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Amegreen Tumbled Stones


Stone Type: Amegreen – Amethyst / Prasiolite

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

Stone Weight: Varies

Stone Color: Purple / Green

Stone Size: .75 Inches

Location: Brazil

For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

39 in stock

Amegreen Tumbled Stones

Amegreen Tumbled Stones,  crystal delivers to its wearer soothing energies of inner balance and heartfelt emotional healing. It helps you to strengthen your intuition abilities and guides you to establish a strong foundation of loving and harmonious sensations. Amegreen –a stone that unites the vibration of the heart with the divine energy. These beautiful stones are actually a combination of 3 different kinds of quartz crystals. They embody the white quartz, prasiolite, and purple amethyst crystal. A lot of these stones appear lovely, and they possess an astounding soft soothing energy. They also have a gorgeous vibration, which blends the energy of some of the powerful quartz crystals available. This particular combination is what is what creates a kindly affectionate energy, kindles psychic abilities, and emotional healing. In this article, we will discuss some of the most interesting facts about amegreen including its benefits. Read on to learn more about these.

Once you embark using the amegreen, and start to bring info down from the spirit, you might discover yourself experiencing a certain strengthening of the intuition. If you’re only starting to develop your own intuition, you might be able to find that the process is moving along more rapidly. This kind of quartz is a strong assist to aid you in developing psychic gifts or powers. This is mainly the vibration of the purple amethyst crystals, which yields it. Amegreen is believed to be a stone of love and compassion. It is thought to bring light into the body, assist with physical and emotional healing, and purify and harmonize the energy field. The synergy of these different stones creates a highly spiritual and loving heart-based vibration that helps you to live day by day, enjoying the present moment.

Amegreen Tumbled Stones

The energies from the Amegreen help with your intuition. This stone can help to boost your psychic communication and help you to increase your intuition. If you keep a dream journal, you will find that this stone is great to change your life and you can keep it under your pillow while you sleep and it can help your body and mind. This stone can help you to keep a dream record and if you use the crystal, don’t forget to write in your journal and put all the dreams that you have had and not to forget to mention your coincidence and synchronicity that happens in your life. If you haven’t noticed things that happen in your life before, pay attention to things as they change and the synchronistic events that come. Allow the flow of coincidence and synchronicity to flow through your life and use this stone to make negative karma go away.

Amethyst is a stone of spirituality. It facilitates transmutation of lower energies into higher frequencies of both spiritual and ethereal levels. It is representative of the principles of complete metamorphosis. It balances the energies of the intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies and provides a clear connection between the earth plane and the other worlds. It clears the aura and stabilizes and transmutes any dysfunctional energy located within ones body.

Amethyst also bestows stability, strength, invigoration, and peace; the peace being the perfect peace which was present prior to birth. You can immediately feel peace of mind by simply looking at this brilliant crystal. In fact, its radiant purple and white colors have represented the sobriety of emotions and spirit throughout history. By placing Amethyst on your forehead, navel or heart, you can immediately sense the angers, frustrations, and furies leaving your body. Psychics, mediums, and other divination practitioners also still hold Amethyst’s worth in high regard. They often decorate sacred altars and spaces with its incomparably beautiful violet designs.

Amegreen Tumbled Stones

Prasiolite or other names for it is green amethyst, is praised as a natural attractor of prosperity. Use it to draw abundance to you in any of your financial ventures. The heart chakra (or fourth chakra) is supported by green crystals and gems, including the prasiolite. Look to prasiolite for aid in forgiving others, accepting situations that may be difficult and experiencing harmony in your life. Green amethyst can also help you to balance emotions and welcome a greater sense of peace.

Prasiolite can support your body during a detoxification process by helping the body to release toxicity. In times of physical crisis, the benefits of the green amethyst can assist in the healing process, specifically regarding issues related to the heart and lungs. Spiritually, emotionally and physically, green amethyst provides support on every level. Prasiolite is helpful in lightening mood, enhancing the spirit and attracting positive energy. Green amethyst is an overall multipurpose healing stone.

Prasiolite is a stone that links, integrates and balances the higher and lower aspects of being. It awakens the heart to the frequency of love and compassion and enhances the connection to all things. Prasiolite helps one to act on higher guidance and follow ones heart upon the path of spirit. It opens the crown and third eye chakras and stimulates inner vision, connection and communication with inter-dimensional beings such as fairies. Also supports shamanic healing work.

Prasiolite is believed to attract fortunate circumstances into the lives of those who possess it, with the specific imperative of fostering personal and fiscal independence. It nurtures clarity of thought and the insight required to identify opportunities for growth where they arise. In the pursuit of these goals, the prasiolite holder will find that they are more focused and determined.

With regard to monetary success, prasiolite assists its possessor in achieving abundance whilst simultaneously enriching the lives of those around them. Prasiolite is also a great support to seekers of personal and spiritual growth. It engenders greater self-sufficiency, self-love and confidence. Thus, the prasiolite stone enables one to enter into relationships with others from a position of inner strength and authenticity.

Amegreen Blog


Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in


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