Love Is In The Earth – A Kaleidoscope Of Crystals – PDF Digital Download
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Love Is In The Earth – A Kaleidoscope Of Crystals – PDF Digital Download
Love Is In The Earth – A Kaleidoscope Of Crystals – PDF Digital Download, This updated book is meant to take the reader on an intimate journey into the subtle realms of crystal energy, providing for an adventure into the avantgarde and assisting one in developing a loving affinity with crystals.
Crystals are the blossoms of the mineralogical portion of the Earth; the recognition of the beauty and loving energies of these forms can greatly enhance ones personal development. They are the myriad fireworks of both creativity and individual universal energies.
The crystal is defined as any portion of a mineralogical body exhibiting characteristic internal structure and enclosed by symmetrically arranged plane surfaces, intersecting at definite and characteristic angles. It is the “regular” form which a substance tends to assume, during the process of solidification, through the inherent power of cohesive attraction.
Crystals have been used and/or revered since the dawning of civilization. The Christian Bible refers to crystals over 200 times. Recall, the spiritually crystalline
city whose walls were made of crystals, whose gates were of pearl, whose streets have no dust but gold dust, whose crystalline light falls upon the crystal sea and
crystal river, and where souls that are clear as crystal are jewels forever in the crown of the redeemer. Precious stones of crystalline formation were used in the foundation of New Jerusalem [Revelations]. They were also used in the breastplate of Aaron, the Hebrew high priest [Exodus]; note that there are several translations regarding the stones used in the breastplate – hence, each stone, which has been previously defined as having been used in the breastplate [a total of 27 from the various translations] is referenced within the text describing the stone. Crystalline structures have been found in the ruins of Babylonia and in the ancient tombs of Egyptian and Chinese rulers.
Love Is In The Earth – A Kaleidoscope Of Crystals – PDF Digital Download
Crystals exhibit the properties of both piezoelectricity [pronounced pie-ee-zo electricity] and pyroelectricity. Piezoelectricity is the quality whereby electricity, and
sometimes light, is produced via compression. Many of the early civilizations of the Earth [e.g., Mayan, Aztec, American Indian, African Native, Celtic] often used quartz crystals in ceremonies and struck the crystals in order to produce a flash of visible light. Compression produces the release of electrons. Release of compression allows expansion [albeit minute] of the crystal and concurrent re-absorption of electrons; hence, producing mechanical energy [vibration]. A high energy source applied to a crystal may cause it to fracture. [There are numerous examples of personal crystals fracturing during use.] Pyroelectricity is the quality of an electrified state, or polarity, which is produced by, and changes with, variation in temperature. The pyroelectric state activates expansion of the inherent energy when the crystal is heated; subsequently, when cooled, the energy contracts and remains within the structure. It has been known for centuries in India and Ceylon, that tourmaline, when heated in the embers of a fire, first attracted ashes and then repelled ashes. Other crystals [e.g., topaz] will either attract or repel bits of paper, thread, or ashes. This phenomenon is due to electrical charges which accumulate on the surface of the crystal [i.e., heat producing an evident electrical energy]. The topaz will continue to hold the electrical excitation for several hours.
The energies of the mineral kingdom are “universal energies”. Hence, when one contacts and is willing to receive this energy, and begins to exercise personal
creativity via exercise of the Higher Will, one can contact and synthesize the energies from which the entire universe is comprised. This is the reason that crystals and other minerals are so very powerful and also why their powers must only be used through the highest consciousness of the individual. The individual universal energies contained within each mineralogical structure is activated and directed by interaction and/or contact with same. Right intention during use of the mineral further stimulates the melding of ones personal energy with that of the mineral kingdom, furthering the propagation of the light, the love, and “the good of all”.
Although each of us has the infinite power of the universe within the self, we tend to find it easier and are predisposed to accept support from that which is from outside of ourselves. Each crystalline structure/form has its own individual energy and its own “personality”. Mineralogical structures which contain more than one mineral possess a melding of the energies of the minerals contained. Each can be used in unique ways to assist one in understanding the multi-faceted nature of existence on the Earth plane.
Love Is In The Earth – A Kaleidoscope Of Crystals – PDF Digital Download
The consciousness of the planet is leading humanity to the re-discovery of an ancient and forgotten healing art in which the utilization of crystals is prominent. Dis-ease and disorder in ones life usually entails lessons which will allow one to release the burdens of unconsciousness. Although one must ultimately heal oneself, the healing process may be facilitated by the catalytic presence of many things. To experience dis-ease is to experience a total or partial disconnection from wholeness, a loss of awareness of the innate and universal source of perfection. The members of the mineralogical kingdom have been used for centuries to act as catalysts and to assist one in becoming re-united with that source.
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