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Amphibole Quartz Crystal 9


Stone Type: Amphibole

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

Stone Color: Red

Stone Weight: 3.17 Grams

Stone Size: 1.1 x .3 Inches

Location: Brazil

1 in stock

Amphibole Quartz Crystal 9


Amphibole Quartz Crystal 9, Amphibole Quartz is a type of quartz that is only found in Brazil, making it a relatively rare crystal. It is named after the group of minerals, “Amphibole” that make a part of this category of quartz stones. Amphibole Quartz is usually very lightly colored and can sometimes even be colorless. The most commonly found specimen of the quartz is white in color with a touch of yellow, orange, red, gold, brown, peach, or pink in it.

Amphibole quartz, or angel phantom quartz, AKA Fire Amphibole, is one of the rarest sterling gems found today. It looks enigmatic and is usually surrounded by other gorgeous gemstones, namely rutilated quartz, angelite, and celestite, which are known for their metaphysical powers of ushering in light and positivity. Available in ethereal colors that depend on its chemical composition, amphibole quartz is highly coveted for its powerful vibrations. It is also used widely during meditation by crystal healers and metaphysical practitioners.

The name amphibole is derived from “amphiboles” which is a Greek word meaning ambiguous. It can be possible that the stone was named such, owing to ‌a mixture of different minerals that are considered part of the inosilicates, within this gemstone. A gemstone that belongs to the quartz group, amphibole quartz is ‌available in very light shades of colors, and can even be colorless at times. The shades vary primarily because of the amphibole quartz mineral composition. Each mineral present in this stone exudes its unique vibrations, making the collective energies emanated by the amphibole quartz spiritually potent.

The white and wispy wing-like marks present on the amphibole quartz crystal have earned it the name “angel phantom quartz”. These crystals bring peace, harmony and serenity through surety. They breed a strong sense of confidence within oneself – confidence in ones decisions, confidence to take on the unknown and new projects. The red Hematite keeps one grounded while providing the raw energy and drive to move forward – no matter what obstacles may be thrown up in your path. The yellow Limonite radiates self worth, joy and provides an abundance of personal energy that bursts forth – inspiring both the self and others around you. The pink Lithium provides the energy of Love, empathy for others – and keeps one focused on the all important core values of giving, integrity and selfless light work for the betterment of all. The Kaolinite channels in Crown Chakra energy providing inspiration and connection with the Angelic realm – funneling pure white light into everything that one does.

Amphibole Quartz provides a connection to the highest level of spiritual experience, calling in your guardian angel and higher beings, that brings deep inner joy. It has an extremely gentle and calming energy. Placing Angel Phantom Quartz on the crown chakras activates all the higher crown chakras, opening a ladder up which awareness ascends to connect with your higher self and moving further up the vibrational scale, to attain the highest guidance. When placed on the third eye chakras, angel phantom quartz attunes to the wisdom of the universal mind, allowing a more deeper perspective on life and on evolution.

Amphibole Quartz Crystal 9

Amphibole Angel Quartz is a wonderful crystal for those who are beginning to work with the Angelic Realms. Amphibole is a crystal which contains the properties of four minerals. Kaolinite which is the white to yellow tone and activates spiritual evolvement, whilst aiding detoxification. Hematite which is the red tones can help provide protection by deflection. It aids concentration, memory, self-control, practicality, original thinking, helps study, bookkeeping and all types of detail work. Limonite which is the brown/yellow tones and provides us with strength and vitality. These minerals are captured in Quartz which amplifies all these healing powers, and transmits this wonderful energy.

Amphibole Quartz Crystals are known as manifestation crystals, have the ability to strongly anchor intentions into the physical realm utilizing pure white light. They are very calming crystals and are deeply connected to the angelic realm providing peace, serenity, love and harmony while promoting confidence in one’s decision making. They provide cleansing properties from non-beneficial energies, pollutants, and toxic thought patterns. Place an Amphibole Quartz by your bed to promote restful sleep and lucid dreaming.

Amphibole Quartz Crystal 9

Amphibole Quartz crystals are multi-talented with having so many inclusions threaded in and throughout them. These crystals bring peace, harmony and serenity through surety. They breed a strong sense of confidence within oneself – confidence in ones decisions, confidence to take on the unknown and new projects. The red Hematite keeps one grounded while providing the raw energy and drive to move forward, no matter what obstacles may be thrown up in your path. The yellow Limonite radiates self worth, joy and provides an abundance of personal energy that bursts forth, inspiring both the self and others around you. The pink Lithium provides the energy of Love, empathy for others, and keeps one focused on the all important core values of giving, integrity and selfless light work for the betterment of all. The Kaolinite channels in Crown Chakra energy providing inspiration and connection with the Angelic realm, funneling pure white light into everything that one does.

Amphibole channels intense love, beauty, and joy, into our lives and is invaluable in the home, especially when you surround it with other Angelic crystals such as Seraphinite, Angelite and Celestite. Amphibole helps us realize our highest, most magnificent selves. It is associated with the tolerance and charity of Aquarius and the dedication and good temper of Pisces. Amphibole Quartz aligns with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. It is a very high vibrational crystal that hastens our awareness allowing us to more easily access the spirit realm, lucid dream and do past life work. It fosters a deep connection to the Angelic realm granting us their guidance and the ability to communicate with our Guardian Angel. Amphibole Quartz radiates beauty and loving energy upon us to to fill our heart and spirit with pure joy.

Amphibole Quartz Crystal 9

The amphibole quartz possesses a beautiful vibration, which may help you in reaching the higher dominions in meditation. These crystals also come in different colors. These astoundingly beautiful stones might be essential to use when making contact with the angelic beings, as well as in finding sense of inner tranquility and peace. The crystals may also assist you in connecting with your own higher self, as well as obtaining guidance from the Divine. You might also be able to obtain guidance from this stone during your sleep, since the crystals assist in lucid dreaming.

Each mineral that makes us the stone plays its own distinct role in the overall energy exuded from the rock. This means that the properties of each of the minerals will be amplified and vibrated across the auric field surrounding the stone. Using this lovely quartz variety may stimulate your clairaudient gifts, also known as psychic hearing, and this is particularly true of those stones that contain inclusions of White Kaolinite. This animation of your psychic hearing relates to the fact that

Angel Phantom Quartz Angel Phantom Quartz stimulates the throat and third eye chakra areas. The best way to use this crystal is in meditation. Doing a meditation with crystals using one of these stones is quite powerful, as they are potent stones to aid you to make contact with beings in spirit.

Amphibole “Angel Phantom” Quartz works best at the non-physical level of being. Clear Quartz has been used extensively in meditation, spiritual development and healing. Angel Phantom Quartz helps one to recognize the origin of dis-ease. Hematite has been used in the treatment of leg cramps, blood disorders, nervous disorders, insomnia, and may assist with correcting spinal alignment and healing fractures. Limonite has been used in the treatment of skeletal system, to ameliorate dehydration, and to assist in the assimilation of iron and calcium.

Limonite has also been used to dispel fever and to treat both the liver and the jaundiced conditions produced by disorders of the liver. Kaolinite can be used in the treatment to eliminate excess cholesterol, to bring a smoothness and flow to ones skin, in the treatment of disorders of the ears, tear ducts, digestion, intestines and as an anointing elixir when one is in the state of disease.


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Weight .3 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in