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Jegdalek Ruby In Marble Matrix


Stone Type: Ruby

Stone Cut: Rough Specimen

Stone Color: Red

Stone Weight: .8 Ounces

Stone Size: 1.2 x 1.2 Inches

Location: Afghanistan

1 in stock

Jegdalek Ruby In Marble Matrix


Jegdalek Ruby In Marble Matrix, Of all the precious stones, Ruby has rare energy. In history it has been known to symbolize the sun, it has been called the inextinguishable flame, and Kublai Khan was said to have offered up an entire city in exchange for a ruby. A Burmese legend also believed that putting this stone beneath the skin could make you immortal. There’s no doubt, this stone has power.

Revered in many cultures throughout history, Ruby has always been a talisman of passion, protection and prosperity. It symbolizes the sun, and its glowing hue suggests an inextinguishable flame within the stone that legends claim would shine through even the thickest clothing and could not be hidden; if Ruby were cast into water it would cause it to boil, and if carved and pressed into wax, it would melt the wax. It was worn as an amulet or charm to ward off plague and pestilence, warned its wearer of impending danger, kept the body safe, and banished sadness and foolish thoughts. It was reputed to bring its owner peace, drive away frightful dreams, restrain lust, and to help resolve disputes. Burmese legend declares inserting a Ruby into the flesh would make one completely invulnerable.

Ruby encourages passion and a zest for life.  It improves motivation and setting of realistic goals.  Balances the heart and instills confidence.  Ruby encourages joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage.  It promotes positive dreams and stimulates the pineal gland.  Aids in retaining wealth and passion.  Ruby encourages removal of negative energies from your path.  It overcomes exhaustion and lethargy and imparts potency and vigor.  Calms hyperactivity.

Jegdalek Ruby In Marble Matrix

They energize and balance the body and will enhance your motivation, and it will encourage you to set practical goals. This stone will connect you to the base chakra, then through to the earth star chakra to allow excess high vibration spiritual energy to be released into the earth. The color of these gemstones are close to the color of blood, and are known to be a valuable stone to aid the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood. Often you may not recognize that symptoms such as dizziness or feeling spaced out, accompanied by a general feeling of being unwell may be a sign of the need for spiritual grounding.

Ruby can warm and energize even the most sluggish aura , and as such, is excellent for the convalescing or infirmed individual. This stone can assist in healing infections, lower cholesterol, reduce blood clots, detoxify the blood and erase the difficulties associated with going sober. It stimulates the circulation, menses, and the pituitary gland. It is a stone to keep on your person when healing from blood related disorders or blood pressure problems.

Ruby is a stone that all those who are in service to others should have upon them. it helps you feel more like giving to others and doing so with love and joy in your heart. There is no room for resentment in ones heart who is being of service to others and this stone does not allow that to be a part of your heart. it helps you relax as you caretake others because you can trust you will not be trapped in any way in that role. it helps all to be warm, caring and help out with the needs of others.

Ruby is bright with benefits and is a protective and intense stone. For those who want to turn up the volume on their life force, Ruby is all about raising the stakes and boosting energy levels. For the wearer who chooses the deepened hues of the Ruby, any sluggish or despondent feelings can burn up like wood in the fire. The Ruby is a rare creature. It’s got strong aphrodisiac qualities that go beyond simple ideas of touch and desire. It’s a heady concoction of color, strength, confidence, and vitality. For those wanting a powerful gemstone that lights up their world, the Ruby is your rarity.

Jegdalek Ruby In Marble Matrix

Ruby is excellent for those who are repelled by being in a body in the physical world. It can help you feel more engaged in life and more loving toward your physical body and human existence. Ruby intensifies the emotions and stokes passions. It can be used as a talisman to bring wealth, joy, love, sexual vigor and power.  Ruby offers you healthy tension and dynamism. It is enlivening, rejuvenates, fires you with enthusiasm and lifts you out of lethargy and exhaustion. It has a balancing effect on hyperactivity.

Ruby is a stone of good fortune and this means fortune of the body, mind, and soul. When it comes to physical healing, this gem can strengthen the heart, muscles, and ventricles. As the vibrant deep red hues suggest, it’s a bloodstone which means it can encourage everything from circulation to menstrual pain. It can also help with issues around sexuality, fertility, and everything to do with reproductive issues. Ruby can also help the body detox, along with helping treat the kidneys, lymph, and adrenal glands.

Ruby increases your passion for life when used with conscious intent. This brilliant red stone is a motivational tool for helping you complete tasks. If you have been procrastinating, this stone gives you that needed jumpstart to begin a task or project. Hold ruby to get your mind wrapped around the idea that it is time to move forward and take action. It can strengthen and energize the heart chakra, opening blocked channels so that you are able to better send and receive love, courage, confidence, vitality, stamina, strength, leadership and success. If used on the base chakra, ruby can act as an aphrodisiac and it encourages you to get in-touch with the condition and needs of the physical body.

