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Angelic Celestite Energy Attunement


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E-book comes with the healing properties and history of Amethyst and instruction on how to be attuned to the Angelic Celestite Energies, how to do self healing, how to do distant healing on others, and how to attune others to the energies.

In the e-book it explains how to contact me to setup a time to do your attunement.

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Angelic Celestite Energy Attunement


History Of Celestite

Angelic Celestite Energy Attunement, Celestite, also known as celestine, is a mineral that belongs to the broader class of sulfate minerals. It is characterized by its bright blue or sky blue color. This stunning color has made celestite highly sought-after by collectors and enthusiasts for centuries.

Celestite is a naturally occurring mineral that consists of strontium sulfate. It most commonly forms as crystals but can also occur as compact or massive forms with no distinct shape and as fibrous forms. It is often found inside of geodes and sometimes occurs alongside amethyst or clear quartz. In fact, the largest known geode in the world is lined with blue celestite. Though light blue celestite is the most common and desirable variety, the stone can also appear in shades of white, yellow, and red. It is translucent to transparent and has a vitreous, pearly luster.

With a rating of 3 to 3.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, celestite is a brittle stone that must be handled with care. Because of its softness, it typically is not used as a gemstone. It forms in many places around the world, including Poland, Sicily, the United States, and England. Since the 1960s, however, some of the finest specimens of this stone have been mined in Madagascar.

Celestite has a widespread distribution in igneous and metamorphic rocks. It is commonly found in hydrothermal veins, limestones, and sedimentary rocks. Its ability to form crystalline structures has given it a characteristic rhombohedral habit, resembling the shape of a cube.

Celestite’s legacy as a heavenly jewel hails from ancient times. According to Sicilian legends, celestites fell from the stars and onto Earth. It’s no wonder that this mineral is named after the Latin word Caelestis, or “celestial.”

Angelic Celestite Energy Attunement

Indeed, ancient civilizations revered celestites as symbols of heavenly wisdom, peace, harmony, and truth. The Greeks and Romans, in particular, wore celestite amulets as spiritual protection from evil.

Although celestite has been around for millennia, it wasn’t formally named until the late 18th century by German geologist Abraham Werner. Just several years prior, the element strontium had been properly named and described.

Celestite has been cherished by various ancient civilizations due to its captivating color and unique crystalline structure. The ancient Greeks believed celestite to be the tears of the gods, attributing its celestial blue color to an association with the celestial realm. They believed that wearing celestite would bring good fortune and ward off negative energies.

In ancient Egypt, celestite was highly valued as a gemstone and used in jewelry. It was believed to be a protective stone, capable of warding off evil spirits and promoting well-being.


Healing Properties

Celestite assists with clairaudient communication, linking directly with the angelic realm, providing articulate verbalization of the messages received. Celestite promotes dream recall, and provides for the mental state necessary for astral travel. Celestite assists one in maintaining a sense of personal security as the consciousness takes on greater dimension. It invites the mind to enter into a state of unlimited openness and total awareness, and great power is embodied when peace of this kind is accessed. It is perfect for personal meditation work and is an excellent stone for dream recall. It aids in hope and harmony, communication, and clarity of mind. It balances energies, is very calming, and is quite a harmonious crystal. This is another stone that can be used for good luck, good fortune. It can be used by those who wish to take a chance with some endeavor where they know the outcome could be in their best interest.
Celestite is an excellent healing stone, it dissolves pain and brings love to you. It treats the eyes and ears, eliminates toxins from the body and repairs at a cellular level. Celestite relaxes muscle tension and calms mental torment. It will help mouth ulcers, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, dry mouth, tooth decay, gingivitis, strep throat and many more. Celestite helps you be truly present in your body while still being connected to the spiritual world. If you are in a visionary business like a new age store, a metaphysical practitioner, visionary artist or any other spiritual related business, keep this stone close by. It’s also helpful if you are running a conscious business engaged in integrating spirituality and ethics into business practices. It helps you to still be prosperous while providing conscious or spiritual services.

