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Howlite Tumbled Stones


Stone Type: Howlite

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

Stone Weight: Varies

Stone Color: White

Stone Size: 1 Inch

Location: USA


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3 in stock

Howlite Tumbled Stones


Howlite Tumbled Stones, Howlite is composed of hydrous calcium borate and is opaque. Howlite is generally white to cream with fine grey or black veining. It often forms in nodules which resemble cauliflower heads. Howlite balances the calcium levels in the body and helps teeth, bones, hair and muscles. Howlite is a reminder to drink plenty of water for optimal health. It can signal that you need to sit in a bath and soak away your worries, toxins and stress. This stone is aligned with the breasts, breast milk and nursing babies. The Divine brings the healing value of nurturing to the forefront of any physical ailment.

Howlite may be a highly emotional stone but that doesn’t mean that it cuts corners when it comes to overall health and wellbeing. In the physical sense, Howlite with its bone white coloring can lend a hand when it comes to helping balance calcium levels in the body. With Howlite on hand you can strengthen the skeleton, grow luscious shiny hair, and let your pearly white teeth gleam. Along with radiant health, Howlite can also serve as a signal to the body that it needs more water to thrive. Whether sipping herbal tea or soaking in a detox bath, this is a stone that calls to the water element.

This stone teaches you patience and helps to remove rage and uncontrolled anger. Carry howlite in your pocket when you are going to be in a place where anger and rage could be possible. It will help to keep you calm and settle everyone else down as well. Be sure to cleanse your crystal after each encounter.

Howlite Tumbled Stones

​Howlite stills the mind and is excellent for sleep and meditation. It helps to ensure calm and reasoned communication. Howlite strengthens the memory and instils a need for knowledge. It can calm turbulent emotions, especially those that have past life causes.

If you often find your mind is filled with a constant stream of noise, then Howlite is here to bring a spot of calm and contemplative silence. Everyone who has a mind that moves with the swinging branches of a million monkeys knows that sleep and respite can be tough to find. With Howlite on side, you can encourage those turbulent waves to settle and turn into a gentle flow. Blue Howlite in particular is an excellent tool for calming an overactive mind and tempering emotional expression.

Howlite absorbs stress, tension, anxiety and other intense emotions. When howlite is placed on the heart chakra it will renew your patience and love for others.  Howlite is helpful for cooling heated emotions and regaining emotional balance. This stone relieves intense pressure during potentially explosive situation. Howlite also has a cleansing vibration, It provides you with a higher understanding of the source of emotional stress and giving you a new lither perspective.

For those who tend to be quick to anger and who rush in with a hot head, Howlite is like a long cool drink on a scorching day. It’s a stone that shows us that taking a moment to consider all angles before responding can often lead to better outcomes. This stone is an exceptional absorber of stress and tension, making it an amazing tool to have at hand during moments that can feel pressured. It invites you to approach the world with love and understanding and to communicate in a way that doesn’t pour fuel on a flickering flame. Even if you aren’t an angry person but often find yourself having to soothe a heated soul, Howlite gives you the strength to deal with anger in a way that is far from inflammatory while still ensuring your own boundaries and best interests are met.

Howlite Tumbled Stones

Howlite links to the spirit realm and prepares the mind for wisdom and insights to be sent. It helps open memories of other lives if placed on the third eye. Howlite will help you with your ambitions by helping you to achieve them. Howlite reminds you to connect with the moon, its cycles and the spiritual benefits derived from the moon’s receptive vibrations. This stone is used to open your intuitive skill. When using howlite during meditation it will enhance your telepathic, psychometric and visionary intuition. Howlite will assist you in learning the lessons of mindfulness to the Divine and respect all mankind. It also teaches you to pay respect to your elders as well as the environment, by encouraging you to take no more than you need.

A highly competent cleanser of negative energy, Howlite is here to mop up bad vibes and keep you connected with higher realms and on the path to purpose. It’s so easy for us all to get caught in the tangled webs of the world and to channel our energy into the minutiae. But Howlite is here to connect with the crown chakra and to remind us not to trawl through the swamp when we could be leaping towards serenity and knowledge. It’s a stone that is thirsty for knowledge across all avenues and in particular when it comes to spiritual knowledge. Howlite also connects to the third eye chakra, the place of our infinite inner wisdom and deep heartfelt intuition. For those who are excited to explore the possibility of past lives, Howlite can also assist in bringing those details into focus.

Howlite Tumbled Stones

Howlite’s meaning is the promotion of calm, peace, deep reflection, and tranquility. Howlite helps you grow spiritually by placing you in a position of calm acceptance and quieting your spirit. If you find meditation difficult due to distraction, Howlite is a great stone to keep by your side during your practices. Howlite also promotes self-reflection, free from narcissism or negativity. It allows you to look deeply at your personal truth and gives you the courage to make adjustments where needed.

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Weight .3 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in