Chlorite Lemurian Crystal 2
Stone Type: Quartz
Stone Cut: Natural Crystal
Stone Weight: 4.2 Ounces
Stone Color: Green
Stone Size: 3.63 x 1.12 Inches
Location: Brazil
1 in stock
Chlorite Lemurian Crystal 2
Chlorite Lemurian Crystal 2, Green Chlorite is a green inclusion within Clear Quartz crystals that may occasionally have cream and brown inclusions, as well. Green Chlorite in Quartz has a glassy or pearly luster and may present as dull. This stone has a smooth texture and can look foliated. Green Chlorite in Quartz is a powerful healing combination. The Quartz amplifies the purifying, detoxifying properties of the Chlorite making it one of the best crystals to use for physical cleansing. Chlorite not only works with the physical body, but the auric body as well. Chlorite will help to cleanse the aura, chakras and energy meridians. Chlorite is a great piece to use when there is excessive anger or frustration, gently removing and dissipating the energy. Chlorite in Quartz will help to resolve issues of the heart and remove blockages and resistance that will allow one to acknowledge, forgive, release, and move forward.
Chlorite Quartz Crystal is a powerful, positive healing stone, beneficial to the environment and personal energy fields. Chlorite Quartz Crystal provides energetic connection, realignment and balance. Chlorite supports heart healing and feelings of compassion and forgiveness as it releases negative and limiting actions brought about by frustration, envy, and resentment. Chlorite supports the investigation of these unwanted emotions so they may be released and replaced with positive feelings. Chlorite enhances cooperation and fosters an inclusive point of view, we are all in this together. Chlorite Quartz Crystal may be useful as a painkiller and may help to remove skin growths and liver spots. Chlorite Quartz Crystal assists with the elimination of toxins and the assimilation of Vitamins A and E, iron, magnesium and calcium. Chlorite Quartz Crystal’s energetic vibration may help to support the function and regenerative healing of cells. Chlorite encourages the cultivation and growth of helpful bacteria.
Lemurian Crystals have a distinct appearance. Look carefully at a Lemurian Crystal and you will see horizontal striations or grooves, like “bar codes,” on one or more sides. Commonly, the sides of a Lemurian Crystal will have alternating striated and smooth faces. Lemurian Quartz Crystals are often found in the shape of a Laser wand, where the faces at the tip of a Lemurian Crystal are small and gently taper in size from base to tip. Lemurian Seed Crystal is a special type of crystal that radiates potent ancient powers. It is believed that these crystals carry the encoded knowledge of Lemuria that would help the current civilization to tap into the sense of unity, deep life understanding, and universal love.
Chlorite Lemurian Crystal 2
The striations themselves represent significant timelines in the history of human development. An example would be how current technology has moved from phonograph records, to cassette tapes, to cd’s to downloadable and streaming music. Each one of these advancements could be viewed as a single striated line on the crystal. Thus running your fingers over the Lemurian Seed crystal will connect you with time line events that each crystal has recorded. The crystal will impart its knowledge to you using this technique. As these crystals have a strong focus on intuition, it is completely natural and absolutely encouraged that one use their intuition in finding the best way for the individual to interface with this vast library of crystal information.
To preserve and pass on their wisdom, the Lemurians secretly recorded their words in a special set of quartz crystals…now called Lemurian seed crystals. How the Lemurians encrypted these crystals is nearly imperceptible. But because the Lemurians operated on a higher spiritual dimension, they had mystical knowledge at the ready.
It is believed that the Lemurians survived the event by transcending their physical bodies into some sort of spirit realm where they now act as guardians or keepers of knowledge. Interestingly, the Lemurian seed crystal properties can be divided up into two distinct groups: a communicator crystal or a healer crystal. A Lemurian seed crystal has quite a distinct shape. They are usually cloudy (but can be transparent) but the parallel striations usually found on several sides of the crystal are what make them stand out. They are often rough on the sides and edges and tend to be uneven.
Chlorite Lemurian Crystal 2
The crystal is said to have gone deep into the earth many ages ago. The crystal is a great boon – and is likely to bring you the best quality vibration. The Lemurian will enable you to reach the pinnacle in your spiritual pursuits. This, it will do by connecting the central part of the brain that brings out the relevant change. Also, if you are skeptical about your luck, because of the evil deeds you executed in the past, the crystal will banish all such karmic effects that are likely to bring you misfortunes. The misfortunes could strike in the form of financial disasters, personal injury or any other sort of trouble affecting you or/and your loved ones. Thus, Lemurian quartz is a crystal that changes all the misfortunes into great luck and protects you against all the potential troubles that could hit you.
Lemurian Seed Crystals, also known as star seed Lemurian quartz, are used for different, important reasons today. Further, they help us tap into ancient wisdom – past lives, spiritual connection to Source, and communication with our guides. By simply wearing them, they bring the wearer visions and dreams of the ancient world. Gaze at the surface of Lemurian seed crystals in the light, and you’ll notice unusual patterns. Some say these unusual patterns are actually Lemurian Hieroglyphs, while others claim the actual spiritual Lemurian wisdom lies within the crystal.
