Auralite Crystal
Stone Type: Auralite
Stone Cut: Natural Crystal
Stone Color: Purple
Stone Weight: Varies
Stone Size: 3 – 4.5 Inches Long x 3 – 4.5 Inches Wide
Location: Canada
9 in stock
Auralite Crystal
Auralite Crystals bring forth reminder of the positive connections from the self to other beings, to paths and ways of life, and to places that bring inner peace and serenity. Teaches of the many benefits of recognizing places of peace and serenity, and then integrating those places into daily life. Alongside this, Auralite-23 Crystal removes the ‘ticking clock’, replacing it with space to breathe and relax, bringing opportunity for inner solitude. Helps to relax the body and can be beneficial in the removal of tension, headaches, eye strain; muscle discomfort and muscle spasms. It can also be of help to vascular health, bringing an improved function and healing. For the being who gains comfort and support from Angel awareness, Auralite-23 Crystal can be very helpful in communications and connections in this area, as it is a stone that has an open channel to the Angelic Realms. A stone that also tones down anger and cools hot tempers, Auralite-23 Crystal teaches the being to think before speaking or acting for the self, and towards others. Also this is a stone that can help to remove prejudice and unnecessary judgment.
This stone is also known as the “Ultimate Master Healer” due to its powerful healing properties. The sheer amount of elements found in Auralite is enough to ignite positive changes in a person’s soul. It creates a bridge to the divine & serves as an open channel to the angelic realms & the universe. It can facilitate connection with spirit guides & bring harmony to your life like you’ve never felt possible before. Like a magnet, it attracts opportunities, situations & people one needs in order to grow as a spiritual being. Work with this stone slowly & get used to it for a time, as it sweeps away debris from your consciousness. It will bring to awareness both the best in you & what you need to improve so you can grow & strive towards your full potential. Just being alone with the stone, is enough for healing to begin. Often termed as a master healer this crystal helps one deal with a crisis situation in a calm and composed manner. Many believe that only those who are well-grounded and meditate regularly should primarily use this crystal as it is so powerful that it may adversely affect a person if not used carefully. But if you are into crystal healing and understand the nuances involved this is just the right stone for you.
Auralite Crystal
To obtain all the benefits that the auralite offers, you simply have to keep it close to you, and thus the healing that you have waited so long for will begin. It also acts as a cleanser, eliminating blockages, negativity and things that no longer serve us in our life’s journey. This can balance the 7 chakras of the body, and is ideal for those who are looking for a radical change in their life. If you want to achieve what your heart desires most, then the auralite stone will allow us to strengthen all the functions of the body that are closely related, with the resolution that we will be able to give to the soul. Often termed as a master healer this crystal helps one deal with a crisis situation in a calm and composed manner. Many believe that only those who are well-grounded and meditate regularly should primarily use this crystal as it is so powerful that it may adversely affect a person if not used carefully. But if you are into crystal healing and understand the nuances involved this is just the right stone for you.
Auralite 23 is a powerful crystal that brings sacred healing and awakening to all aspects of being. It is believed to be the oldest and most ancient crystal known today. Balanced within it are approximately 23 known minerals or more, each offering a Divine frequency of healing and awakening. These properties, once blended with the higher vibrations of Love, bring about deep and profound healing to the body, mind, emotion, and spirit. It inspires deep and abiding purification that reaches into the soul of each individual, opening and awakening the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, clearing and promoting awareness of our Divine connection, and assisting one to experience their true identity and connection to the I AM Presence, our Perfect Self, and our connection to all things eternal. Auralite 23 brings transformation as it uplifts and heals, guiding us to see truth, understand compassion, patience, and acceptance. It calms and stills mind and emotions, and enhances our awareness of our Guides, Guardians, and the Angelic Realms, creating a bridge for communication to flow with ease and grace. It teaches us how to open our eyes and see the beauty and perfection of Divine Love in every person, place, and thing. Truly, Auralite 23 is a rare and beautiful gift straight from the Heart of Creator.
Auralite Crystal
The stone itself, works with the upper chakras, but more specifically, has a healing role all over the body. Auralite-23 crystal enhances healing, personal development and intuition extensively and on many levels and can really only be appreciated once it’s been held. It is a stone of all empowering knowledge, and inspiration. It will help you greatly to understand your shortfalls and your abilities, like never before. Also this is a stone that can help to remove prejudice and unnecessary judgment.
Auralite-23 radiates an energy foreign to most individuals, especially practitioners who are truly disconnected from their own soul. Immediately upon touch, one can understand the craze behind this stone, and why developing a small “obsessions” of Auralite-23 is actually quite common. The soothing energies that one feels going through their body is the work of so many different chemical components. Auralite-23 can change you in one medium-length meditation session if you’re truly willing to “let go” and embrace the powers that be. We highly encourage you to meditate with this stone once a day, then completely stop and go “cold-turkey”. See for yourself the direct impact it has on your day to day life, as well as your attitude and mental strength. You may have to expose yourself to the darkness and live there for a few moments, but one will come out of it eternally grateful and eager to begin their spiritual journey once more.
This stone helps to relax the body and can be beneficial in the removal of tension, headaches, eye strain, muscle discomfort and muscle spasms. It can also be of help to vascular health, bringing an improved function and healing. Auralite-23 balances our physical body and removing chronic problems within our body, reminds our body of its proper vital functions and bring forth regeneration and rejuvenation, activates all 7 of our main chakras and also those above our head and below our feet, balances, awakens and opens our kundalini energies.
Auralite Crystal
Though much of the stone is comprised of amethyst, the 23 refers to the many different elements and minerals found in this stone:
Titanite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrocite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gialite, Epidote, Bornite and Rutile.
Weight | .8 lbs |
Dimensions | 5 × 4 × 4 in |
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