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Ammonite Necklace
Stone Type: Ammonite In Epoxy
Stone Cut: Pear
Stone Weight: Varies
Stone Color: Brown
Stone Size: Varies
Location: Madagascar
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Ammonite Necklace
Ammonite Necklace, ammonite mollusc was a shelled cephalopod, usually appearing in a coiled, spiral shape. The extinction of ammonites coincided with the extinction of dinosaurs. Ammonites inhabited the world’s oceans and now appear as fossils in marine rocks. Because of their rapid evolution and wide distribution, ammonite fossils provide a useful tool for indexing and dating rocks. It is said that the original discus used by the ancient Greeks in their Olympics was in fact a fossilized ammonite. In India, ammonite fossils are identified with the god Vishnu and are used in various ceremonies. They are mostly collected in Nepal, from the bed of the River Gandaki where it cuts through Jurassic sediments. These fossils are known as “shaligram shila”. The word ammonite is derived from Ammon, an Egyptian god who took the form of a ram. Ammonites are similar in appearance to a ram’s horn.
Ammonite stimulates metaphysical abilities and interdimensional travel. The soul and body will form in ammonite, making it a valuable resurrecting aid. This stone will bring you deeper within your heart and get you to the point of fulfillment. It stimulates divine willpower and self-transformation. Negative energy will transform into a gently flowing beneficial spiral by ammonite. This crystal is an efficient Karmic cleanser, releasing behavioral anxieties and previous relationship constraints when put over the third eye. Ammonite will add quality and personality to a newly constructed home. They also help to organize the household and improve family unity. Use ammonite to reflect the earth aspect in ceremonies.
Ammonite Necklace
Ammonites can be distinguished their shape which looks like a coil with a wide mouth. The chambered part of the ammonite shell is called a phragmocone. It contains a series of progressively larger chambers, called camerae that are divided by thin walls called septa. Only the last and largest chamber, the body chamber, was occupied by the living animal at any given moment. As it grew, it added newer and larger chambers to the open end of the coil.
The spiral shape of these fossilized creatures symbolizes continual change and evolution. The Ammonite draws off all negative energies. Think of the Ammonite spirals as a filter, drawing in these dense energies which are no longer needed, moving them through the spirals and releasing them as fresh, positive, loving life force energies.
They remind us that we can overcome obstacles, offering a protective, stabilizing energy to assist us during challenging times. The fact that Ammonites only lived in the last chamber of their shell serves as a reminder to live in the present moment, not looking too far ahead or behind. Their coiled spiral acts as a filter removing negativity and compressed energies that no longer serve us, releasing fresh, loving, positive life force energy in its place. Ammonite encourages our survival instincts and reminds us that we are strong enough to endure anything. They promote stability and vitality as we journey through the spiral pattern of our own lives on our path of self-discovery towards enlightenment.
Ammonite Necklace
Physically ammonite is excellent for anything that needs structure and clarity, relieving birth trauma that interferes with the energy flow. This stone is ideal as an earth healing stone. Ammonite is helpful for overall well being and longevity, depression, labor pains, cell metabolism, osteomyelitis and tinnitus. Ammonite awakens Kundalini energy and cellular memory. It stabilizes the pulse and overcomes degenerative disorders.
Ammonite will guide you on where to start and how to keep a clear sight. With ammonite’s affinity for quality, it is a valuable source for individuals who aspire to change. It gave strength to the tasks you undertake and your life as a whole. It is useful for everyone who tries to maintain order in their lives. Ammonite tells you to venture off on the several paths you want to take in the first place and what dreams you are carrying to live.
Ammonite encourages better flow, helping you feel more secure, safe, and balanced in your daily life. It would have the same impact on every area where you place this stone. The strengths of ammonite will give you lots of complex balance. Ammonite is a mineral that will turn all your energy into happiness and optimism. This stone can improve your soothing insight, change your emotions, ease stress, and increase your endurance. Wearing an Ammonite pendant will assist you in achieving harmony in your body, mind, and spirit. It will assist you in achieving a safe and peaceful state of mind. Keep a piece of Ammonite with you or wear it as accessories to bring more good fortune and financial success into your life.
Ammonite Necklace
Physically ammonite is excellent for anything that needs structure and clarity, relieving birth trauma that interferes with the energy flow. This stone is ideal as an earth healing stone. Ammonite is helpful for overall well being and longevity, depression, labor pains, cell metabolism, osteomyelitis and tinnitus. Ammonite awakens Kundalini energy and cellular memory. It stabilizes the pulse and overcomes degenerative disorders. It supports the cranium and inner ear, lungs and limbs.
Ammonite is a protective stone. It is calming and promotes instincts because it aligns with the Root Chakra. It is a fantastic stress reliever that also aids in meditation. It served to inform you to breathe no matter hard the situation is. It will help you to avoid or treat depression and chronic illnesses. It is advisable that you carry an ammonite in your house to attract the right happiness and wealth.
This stone will deepen your meditative experience, enhance your moods, relieve any kind of trauma, and boost your stamina. When you wear an Ammonite pendant, it will also help you achieve balance in your body, mind, and spirit. It will help you reach a healthy and serene state. Carry a piece of Ammonite with you or wear it as jewelry to attract more good luck and financial prosperity.
Weight | .5 lbs |
Dimensions | 3 × 3 × 3 in |
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