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Ironstone Egg


Stone Type: Ironstone

Stone Cut: Egg

Stone Color: Brown

Stone Weight: 1 Pound 3.8 Ounces

Stone Size: 3.53 x 2.73 Inches

Location: Africa

1 in stock

Ironstone Egg


Ironstone Egg,  is a powerful lower Chakra stone, promoting physical vitality, energy, and stamina. Tiger Iron is a helpful aid to those who feel emotionally, mentally or physically exhausted and burned out. Full of grounding Earth energy, Tiger Iron also helps to find courage and refuge in times of danger, and promotes a deeper connection to the Earth and her cycles. Tiger Iron, like Golden Brown Tiger Eye, is helpful in manifesting ideas into reality and giving personal strength in times of change. Iron is a great stone to use for creative solutions and ideas. Many musicians, artists, actors, and writers find Tiger Iron to be a perfect ally in their pursuits, but it is also helpful for any in the working world to come up with new ways of dealing with old problems. Iron acts as a supreme healing stone, encouraging the remembrance of perfection within the cells, and can be therefore laid upon any affected areas to bring improvement. For those sensitive types, Iron can pull extraneous energies down into the lower chakras, thereby enhancing emotional integrity and centering the self.

It will help heal any kind of physical and mental exhaustion that comes with realizing your dreams and goals. Iron will deepen the connection between your spirit and your body, and it will ground you in your sense of self and your sense of purpose. Iron symbolizes your ability to manifest your desires. It will show you how you can use and be inspired by the energies of this stone to accomplish your life goals. It can help in healing different kinds of chronic illnesses. It can improve the functions of the lungs, intestines, kidneys, and the pancreas. It can also prevent you from having bad habits, such as drinking and smoking, by enhancing your stamina and willpower. Iron can help in the formation of red blood cells, which will enhance the oxygen flow in your body. It can also improve your eyesight, your night vision, and your metabolism.

Ironstone Egg, Ironstone brings out creative and artistic abilities. It is helpful if suffering from deep exhaustion at any level, especially emotional or mental burn-out or family stress. Iron stimulates vitality and aids in the assimilation of B vitamins and to balance the red/white blood cell count. It strengthens the muscles and aids in production of natural steroids. This stone provides emotional healing and is very beneficial for those who are suffering from emotional or mental tensions or any family related issues. It keeps you ready for change and helps you incorporate all the new things that come into life. It provides you with all the energy required to take actions and be active. It also helps to bring out all the creative and artistic talent that you have and thus enhances your creative endeavors.

This stone reduces that inner procrastination that leads to ideas, projects, and goals never coming to fruition. Seeing this over a long period of time will gradually reduce ones confidence in themselves and their overall abilities. Iron is such a powerful stone and will imbue your aura with endless rays of self-confidence and strength. Iron quite literally gives you the “eye of the tiger”, making any dream or idea possible. Ironstone mineral will activate one’s personal will and help them stay focused on the task at hand. One may feel a strengthened connection between themselves and they’re work, which can sometimes be the feeling they’ve been missing for so long.

Ironstone Egg, If you are someone who has a workshop, a desk job, or a studio of some sort, we recommend filling that space with as much Iron as possible. These stones will constantly be providing your environment with positive energy that can be channeled into your important work. We highly recommend this stone to anyone who works in the music and art fields as well. Ironstone helps in releasing our inner most creative vibrations so that they may flow freely throughout the body. These vibrations will only become stronger and easier to activate the more you use them. It’s important to treat your creative side like a muscle, working it out constantly to keep it growing. When we stop working out, we slowly lose our muscles, the same way our creativity eventually becomes dormant.

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Weight 2.0 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in