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Healing Crystals The A-Z Guide To 430 Gemstones


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Healing Crystals The A-Z Guide To 430 Gemstones


Healing Crystals The A-Z Guide To 430 Gemstones, Michael is a pioneer and one of the most committed researchers in the field of gem remedy. In 2003, twenty years after the first wave of modern publications on the healing power of gemstones, he presented Healing Crystals, a comprehensive illustrated guide to healing gemstones. Updated in 2009, Healing Crystals details, in a in a clear and concise form, the individual qualities and specific healing properties of 430 crystals. This work reflects the development in the field of gem remedies over three spans of seven years: seven years of pioneering work, seven years of systematic research and seven years of working experience – without these preliminary stages and the co-operation of many naturopaths, doctors and gemstone consultants, this work would not have been possible. My heartfelt thanks go to all those who have contributed to making this work a reality!

This guide is intended for all those who seek a reliable and simple source
of information on healing crystals:
• For all interested people who wish to inform themselves about the healing
properties of crystals.
• For all naturopaths, doctors and gemstone consultants as an up-to-date
reference guide to healing crystals.
• For all those who work with or deal in crystals, as an important update
on the latest developments in the field of gem remedies.
In a word: a guide for anyone who relates to crystals. So take a look …

Healing Crystals The A-Z Guide To 430 Gemstones

How to use this guide
This guide presents and defines the mineralogy and healing effects of crystals in common use. It offers brief information on the basic properties of the crystals. For further information, consult the indicated bibliography as needed. Terms used in the guide are explained in detail as follows: Title: the title of each entry gives the name or names of the illustrated crystal. In addition to mineralogical names, their common names are also used if they better pinpoint or describe the crystal in question. To distinguish the mineralogical names, which are scientifically recognised, from the common, or trade, names, they are printed in black, while the common names are printed in blue. In certain cases the blue names are chosen titles which serve as a suggestion, to both gemstone dealers and interested readers, of correct and clear designation of the crystals, including their healing properties.

Healing Crystals The A-Z Guide To 430 Gemstones


this gives brief information on the mineralogy, especially the crystal classification and group where necessary, as well as the crystalline structure and nature of formation (‘primary’ = molten magma formation, ‘secondary’ = formation through disintegration and deposits, ‘tertiary’ = metamorphic formation under heat and pressure). In addition to the visible colour, these details are very important for the healing effect and usage of a

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