Banded Calcite Egg 1


Stone Type: Banded Calcite

Stone Cut: Egg

Stone Color: Green/ Brown

Stone Weight: 9.2 Ounces

Size Stone Size: 2.7 x 2.02 Inches

Location: Brazil

1 in stock

Banded Calcite Egg 1


Banded Calcite Egg 1, amplifies your financial strength and ability to stay focused and to achieve financial goals. This is the perfect stone for entrepreneurs and helps the self employed gain confidence and endurance to stay in business. It promotes longevity in business. Banded Calcite can help lessen symptoms of headache and is used to help strengthen the eyes and optic nerves. Onyx stimulates the the base chakra, assisting you in grounding and connecting with the electromagnetic energy of the Earth. It is an excellent stone for use in scrying and magical work. It has been utilized as a magical stone for thousands of years, and is considered one of the best materials to use for the carving of magical amulets. ​Banded Calcite assists in absorbing from the universe, energies that are required for healing or other purposes It balances the yin and yang energies in the body. Banded Calcite is beneficial for teeth, bones, bone marrow and blood disorders. This stone can be used to help stimulate the connection between the base chakra and the feet. This can help those suffering from weak legs or who have difficulty grounding, eliminating body wastes or excess energy.

Banded Calcite helps one have self-control and anchors one’s flighty energy into a more stable way of life. It is this stone of inner strength and endurance, helping one to carry even the most difficult task to completion. Banded Calcite is also a wonderful stone for someone who has had a long illness or even been working on a project for a long time. Any sort of things that drains one’s resources such as acquiring a goal, working on self-mastery, a weight loss program, an exercise regime, or even just feeling the need to focus your energy,

Banded Calcite Egg 1, is a perfect stone for your desk or wherever you perform your work. This stone helps provide mental focus, grounding and the ability to stay on task. Use this stone to deflect negative thought patterns. Banded Calcite is ideal for past life work to heal old injuries and physical trauma that is affecting your present life. Holding a piece of calcite takes your attention to the site of the previous injury, which can then be released through crystal therapy. Banded Calcite is a secretive stone that assists in keeping your own counsel. However it is said that calcite holds onto the memories of things that have happened to the wearer. It can be used for psychometry, telling the story of those who are sensitive to its vibrations. Banded Calcite is strength giving. It provides support in difficult or confusing circumstances an during times of enormous mental or physical stress. It centers your energy and aligns it with a higher power. Banded Calcite helps you access higher guidance and its connection with the whole. It can take you forward to view the future and with its capacity to impart personal strength, helps you to be the master of your destiny. This stone promotes vigor steadfastness and stamina. Banded Calcite helps you to learn lessons by imparting self confidence and helping you to be at ease in your surroundings.

Banded Calcite Egg 1, is beneficial to establish a protective shield when offering spiritual counselling, tarot card readings, channeling, automatic writing and any other modality that opens you up to psychic influences. Calcite amplifies telepathic connections with your own higher consciousness and helps you tap into the Akashic Records. Use it when you intend to obtain messages from the angelic realm to open your intuitive ears. Banded Calcite can enhance spiritual vision and dream experiences. It is useful in stimulating the psychic senses and is often used for spiritual inspiration. Heals grief that has gone on too long; promotes knowing that there is no death; helps in understanding the wheel of birth, death and rebirth; fosters knowing that separation is an illusion and reunion will come; promotes psychic contact with those who have died through seances, medium-ship, and messages from the dead; aids past-life progressions; prevents and removes spirit possessions; promotes the feeling of being hidden from evil and protected by the Light; promotes feeling of being watched over by the angels, feeling loved; eases loneliness; supports going on alone. Banded Calcite teaches you the appropriate use of power and the focusing of energy into positive force. It is excellent for those who are working to develop their telekinetic abilities.

The egg shape is known as a provider of new things and new beginnings. Eggs, as we all know, are responsible for the origin of existence. This is why they are often associated with the creation of enchantment.  Crystal eggs are ideal if you have been seeking a possible future and can be utilized if you want them to bring more healing and magic into your existence. They are also ideal for meditation and sleep pacing. In general, the egg shape helps in creating a balance between leisure and work. These egg shapes also represent so many things, and among these options are their representation of reincarnation and everlasting life.

Crystal healers believe that egg-shaped crystals are a powerful tool for people who desire to start a fresh new chapter in life. They bring about “miracles” and “magic” that smoothen transitions and complete transformations. Eggs symbolize new beginnings. Just picture how a tiny chick hatched out of its shell to start a new life on earth to understand this symbolism.

Crystal eggs have a powerful energy that provides benefits in different areas of your life, especially if you are starting a new journey. They also bring miracles and luck into your life. Additionally, crystal eggs are a sign of revival among Christianity, and it is also used as eastern eggs. Crystal eggs are also for fertility and reproduction since they are excellent in maintaining your sexuality as well as your youthful energy. These crystals are also perfect for providing healing when it comes to your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and boosts your positive energy in your life.

As a symbol of life and miracles, crystal eggs sharpen the power of prayers. During prayer and meditation, simply hold a crystal in your hand. The stone will release vibrations that will amplify your prayers so you can send your message directly to the higher being you believe in, be it to God or the Universe. Eggs also represent fertility and robust life force. If you want to keep looking young and active as well as enliven your sexuality, crystal eggs are beneficial for you.

Crystal eggs are said to be powerful crystals that are known to reset and help you start a new beginning in life. Its energy and power are heavenly, pure, and powerful. Hence, they are used in so many things. They are also used in your home to cleanse and repel negative energy, it is used widely for effective meditation and to treat your mental issues such as stress and anxiety. As well as, it is also used for healing your illness, healing your unhealthy habits, clearing your thoughts, and increasing your intelligence. It also provides healing to your emotions, especially if you are having a negative feeling towards yourself and to the people around you. Overall, the use of crystal eggs will amaze you and will greatly help you in the long run if you continue to use them.

Egg represents rebirth. And a crystal egg can assist you in breaking negative thought patterns, as well as old habits that don’t serve you well. In effect, it gives you the strength and resolve to start new healthier habits. Crystal eggs are also tools you can use to develop a healthy mindset that will result in healthy lifestyle choices. Success in giving up old habits may not happen overnight, but crystal eggs empowers you to take the first step. One of the uses of crystal eggs is cleansing, especially in cleansing your aura and your emotions. When you use these crystals you should expect a positive vibe and light atmosphere in yourselves and your surroundings. In addition, one of the most notable crystal egg types is the rose quartz egg, which is perfect for your emotions.

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Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in