Jegdalek Ruby In Marble Matrix

Spiritually, Ruby is a shot of burning bright light in the darkness. For those who feel like the world has turned cold and they can’t engage, this gem will fire up your chi and get your inner engine going again. Ruby is an awesome stone for the root chakra – it gets you grounded, safe, and stable so that you don’t feel shaken by the winds of change. It helps our sacral and solar plexus chakras too. These lower chakras aren’t just about stability and safety. They are also where our passion and creativity sit. By engaging a flow of energy that links the root to the creative center, you can walk through this world feeling more connected to your authentic self.

Ruby teaches you to enjoy being in the physical world. It helps you see the spiritual energy that exists throughout the realm of matter, and offers lessons in mastering the transformation of thought and intent into physical manifestation. Ruby helps you release the physical imprint of past emotional trauma or physical abuse. Ruby lends style and vigor to life. It bestows passion as a driving force, but still prevents any tendencies towards self destruction in its role as a life loving stone.

Ruby signifies light to the darkness of one’s life. It encourages “following your bliss,” teaching one to enjoy being in the physical world and perceiving the spiritual energy that exists throughout the realm of matter. It offers lessons in mastering the transformation of thought and intent into physical manifestation in order to change one’s world.

Jegdalek Ruby In Marble Matrix

Ruby brings red, the color of a self-confidence built on fearlessness, a call to action and excitement. It raises our enthusiasm and speeds up our metabolism. Red reflects the color of passion, energy, and life. It motivates. It is a very strong color, the color of fire and blood. Dark Red crystals embody strong, deep feelings, durable energy and quiet passion. It is a masculine color, particularly useful for increasing devotion and seeing the seriousness of life.

Ruby detoxifies the body, blood and lymphatic system. It treats fevers, infectious disease and restricted blood flow.  Ruby stimulates the adrenals, kidneys, reproductive organs and spleen.

Wear or carry Ruby to overcome exhaustion and lethargy. It stimulates circulation and amplifies energy and vitality to the whole system. However, those who are highly sensitive or irritable may find this stone over-stimulating or uncomfortable to wear. Ruby has been known to calm hyperactivity in some individuals.

The ruby is a stone of nobility. The energy of the ruby is intense and vivid. This stone encourages one to follow bliss. It also acts as a “plug” for holes in the energy field. Wonderful stone for the 1st chakra as it stimulates our basic instinct of/for survival. It strengthens both the physical and emotional heart. Ruby brings love, confidence, loyalty, and courage. It instills stamina, vitality and strength. A good stone for removing blocked energies in the reproductive system. It re-energizes one after exhaustion. Also good for balancing the blood’s sugar. It also helps to reduce negative thought patterns. Ruby allows you to love Self and Spirit. A good stone of protection. Depending upon which type of gold you have the ring set in, (yellows or silvers) it would bring with it these healing properties as well.

Ruby gemstones are effective psychic protection stones, and are excellent assets to help you to defend yourself against psychic attack from negative entities. They are powerful healing crystals for you to use as their vibration acts as a barrier against those who want to steal your energy. If you wish to increase your ability to dream, and in particular wish to experience lucid dreams, put a piece of Ruby under the pillow.

Ruby is an aphrodisiac, allowing one to experience all forms of love, from wild sensuality to mystical communion. It deepens a couple’s relationship and encourages closeness and commitment. It is also the stone of courtly love and may honor admiration from a distance. Worn during lovemaking, Ruby can help restore and maintain passion, and is excellent for increasing the chances for conception.

Jegdalek Ruby In Marble Matrix

This is not surprising as they have been in use for hundreds of years, as they are extraordinarily beautiful. Lovely birthstone jewelry made from these red gemstones are sold in many different styles. They are a Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Cancer birthstone and are beautiful healing crystals for you to use to stimulate your energy and vitality. Its strong vibration will encourage an increase in your sensuality, sexuality and passion for life. The energy of these crystals ask you to live your life for today and not to be concerned with fear about anything negative that may arise tomorrow. If these lovely gemstones are not within your budget, you could use a piece of natural stone instead, which may also be available as jewelry.

Ruby’s intense energy sharpens the mind, bringing a heightened awareness and excellent concentration. It promotes a courageous attitude, and may increase one’s success in controversies and disputes. Ruby helps reduce fear of the paranormal and evil. It banishes nightmares, and guards against psychic and psychological attack. It is a shielding crystal, protecting the home from fire and intruders, and is good to wear discreetly to stay safe at night.

Ruby assists in regulating menstrual flow and alleviating pain associated with menstruation. It is considered beneficial for the reproductive organs, and is often used for treatment of sexual dysfunction, impotence and infertility, early menopause, and as a support for gynecological operations. It is believed to be helpful during pregnancy, especially for older women, and in the optimum formation of children in the embryonic state. Ruby is useful in detoxifying the body, blood, and lymph, and is helpful in treating fever and infections. It stimulates the adrenals, kidneys and spleen, and aids inadequate circulation or energy flow in the feet and legs. It may also be used to assist in weight regulation, especially when emotional eating is a cause.

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Weight .3 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 3 in