Angelic Celestite Energy Attunement

Celestite aids in spiritual communication and strengthens the power of prayer. It offers strong spiritual protection from negative energy and psychic attacks. It enhances psychic and healing abilities and increases consciousness making it a good stone for those seeking enlightenment. Many seek out Celestite for the various mystic powers that go beyond our standing in the physical world. The most common intention of using this crystal is for the improved access to cosmic realms, which can open up your mind for better clarity in your daily life here on Earth. This crystal can elevate the spirit while helping one achieve a better understanding of their purpose and path to peace! In a world where uncertainty and self-doubt is common (and natural), this kind of clarity can be transformative.

Celestite’s soothing affect is wonderful for when you feel under pressure or stress. It helps to calm nerves and alleviate pain caused from tension. It is also a good sleeping stone to have in your bedroom or under your pillow at night. It helps to resolve anxiety and heal insomnia. Celestite’s contribution in this aspect is that of inspiring honesty and frankness albeit in a gentle nonthreatening way. This would be helpful especially in business situations or during negotiations of any kind. You can meditate with a piece of celestite on your throat area or wear a necklace that includes the stone during the times you want help with public speaking or in knowing the right words to say at the right time. Celestite has many emotional healing properties. It instills a sense of calm connecting the intellect with the emotions bringing clarity to them both. It’s a good stone for worriers to carry on their person to alleviate constant stress. It balances the polarity of the body’s energy field and thus makes an excellent healing stone during massage and energy work sessions. Intellectually, celestite increases the ability to use reason and think rationally. Its balancing quality also applies to the mind and may possibly be used for those with mental imbalance.

Celestite is a great facilitator for deep states of meditation, helping to calm the mind and open it to communication from the higher realms. Celestite is a perfect companion to use during dream time. It will assist in recalling not only the dream, but also the specific details of the dream. Information imparted during the dream state will also be recalled with perfect clarity. Physically, Celestite sends energy to the organs of the higher chakras, aiding the healing of disorders such as brain imbalances, cellular disorders, and ailments of eyes, ears, nose, and throat. Celestite can also act as a detoxifier and pain reliever.

Celestite holds special significance for all who look to the light-filled heavens and experience a wonderful sense of peace, an elevation of spirit, and an overwhelming awareness of belonging, not just to mankind but to the universe and all that dwells there. Celestite’s ethereal blue crystals reflect the many hues of our celestial dome and is perhaps the loveliest of the blue energy crystals. It is a powerful activator of the Throat Chakra, as well as the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, stimulating the spiritual senses and bringing a swift and dynamic connection to the higher realms. It is foremost a Stone of Heavenly Communication, particularly with the angelic realm, and is one of the most effective for connecting with one’s guardian angels or spirit guides.

Blue Celestite is a perfect support stone for dispelling worries and fears, suspicions, or paranoia, helping one to feel safe and protected. It is an excellent talisman for releasing high anxiety or bringing one back to a calm, centered state during a panic attack. Carry a piece of Celestite to allay fears of travel, large crowds, speaking or eating in public, or to overcome involuntary behaviors such as fainting, excessive blushing or nervous tics. Give a small piece to children to hold so they can feel their guardian angel near whenever they are afraid or lonely.

Angelic Celestite Energy Attunement

It is a perfect piece to carry for those who are singers, actors or speakers, as the energy will alleviate any type of stage fright or nervousness. Celestite brings harmony, balance, and will assist the holder in finding and maintaining inner peace. Its ability to heighten divine intuition makes Celestite especially useful for Reiki practice. A stone for peace and harmony, Celestite has the potential to bring these qualities into daily living. Celestite is a great facilitator for deep states of meditation, helping to calm the mind and open it to communication from the higher realms. Celestite is a perfect companion to use during dream time. It will assist in recalling not only the dream, but also the specific details of the dream. Information imparted during the dream state will also be recalled with perfect clarity.

Angelic Crystal Energy Attunement

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