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Chrysocolla Tumbled Stones Small


Stone Type: Chrysocolla

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

Stone Weight: Varies

Stone Color: Blue / Green

Stone Size: 1 – 1.7 Inches

Location: Brazil

For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

15 in stock

Chrysocolla Tumbled Stones Small


Chrysocolla Tumbled Stones Small, Chrysocolla is well known amongst the American Indian cultures who have been using it as a healing stone for strengthening the body’s resistance and for calming upset feelings. Their leaders utilized chrysocolla’s powers to encourage peace between nations. It is traditionally the stone of musicians. This stone can be used to erect a gentle but effective force field around the home against unpleasant of intrusive neighbors.

Anyone who finds themselves struggling with tense and tight relationships (whether lover, family, or friend), having Chrysocolla close by can stop things from getting overly heated, helping communication and love to flow like fine silk. For those who are also struggling to overcome heartache or disappointment, the Teaching Stone reminds us that there are lessons to be carried forward from the darkest of corners. By spinning those negative feelings into something positively productive, Chrysocolla helps you to find your joy in life and gives you that confidence and motivation to manifest your own reality.

Chrysocolla can be used daily to bring light, love and healing into your life. This stone can help you express your feelings. It also inspires flexibility in your life and creativity in all things. Chrysocolla encourages to bring and understand the need for emotional balance. Chrysocolla has a gentle, soothing energy, if during meditation, it can help flush out and heal emotional blockage, giving sufferers of heartbreak and anguish the ability to make peace with the past, and regard the future with flexibility and patience.

Chrysocolla Tumbled Stones Small

Chrysocolla is a teaching stone, encouraging us to reveal our highest knowledge so that others may benefit from our experiences. This may come in the form of speaking lovingly to a friend and offering insights, a teacher to a student, or by simply modeling the power of words, chosen wisely with knowledge of their impact in the world. It is also a valuable tool for those who speak for a living.

With its combination of blues and greens, the Chrysocolla crystal meaning represents a combination of energies related to love, growth, and communication. By surrounding you with soothing energy, the Chrysocolla crystal stone meaning invites you to explore your heart’s desires — whether that means connecting with others, speaking your truth, or embarking on a new journey in life.

​Chrysocolla has a unique green-blue color but it can vary widely from more blue to more green, often in the same specimen. This stone appears as dull or vitreous and waxy and is translucent to opaque. Chrysocolla is found in massive forms that can be crusts, stalactites and in a botryoidal form. This stone can form as inclusions in other minerals such as quartz.

Chrysocolla calms, cleanses and re-energizes all the chakras. It draws out guilt, heals heartache and increases the capacity to love. Improves communication and opens psychic vision. Encourages self-awareness and inner balance. Imparts confidence and sensitivity. Chrysocolla enhances personal power and inspires creativity. Overcomes phobias by drawing out negativity and supplying motivation. Reduces mental tension. Promotes truth-telling and impartiality. Alleviates guilt and brings in joy.

This stone’s calming effect helps with nervous disorders, such as anxiety and depression, feelings of guilt, and hyperkinetic movement. It is also a beneficial stone for women by reducing menstrual pain, and is conducive to happy pregnancies by relieving the anxieties of first-time mothers.

Chrysocolla Tumbled Stones Small

Chrysocolla is a stone of wise women everywhere. Worn or carried, it helps older women to express their knowledge and experience through writing, painting, music, crafts or acting. It is a remarkable gift for first-time grandmothers and great-grandmothers to help balance their new caring role, and is a good stone for those who may feel nervous at home at night if living alone.

Thanks to its calming properties, Chrysocolla helps to lower blood pressure. Alongside being an amazing antidote to anxiety, Chrysocolla helps with a host of female-centric problems encouraging easier periods free from intense cramps and healthy harmonious pregnancies. On top of this, it also helps regulate blood sugar, aids digestion, keeps the lungs clean and healthy and can deal dutifully with infections and fevers.

Chrysocolla Tumbled Stones large, is a tranquil stone. Chrysocolla can be used with the Throat Chakra, where it helps with wise communication, or with the Heart Chakra to balance and strengthen, helping one to learn how to live from the truth of the Heart. It can also be used to open and activate the Thymus, or Second Heart Chakra. Chrysocolla has been used with the Third-Eye to enhance meditation, bringing visions and knowledge of the sublime into conscious awareness.

On an emotional level, Chrysocolla teaches the value of both expression and the virtue of keeping silent. One can speak and say nothing, or remain silent and speak volumes. This stone’s soothing energy dispels highly charged emotional situations, angry words or fear-filled sarcasm, to allow one’s truth to be shared with wisdom and true communication.

​Chrysocolla is a stone that sends tranquil and sustaining vibrations to you when the stone is worn or meditated with. It helps you communicate effectively with others. Chrysocolla draws off all negative energies. It helps to a adjust to situations that are constantly changing. Chrysocolla is ideal for relationships that are unstable by stabilising and healing both the home and personal interaction.​ Chrysocolla enhances your drive and ambition particularly if you are lazy and also improves nervousness and irritability.

Chrysocolla Tumbled Stones Small

Chrysocolla governs all aspects of sound healing, whether through words or sound frequencies. Its energy teaches you how sound affects your physical reality and how you can change that reality and how you can change that reality by adjusting the way you use your words. Chrysocolla’s energy facilitates true communication between all beings by promoting the expression of heart energy. Chrysocolla aligns your consciousness with the Divine. Use it on the third eye and crown chakras during meditation. Allow it to help you when doing shamanic journey work or engaging in deep meditative practices. This stone symbolises the evolution of your spirit as it travels through time and experience. Use chrysocolla for inducing psychic dreams that answer your questions, sacred earth rituals and rituals that honour the mother goddess. It provides a focus when you want to attract love and banish fear.

When the throat chakra is blocked it means that we aren’t living in our own light and we aren’t always serving ourselves best. An open and clear throat chakra allows us to share our thoughts and feelings, it helps our personal power to bloom, and it sets us up to live in free expression rather than clamping down on our own pleasure.

The heart chakra is another space that’s so important to be open and clear. This chakra is the place from which we invite in the things that add to our hearts and resist the things that don’t. When our throat chakra is blocked or thrown out of whack, we may be quick to jealousy and fear, we may resist love and always long to be in control. When it’s open and ready to receive it means that we are better equipped to go with the flow and embrace change without being thrown off course.

Chrysocolla Blog


Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in


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