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Green Chert Tumbled Stones


Stone Type: Green Chert

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

Stone Weight: Varies

Stone Color: Green

Stone Size: 1 – 1.3  Inches

Location: India


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57 in stock

Green Chert Tumbled Stones


Green Chert Tumbled Stones, Chart is a fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline silica. It occurs as nodules, concretionary masses, and as layered deposits. Chert can form when microcrystals of silicon dioxide grow within soft sediments that will become limestone or chalk. In these sediments, enormous numbers of silicon dioxide microcrystals grow into irregularly-shaped nodules or concretions when dissolved silica is transported to the formation site by the movement of groundwater. If the nodules or concretions are numerous, they can grow large enough to merge with one another to form a nearly continuous layer of chert within the sediment mass. Chert formed in this manner is a chemical sedimentary rock.

In prehistoric times, chert was often used as a raw material for the construction of stone tools. Like obsidian, as well as some rhyolites, felsites, quartzites, and other tool stones used in lithic reduction, chert fractures in a Hertzian cone when struck with sufficient force. This results in conchoidal fractures, a characteristic of all minerals with no cleavage planes. In this kind of fracture, a cone of force propagates through the material from the point of impact, eventually removing a full or partial cone; this result is familiar to anyone who has seen what happens to a plate-glass window when struck by a small object, such as an airgun projectile. The partial Hertzian cones produced during lithic reduction are called flakes, and exhibit features characteristic of this sort of breakage, including striking platforms, bulbs of force, and occasionally eraillures, which are small secondary flakes detached from the flake’s bulb of force.

Green Chert is a stone of the heart; encouraging emotions and feeling to grow. This is a great stone to work with if you are forming a new relationship in your life; family, friend, lover, or even new co-workers. It is a stone of happiness and self-confidence that allows you to shine with your unique energy which appreciating and honoring the uniqueness within others. Green Chert encourages feelings of contentment, love, gratitude, and hope. This is what makes it the perfect stone for feeling in tune with others in your life.

Green Chert Tumbled Stones

Green Chert brings strength of heart and compassion to those who work with its energy. This gracious stone presents a deep healing of the heart by releasing repressed emotions and letting go of grief, guilt, and shame. Through working with the energy of this gemstone, you will find unconditional compassion and forgiveness for yourself and others. Green Chert will also promote you to play an active role in manifesting your idea of prosperity and abundance. This crystal will assist you in taking the necessary steps to heal and create the life of your dreams.

Green Chert has a wonderful manifestation energy with a twist. Prosperity and Abundance can be manifested but not by belief alone. You must take action, make the effort to aid in the intention, which creates that which is manifest. Green Chert can help to release repressed hurts and traumas held deeply in the heart. With your permission and participation, Green Chert can help to heal the heart from the grief, guilt, and pain you have hidden for so long. Green Chert is a tool to aid in the process and helps to find a place of forgiveness. The process will take time. The Crystal Council chimes in here,”We encourage you to seek the help and support of a friend, family member or counselor as you work through these issues. Green Chert will help to heal on ALL levels. And it seems to have a very important message for energy healers. “Healer, heal thyself. For if you are not at 100% or you put yourself last behind all others, you are doing a great disservice to the healing profession and yourself.

The energies of Green Stones are most useful in matters of the heart or when you’re seeking a sense of balance and stability in your life. It can be helpful with memory and to help to find lost items. Green Stones are a representation of the colors of nature. Helps redirect energy and is a stone of protection and healing. It is a stone of happiness It’s considered as nurturing stone that help promote goodwill and brotherhood. Enhances serenity and brings peaceful sleep. Nurturing Stone. At the same time, it help to enhance the group stability. Aids memory and helps to find lost items.

Green Chert Tumbled Stones

Chert is a stone with a very strong energy. It helps you to be courageous, strong and enterprising. Lazy and sluggish people become active, energetic and efficient under his influence. Since ancient times, chert has been considered an assistant traveler. It was believed that it protects people from the path, protects against possible violence, and warns of fraud and deception.

Green Chert reminds us that each person, each experience teaches us a lesson. Learn from all of them. Judge not. Have compassion. The energy of Green Chert carries a high vibration. I feel like it is a guide as we go through the lessons of the physical plane and the spiritual one. It is how we balance and center. It is learning how to live from both, the middle way. For those who practice plant medicine, Green Chert can aid in this area, especially those working with herbs and healing plants. Physically, Green Chert will help with issues concerning the physical heart. It will help to balance immune system. Use Green Chert as a healing tool to aid in the areas of the Pancreas and excretory systems. May assist in the balancing of blood sugars for those who have Diabetes. My first visual is of HH the Dalai Lama sitting in front of me. He speaks quietly, “Always do good. Live from your heart. Embrace everyone. Shun no one.

This mineral is an excellent choice for use in activities related to thought transference; one may transfer information, ideas, and loving emotional messages to another and receive, in return, the touching interpersonal experiences of the energy of the universe. It can help to relieve shyness and to promote both intimate and personal experiences. It also assists one in severing the emotional ties through which one is attached to problems and distressful situations.

It has been revered by the ancient tribes of this planet to produce protective energy and to dispel negativity from “haunted” localities. It assists one in viewing the unknown, providing for insight into the methods by which to oppose contrary forces; it can further enhance ones abilities toward meticulous judgment concerning the manifested character of others. It can also be helpful in money management. It has been used as a talisman to bring intellectual, psychological, rational, and physical strength during confrontations, arguments, and disputes.

Green Chert Tumbled Stones

It assists in advancing one’s ability to channel this energy throughout their emotional and physical bodies. This energy is raw and extremely potent, thus aiding one on their quest of self discovery. By simply meditating with Chert and using it as a talisman of ancient power, one can consciously see layers of who they once were. This experience brings your past-life to the surface and enables you to draw knowledge from these events. These experiences can happen during deep meditation sessions.

Another reason why you might want to have a piece of Chert with you always is because it can act as a protection amulet. It it said to shield the wearer from negative and low-vibration energies. If you need to get rid of something in your life, whether it’s a bad habit, irritation, or complicated issue, then flint could be one of your greatest allies. With Chert, it doesn’t truly matter if you have just embarked on a spiritual path or have been on it for quite a while. This stone works for everyone who would like to improve their connection with the spiritual world. Chert is also a fantastic companion for those who are hoping to manifest something positive in their lives.

Chert is thought to benefit the lungs, calcification of bones, cuts, liver, joints, kidneys, and kidney stones. It is also thought to aid digestion. It is said to assist in the balancing of skin wounds and superficial growths.

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Weight .3 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in