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Angelic Blue Calcite Energy Attunement


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E-book comes with the healing properties and history of Blue Calcite and instruction on how to be attuned to the Angelic Blue Calcite Energies, how to do self healing, how to do distant healing on others, and how to attune others to the energies.

In the e-book it explains how to contact me to setup a time to do your attunement.

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Angelic Blue Calcite Energy Attunement


History Of Blue Calcite


Angelic Blue Calcite Energy Attunement, Blue calcite, with its mesmerizing hue and calming energy, has captivated humans for centuries. In this blog post, we will embark on a fascinating journey through time to explore the rich history of blue calcite. From its ancient origins to its modern-day uses, we will uncover the secrets and significance of this beautiful crystal.

Ancient Origins and Early Uses

Geological Formation of Blue Calcite: Blue calcite is a form of calcium carbonate that belongs to the calcite mineral family. It is formed through the accumulation of marine organisms’ shells and skeletons over millions of years. The blue coloration is attributed to the presence of trace elements such as copper or manganese.

Ancient Civilizations and Blue Calcite

  1. Ancient Egypt: Blue calcite was highly regarded by the ancient Egyptians, who believed it possessed powerful healing properties. It was often used in amulets, jewelry, and decorative objects. The Egyptians associated blue calcite with the goddess Hathor, who was believed to bring joy and abundance.
  2. Ancient Greece and Rome: Blue calcite was also revered in ancient Greece and Rome. It was associated with the goddess Venus and was believed to enhance love and relationships. The Greeks and Romans used blue calcite in jewelry, talismans, and as a decorative stone in buildings and sculptures.

Blue Calcite in Metaphysical and Spiritual Practices: A. Healing Properties and Benefits

  1. Calming and Soothing: Blue calcite is known for its calming energy, which helps to reduce anxiety, stress, and emotional turmoil. It is often used in meditation and spiritual practices to promote relaxation and inner peace.
  2. Communication and Expression: Blue calcite is believed to enhance communication skills and facilitate clear expression of thoughts and emotions. It is often used by those seeking to improve their public speaking abilities or enhance their creativity.
  3. Emotional Healing: Blue calcite is associated with emotional healing and is believed to help release past traumas and emotional blockages. It is often used in energy healing practices to promote emotional well-being and balance.

Angelic Blue Calcite Energy Attunement

Ancient Uses and Beliefs

Dating back to ancient civilizations, Blue Calcite was revered for its healing properties and believed to possess mystical powers. The ancient Egyptians, for example, used Blue Calcite in their rituals to connect with the spiritual realm and promote inner peace.

In Greek mythology, Blue Calcite was associated with the sea goddess Amphitrite, symbolizing tranquility and emotional balance. It was often used in rituals for calming turbulent emotions and promoting clarity of thought.

Throughout history, blue calcite has been revered for its calming and soothing properties. Ancient civilizations believed that blue calcite could help balance emotions, reduce anxiety, and promote inner peace. It was often used in rituals and ceremonies to enhance communication, creativity, and spiritual connection.

In Egypt, blue calcite was associated with the goddess Hathor, who was known for her nurturing and protective energies. The stone was often used in amulets and jewelry to ward off negative energies and bring about harmony and balance.

Medieval Alchemy

During the medieval period, blue calcite gained popularity among alchemists who believed in its transformative powers. It was often used in elixirs and potions to promote mental clarity and spiritual growth. Alchemists also associated blue calcite with the element of water, linking it to emotions and intuition.

Healing Properties

is an excellent stone for clearing and energizing the Third Eye Chakra. It is known to enhance efforts at expanding psychic abilities and spiritual practice. It can also be used while working with the Throat Chakra to help one communicate clearly and honestly. Together, these attributes make Blue Calcite the perfect aid for communicating with higher frequency beings, such as angels and spirit guides.

Blue calcite is also efficient when used with different chakras. For instance, it can keep communication calm and clear, especially during an argument or when expressing a different point of view. When used with another chakra, it can boost the intuition and instinctual decisions. There are people who meditate surrounded by blue calcite too – great to achieve a more optimistic point of view. On a physical note, blue calcite will keep the blood pressure under control and can help against inflammation and various types of pains. It is a calming stone that will lift anxiety and sooth all nerves, so negative emotions will become history. Practically, the stone will grab all your negatives, convert this energy into positive energy and return it to you. While often overlooked, the capacity to help people understand dreams is another big advantage of blue calcite. Not only will you be able to understand dreams and enhance their vividness, but you can also improve the dream life. If you are the type of person who can never remember dreams, blue calcite might have the answer to most of your issues.

Blue Calcite and aid in overcoming addictions of any sort. It also helps to slow the aging process by supporting physical health and vitality. It supports treatments for cataracts and other eye disorders and infections. It also aids treatments for emphysema through its support of the lungs and may aid in healing from laryngitis. On an emotional level, Blue Calcite is good for calming anxiety and emotional pain. It absorbs emotional energy, then purifies and transmutes it into positive energy and returns it to aid in emotional healing. This makes it a good stone to support those with PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

Blue Calcite Rough is a very powerful stone when it comes to soothing and relaxing the emotional body. This stone is known to calm emotions and offers mental and etheric protection. Blue Calcite is very protective when it comes to one’s aura, and offers very strong transmutational energies. When carrying or wearing Blue Calcite, it acts as a sponge and absorbs all energy coming to you. It filters out the negative vibrations and transmutes them back out into high positive energy. Blue Calcite has many beneficial effects for anyone who suffers from anxiety or depression. Blue Calcites powerful blue rays soothe and relax nerves. It’s calming effects on the mind allow the user to think about emotional situations with more of a level head. By doing this, Blue Calcite opens up a stronger communication channel between your thoughts and feelings. One of the many hidden secrets that Blue Calcite offers is its ability to enhance, and strengthen one’s dream life. It offers increased vividness and understanding of dreams, and the imagery within them. Due to Blue Calcite’s strengthening and unlocking of the throat chakra, it allows users to better express and communicate the insights they receive.

Angelic Blue Calcite Energy Attunement

Blue is an incredibly powerful spiritual color, so of course blue calcite has powerful spiritual properties when it is used by a mindful practitioner of crystology. However, it is also the color of the throat chakra – the energy center of your body that guides your communication. Blue calcite can therefore help you to speak more clearly, and feel less shy, especially if you often get put on the spot or struggle to find the words to articulate your ideas and emotions. This even extends to technology too – even electronic communication like text messages and emails are ruled by the throat chakra, as spirituality doesn’t discriminate. It’s still energy, in the form of communication, being sent back and forth.

Blue is an incredibly powerful spiritual color, so of course blue calcite has powerful spiritual properties when it is used by a mindful practitioner of crystology. However, it is also the color of the throat chakra – the energy center of your body that guides your communication.

Blue calcite can therefore help you to speak more clearly, and feel less shy, especially if you often get put on the spot or struggle to find the words to articulate your ideas and emotions. This even extends to technology too – even electronic communication like text messages and emails are ruled by the throat chakra, as spirituality doesn’t discriminate. It’s still energy, in the form of communication, being sent back and forth.

Therefore, this crystal can often help you to word things in such a way that they don’t get out of hand, or get misinterpreted or misread as hostile when you’re just trying to state your point. Blue calcite stones are stones of healing, recovery, communication, and even the development of psychic or paranormal powers.

Angelic Crystal Energy Attunement

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