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Jade Pendant


Stone Type: Jade

Stone Cut: Pendant

Stone Weight: .1 Ounces

Stone Size: 1 Inches Long x .64 Inches Wide

Location: China

17 in stock

Jade Pendant


Jade Pendant, is known as a dream stone and as a stone of fidelity, bringing realization to ones potential and devotion to ones purpose. It improves ones remembering of dreams and assists in dream solving. It is used to release suppressed emotions via the dream process, for this activity, a piece of jade is placed under the pillow prior to sleep. Jade, considered a very lucky stone, facilitates peace and harmony between the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of ones life. When all of these aspects operate in harmony and balance, goals become easier to reach.

Jade is said to bless whatever it touches, serving mankind across the globe for nearly 6,000 years. For primitive peoples in the British Isles, its toughness, and ability to polish and sharpen made it a favored stone for axe heads, knives and weapons. Indigenous tribes of Mexico, Central and South America, and New Zealand carved it into deity masks and ritual artifacts, even cast it into wells as an offering to the water spirits for fresh and plentiful water. Jade has been the most highly esteemed stone in China throughout recorded history, and was valued for its beauty and powers of healing and protection. An endless variety of gems, vessels, incense burners, beads, burial items and statues have been wondrously carved from Jade, as well as musical instruments and pendants inscribed with poetry.

Jade is a symbol of serenity and purity. It signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility. It increases love and nurturing. A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Jade attracts good luck and friendship. It stabilizes the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Stimulates ideas. A “dream stone”, Jade brings insightful dreams. It aids emotional release, especially of irritability. Jade encourages you to become who you really are.

Jade Pendant

The strong energies it carries can be felt almost instantly when touched, especially when held to the heart. Its energies flow outwards towards the heart, injecting it with love and balance that can soften any weight one holds within it. Jade itself has a nurturing heart within its energetic makeup that seeks to heal, replenish, and support. Its energies pulse steadily and abundantly throughout the body from the heart, providing physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Working with this stone provides a true heart to heart connection not only with the stone itself but also with divine love.

Jade, is a powerful healing stone for the heart. The strong energies it carries can be felt almost instantly when touched, especially when held to the heart. Its energies flow outwards towards the heart, injecting it with love and balance that can soften any weight one holds within it. Jade itself has a nurturing heart within its energetic makeup that seeks to heal, replenish, and support. Its energies pulse steadily and abundantly throughout the body from the heart, providing physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Working with this stone provides a true heart to heart connection not only with the stone itself but also with divine love.

Jade is a cleansing stone helping the bodies filtration and elimination organs. This stone supports the healing of hip and kidney problems. Jade brings out your innate healing abilities. It is a gentle healer that boosts your body’s self healing powers. It helps to resolve emotional or spiritual problems that may be lowering physical resistance. It is effective against lung, eye, bladder and kidney problems, fluid retention and blood-sugar imbalances. It helps to relieve arthritis and bone, joint pain or stiffness, especially of the hips.

Jade Pendant

It is an incredible ally in understanding and connecting with nature; allowing one to work directly with nature energy and integrate it with their own energetic field. This helps to nurture your chi energy, just like the trees, giving it a strong root of love in the heart so it can steadily increase, grow, and flourish. Green Jade will also aid in maintaining the connection to nature energy, even when one is away from nature.

Jade is a strong earth element stone and has a very deep connection with Mother Earth. It is an incredible ally in understanding and connecting with nature; allowing one to work directly with nature energy and integrate it with their own energetic field. This helps to nurture your chi energy, just like the trees, giving it a strong root of love in the heart so it can steadily increase, grow, and flourish. Green Jade will also aid in maintaining the connection to nature energy, even when one is away from nature.

Jade also allows one access to the basic rituals and knowledge used during the Mayan dream time. It furthers the connection with the elders of the Mayan culture, assisting one in obtaining the necessary insights for performing the ceremonial services. This is a stone that can help you to attain your goals and dreams, instilling resourcefulness, and allowing you to see past your self imposed limitations and manifest your ideas into the physical world.


Jade is also one of the very few stones that will transmute the negative energies surrounding you and release it into positive vibrations of love and joy that will benefit everyone in your environment. It brings the mind and body into harmony and promotes stabilization of one’s personality. Jade is a very calming stone that should be carried by anyone who has trouble dealing with situations or simply feel overwhelmed daily. This stone aids in realizing that we are all spiritual beings on the journey of human life, and in turn helps one in becoming who they truly are in this physical life.

Jade is a wonderful balancing stone. It is considered to be a lucky stone that offers good health, wealth, and love. Jade can help you realize your full potential and attain purposeful goals. Jade also helps lift stuffed-down emotional issues and bring them to light for resolution. Jade can be used as a dream-enhancer by slipping a chunk of it under your pillow or inside your pillowcase while sleeping. Keep a small chunk of jade inside a box or bowl where you empty your pockets into at the end of the day. Mingling jade with coins attracts more abundance.


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Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in


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