sheen
Stone Weight: 17 Pound Flat
Stone Size: 1 – 3 Inches
Location: Utah, Delta
1 in stock
Mahogany Obsidian With Gold Sheen 17 Pound Flat
Mahogany Obsidian With Gold Sheen 17 Pound Flat, Mahogany-Obsidian is a volcanic rock that’s silica-rich and contains undulating parts of oxidized Hematite or Magnetite, which are usually colored mahogany brown or brick red within a black-colored base material. Mahogany-Obsidian can be found in places where volcanic activities have occurred. Some of the most notable sources of this stone today include South America, the United States, Afghanistan, Mexico, and Japan.
Mahogany Obsidian is a gemstone that stimulates, balances and heals issues with the Root & Sacral Chakra. It is especially supportive to those with Zodiac sign of Libra. Mahogany Obsidian is part of the Obsidian family and is also formed from cooling magma. Hematite inclusions give the stone the brown color. This gemstone supports our growth and development in all areas of life: intellectual, career, relationships and spiritual. It is also incredibly supportive during very difficult times of our lives. Mahogany-Obsidian will also make you focus on the abundance in your life and help you let go of feelings of lack or dissatisfaction. Mahogany-Obsidian is also known as the stone of strength. This stone will build your strength in times of need. It will give you the personal willpower to conquer your fears.
Mahogany Obsidian With Gold Sheen 17 Pound Flat, This powerful grounding stone works to bring thoughts and ideas into action for the sole purpose of personal growth. This crystal works to release us from our own inner limitations that restrict development of our life path. Mahogany Obsidian works to eliminate that hesitation within that is constantly weighing judgement on decisions that greatly affect your life purpose. When finally being able to push past such restriction, one will soon learn that anything is possible if your willing to take the chance. Mahogany Obsidian works to unlock and enhance all of your creative energy that has been pushed into being dormant. Creativity is much like a muscle, when you stop working it out, it will slowly fade away. This stone helps in releasing and reactivating these energies so that they may be pumped throughout the body and put to use once again. One will soon be able to express their true selves once more and be the highest version of themselves. Our emotions become reactivated and you’ll soon be able to “feel” again. You’ll begin to look at the world around you with a different set of lenses.
Mahogany Obsidian is a perfect meditation tool for anyone working to release negative energies and stimulate growth on all levels. This stone works on cleansing ones aura and providing protection from future incoming vibrations that may cause one distress or discomfort. The Council recommends using a stone of higher vibrations in conjunction with Mahogany Obsidian to ground these energies into the earthly plane. Some such stones can be Phenacite, Herkimer Diamond, or Sugelite. These energies combined with that of Obsidian will expand ones awareness and mental capabilities, while helping achieve the highest version of ourselves.
Mahogany Obsidian With Gold Sheen 17 Pound Flat, Gold Sheen Obsidian is a volcanic stone that holds powerful healing energies that play a determinant role in a person’s success and ultimate life fulfillment. This stone helps you to balance your energy fields, clears your aura from negativity, and guides you to unveil your true and unique potentials. Golden Sheen Obsidian guides you to reveal the best version of yourself by protecting you from negative frequencies that could hinder you from revealing your unique potentials. It is an empowering stone that pushes you to harness powerful qualities and keeps you at the same time humble and open to learning and growth.
Obsidian’s gift to you is the insight into the causes of disease. It helps with digestion. It detoxifies, dissolving blockages and tension, including hardened arteries. It reduces the pain of arthritis, joint problems, cramps and injuries.Crystal water made from obsidian is useful for all types of shock. It can be used to reduce an enlarged prostrate. Shock sustained through injury is dissolved on a cellular level and it therefore helps staunch bleeding and accelerate the healing of wounds. Obsidian improves the circulation, even in extreme cases such as hardening of the arteries in the legs caused by smoking and also ensures warming of the extremities, for example chronically cold hands and feet.
Weight | 20 lbs |
Dimensions | 11 × 15 × 4 in |
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