Lemurian Quartz is similar to normal Quartz except that it contains much more historic energy. Embedded in Lemurian Quartz is usually a horizontal line of fragments which are commonly referred to as “memories”. The information within each point contains powerful energies. This energy is capable of producing intelligent life to provide us with a much-needed soulful mission. These beings became very spiritual, and were more in touch with their higher selves. This connection led to their race being very intelligent, excelling in technology, ideology, and emotions. It is theorized that they were wiped out by a great flood that occurred around 12,000 years ago.
Chlorite Lemurian Crystal 2
Lemurian Quartz reminds us that we are our own gods and can produce whatever it is we may set our mind, heart, and soul to. Much of what we are seeking is already within us. The Lemurians were well aware that the only way forward in life is through the individual growth of one’s spirit.
Lemurian Seed crystals connect with the crown and solar star chakra. These are master crystals within the crystal kingdom. It is believed that in the last days of Lemuria, special seed crystals were placed where crystalline growth was expected to form within the Earth, enabling them to transmit frequencies to other crystals that were created within the Earth. These crystals resonate with energies of love, unity and equality. They align themselves and are attracted to those who are endeavouring to anchor energies to help the planet at this time.
Also called “Lemurian Seed Crystals” or “Lemurian Star Seeds”, Lemurian Quartz Crystals were originally found in Brazil. Metaphysical Legend states that there was once an advanced ancient civilization called Lemuria, similar to Atlantis but more spiritually developed and peaceful. As the end of their time on Earth was coming to an end, the Lemurians programmed these crystals to teach their messages of oneness and healing – messages that would be revealed when the energy on Earth was ready to receive them. The Lemurians then planted (or “seeded”) the Lemurian Crystals, encoded with their ancient knowledge and wisdom, to be found centuries later by us.
Lemurian Seed Crystal is a captivating healing stone encoded with powerful frequencies that work on raising the vibrations of the collective. The moment you get in touch with this stone, you will tap into a magical yet genuine feeling of oneness which makes you realize that you are not alone in this world. This enchanting crystal helps you to raise your frequency, gives you inner clarity, and establishes a clear peaceful connection with higher realms, so you are able and ready to receive divine blessings and nurture every single aspect of your life with unconditional love, peace, and protection.
The use of crystals was common place, seeing beyond that which was conjured or manifested into physical form. These unique crystals appear to have been carved by a human hand as they have horizontal grooves or striations across their naturally faceted faces. Each crystal is gifted with being able to connect itself vibrationally with all other Lemurian Seed Crystals. These crystals are programmed with the Lemurian consciousness vibration. Working with these stones instils feelings of the emotional and spiritual awareness of the Lemurians. Connecting with these crystals can open up the heart and create a deep emotional healing and allow you to connect more to your true self.
Lemurian Seed crystals generate a very feminine or yin energy. They act to open the energy of the soul and provide a bridge to higher frequencies, creating a higher level of consciousness. They instil feelings of harmony and ease. The energies they emit are of pure love, helping you feel at one with yourself and others. Holding a Lemurian seed crystal in your right hand while you walk around and encircle an individual, property or and object creates a circle of light and protection. They sooth and nurture and can benefit everyone and are helpful support for healing work. They help you attune to those higher energies and higher planes of existence.
Chlorite Lemurian Crystal 2
To use one, meditate quietly holding it in your right hand. Slowly move your thumbnail up the etchings one by one expecting the presence of your Spirit Guide when you reach the top rung. The energy of these crystals seems to be very focused and directional as if they were specially programmed. Do not expect a Spirit Guide from the very high energy levels. These crystals seem to be attuned to “ordinary” spirits, ones that are closer to our energy level. These are “earth spirit” crystals.
Other Lemurian Seed Crystals are often found to be strong in healing Yin. energy. These are almost always Laser Wands, usually curved or bent in some way, often resembling fingers. Their healing energy seems to be more focused on teaching than actually healing. The crystals seem to almost guide the healer in the use of other crystals, again as if they were specifically programmed. This is one application of their incredible intuitive energy. They seem to help our minds rapid assimilate information and process it in a non-linear fashion so that suddenly we “just know” what is wrong and what is to be done to correct it. Again this may be programming from the Lemurians, or it may be from mysterious sources. Whatever you believe, use these crystals regularly and discover things that your mind suddenly “just knows” It is quite startling and most rewarding.
Hold the crystal in your right hand, sit comfortably, and relax your mind. Wander around in your thoughts, but have no focus. Expect nothing. Your effort is to free your mind so the power of the crystal can guide you. You should not expect success in each session. Rather, expect nothing. That is the secret. You will “suddenly know” your path if you do not seek it.
Weight | 1 lbs |
Dimensions | 5 × 2 × 2 in |
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