Euchlorite Tower 1
Stone Type: Euchlorite
Stone Cut: Tower
Stone Color: Green / Black
Stone Weight: 2.9 Ounces
Stone Size: 3.4 x 1.1 Inches
Location: China
1 in stock
Euchlorite Tower 1
Euchlorite Tower 1, Euchlorite reverberates cleanliness, balance and health. The color itself is the primary color of our natural world. When we take a nature walk our mind seems clearer, we naturally slow down into the present moment, our breath deepens and our mood tends to stabilize. The color green represents nitrogen, an important element in the air we breath. It is a cool, fresh color that vibrates health, growth and new life. It is the color of universal attraction that invites a sense of equilibrium and normality where there is chaotic growth and instability.
Euchlorite will align and unblock your energy meridians by helping you release your emotional wounds, whether old or fresh. This crystal will enhance your energetic connections and teach you the value of oneness and being connected. It will disperse the negative energies that cause you to feel negative emotions and think negative thoughts.
Euchlorite naturally lifts the vibration of the human organism higher than that of illness. In a time where pollutants are virtually impossible to avoid, this opulent mineral offers us a certain protection that is both physical and psychic. Euchlorite generates the impersonal and powerful energy of compassion from the heart with the guidance to reach far beyond our own person, to our entourage, our city, country, world and beyond, including our own Earth whose land and waters are in dire need of cleansing and healing.
Euchlorite Tower 1
Euchlorite are powerful crystals to aid spiritual development. They are helpful used in meditation to aid you to develop psychic gifts. They have a strong heart based energy and are excellent healing stones. They vibrate strongly within the higher chakras, and may assist you to contact the angels. They may also assist you to connect with Spirit guides and other beings from the higher realms. Their energy may aid healers as well as helping with self healing.
Euchlorite is also a good crystal to meditate to because it builds a conscious connection with the energies of the earth. Its energies are also very healing to the earth itself. It will allow you to connect to the high vibrations of your spiritual guides. It will also bring a heightened sense of awareness so that you can achieve an enlightened view of life. This crystal will show you the beauty of change and help you embrace change so that you can be a better version of yourself.
Meditating with Euchlorite is useful to create a conscious connection with Earth energies & is very helpful in Earth healing. They connect to high vibrational energies & spiritual guides, bringing forth heightened states of awareness. They teach the beauty of change & show us how to embrace change to build better more enlightened version of our self.
Euchlorite Tower 1
Greatly stimulates creativity, promotes growth & expansion on all levels. Promotes a powerful protective energy within any environment. Can be used to prevent psychic attack & release curses or spells. Dark energies cannot exist in the presents of this crystal as it neutralises evil rendering it powerless.
Working with Euchlorite will also allow you to be more aware of your self-limiting thoughts. It will give you the strength to release them so that you can truly be free and light. Euchlorite is very helpful when it comes to growth and transformation, and it can work wonderfully with your regeneration and self-healing. Choose Euchlorite because it’s also a powerful stone that can connect to mother nature, just like Angel Aura. It will help you ground your painful emotions to the earth and cleanse your aura of negative vibrations.
Euchlorite balances the chakras, aligns & unblocks energy meridians releasing emotional wounds. They greatly increase energetic connections & teach oneness through connectivity. Dispersing negative energies & emotions they clear the way for manifestation to thrive.
Euchlorite not only works with the physical body, but the auric body as well. Euchlorite will help to cleanse the aura, chakras and energy meridians. Euchlorite is a great piece to use when there is excessive anger or frustration, gently removing and dissipating the energy. Euchlorite will help to resolve issues of the heart and remove blockages and resistance that will allow one to acknowledge, forgive, release, and move forward.
Euchlorite Tower 1
Euchlorite crystals are powerful physical healers that assist in achieving balance, health and realignment of our vibrational and physical aspects. They can aid in connecting us to healing guides and to the earth. Through meditation they can help us to journey within to find the source of physical ailments. Euchlorite are thought to support cell function and regeneration and believed to help regulate cell growth and mutation. This crystal is also thought to protect the body from harmful radiation and are useful to stabilize energy during cancer radiation therapy.
Euhlorite carries energies that will be very beneficial for you in your journey to acquire wealth and prosperity. Its energies will strengthen your sense of determination and willpower so that you will not let your failures discourage you. It will also teach you to become more independent in your work, more mature in your decisions, and more inspiring in your leadership.
Euchlorite is both wonderfully uplifting and feels like fresh air for the soul, whilst helping you to stay calm and grounded. Natural green Euchlorite is the stone of abundance and prosperity. It carries the healing energy of the Green Ray, and resonates with the Heart Chakra. The essence of natural green chlorite in quartz is that of Universal, unconditional love. It improves health, invites abundance, and helps to create healthy energetic flow. Try slipping it into your pocket while on-the-go, or place it on your altar. If you work with the energy of the chakras, you may choose to hold it on or near your Heart Chakra during meditation for deep heart healing.
Euchlorite is a great piece to use when there is excessive anger or frustration, gently removing and dissipating the energy. Euchlorite will help to resolve issues of the heart and remove blockages and resistance that will allow one to acknowledge, forgive, release, and move forward. Euchlorite is also a wonderful stone to use to cleanse the environment, a sacred space, or home/office. Euchlorite can help to clear negativity. Euchlorite Towers will make wonderful grid companions, especially when placed in a healing room or sacred space. Place a Euchlorite Tower in an office to keep the area free and clear of cluttered, chaotic or negative energies. Healers, Euchlorite is a must have for your healing crystal inventory.
Euchlorite Tower 1
Euchlorite crystals are believed to be powerful healers that assist in achieving balance, health and realignment of our vibrational and physical aspects. They may aid in connecting us to healing guides and to the earth. Through meditation they may help us to journey within. Euchlorite Crystals are believed to support cell function and regeneration.
Weight | .4 lbs |
Dimensions | 4 × 1 × 1 in |
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