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Actinolite In Quartz Crystals Large


Stone Type: Actinolite In Quartz

Stone Cut: Natural Crystals

Stone Weight: Varies

Stone Color: Clear With Green Inclusions

Stone Size: 1.2 – 1.5 x .4 – .5 Inches

Location: Brazil


For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

9 in stock

Actinolite In Quartz Crystals Large


Actinolite In Quartz Crystals Large, Actinolite strengthens the immune system, stimulates the kidney, liver and spleen function. It aids in the elimination of toxins from the body. Actinolite is beneficial for detoxifying and metabolism. This stone stimulates cell and tissue function and the regeneration and growth of the body. This stone assists in processing nutrients and waste products through intestines, bowels. It will reduce rashes, ease hives and other physical reactions that are associated with allergies. Actinolite will reduce the physical effects associated with eczema, acne and rosacea. It will remove the effects that result from lead and mercury poisoning, toxins, adverse reactions to additives, parasites and fungus.

Actinolite is a phenomenal, metaphysical shielding device and expands the energy bodies especially when used in conjunction with Sheen Obsidian. Actinolite expands the aura, crystallizes and heals the edges of the energy fields. Actinolite connects one to higher awareness bringing body/mind/spirit into balance. This expansion of the energy bodies provides for connection to “All that is” and facilitates the “brotherhood” of all. Actinolite is an excellent crystal aid for visualization. Actinolite may be a useful stone the removal of blockages and procrastination. Actinolite is useful if you have lost your way and need new direction, as the energies of this crystal instills a sense of right timing and purpose.

Actinolite is a great stone for those who worry. It also helps in overcoming indecision especially in regards to taking the next steps in your life. It brings connection. It will help you gain the confidence in yourself to go after your dreams. It also helps to bring stability into your daily life and can help you know your self-worth. It is an excellent stone for metaphysical shielding, it expands the aura and crystallizes its edges. It connects you to higher awareness and brings your body, mind, psyche, and spirit into balance. It is an excellent aid to visualization.

Actinolite In Quartz Crystals Large

Actinolite offers psychic protection and can strengthen the edge of your energy field, allowing you to expand your aura and remain safe in the process. It offers insight into energies that are interfering with spiritual growth and can help remove those blocks. If you set an intention to release unwanted aspects of yourself, Actinolite can help smooth the process of letting go. Actinolite aligns mind-body-spirit. It assists those who are looking to redefine their journey, calmly offering support and love as the new direction is discovered, gently urging you to take the risk of rebirth. It encourages ‘right’ action, alleviates procrastination, and improves self-esteem. This stone relieves stress, and awakens the ability to achieve higher consciousness.

Actinolite is a stone that brings energy to the body and balances the metabolism. It assists in reducing the negative effects that occur in the body due to over-stress. Moreover, it also brings harmony in the energy of adrenals. Actinolite stimulates the production of white blood cells in the body and also increases the immunity power. Actinolite maintains and connects the person with the universal energies of the world. It helps the wearer in deep meditation and acquiring profound insight about the supreme. One must use Actinolite crystals in order to connect with the spirited guides as recommended by the experts. This crystal helps the person in being more attuned to the universal energies and powers.

It is excellent for helping you overcome indecision, hesitation to begin a task and a fear of moving forward in your life. It will overcome a lack of confidence and belief in your self. Actinolite stabilizes, grounds and offers certainty in your daily life. It will guide you to explore new directions without forgetting your original path. It will aid you in increasing your self worth, gaining inner strength and patience. Actinolite will help you to recognize your own capabilities. It encourages inner balance, patience and a sense of timing. Actinolite helps to prevent loneliness and alienation by opening your heart to others and so creating correspondingly friendly vibes in social encounters. Use this stone in your workplace to shield you from any negativity and especially from divisive energies, troublemakers and gossips.

Actinolite In Quartz Crystals Large

Actinolite is a powerful heart stone that provides one’s emotional body with protection from negative energies. So often do negative vibrations attach themselves to us, causing one to feel sadness, anxiety and depression. Carrying or wearing this stone will provide one’s aura with a protective shield that refuses to allow negativity to come your way. Once one becomes fully protected from Actinolite, only then can this stone help one do a full evaluation of themselves.

The primary chakra that is healed by Actinolite is the heart chakra, which is the container of all the emotions and feelings that a person embraces. A balanced heart chakra brings harmony in relationships and helps the wearer in being kind to other creatures of the world. When the energies of the heart chakra are out, it instils negativity in the person by making him feel that he is being controlled by someone in the relationships. The root chakra is the second chakra that is healed by the Actinolite crystal. The root chakra is the power house of the body that helps the wearer in not becoming indolent and inactive. The basic effect that an unbalanced root chakra provides to the body is the feeling of laziness and the person being out of all energies of the body. The root chakra is the survival center of the body.

Actinolite in Quartz allows you to stop using sarcasm if you have a penchant for doing so. This crystal will help you to calm a restless spirit, helping you discover the resourcefulness within you so that you can make decisions and solve problems. It is said that these crystals connect to the Anasazis. Actinolite in Quartz is especially useful to help you get ahead in the fields of architecture and agriculture. This is a good healing crystal, offering the loving energy of the Spiritual Heart Chakra.

Actinolite is thought to be helpful for detoxification and balancing the metabolism. It is said to help those with parasites and fungus. It is also thought to strengthen the immune system and help soothe rashes and hives. Actinolite brings focus to projects one has going on in, and helps a person stay on the path to achieve goals. It acts as a anti-negativity shield to outside and inside influences. The shield factor also helps with electromagnetic fields. This mineral helps a person feel more connected with “the all that is.” This is especially true for those that may find themselves operating in isolation on their own life path. It brings a person closer to their spirit guides and helps one realize they are never truly alone.

Actinolite In Quartz Crystals Large

Actinolite helps in dream recall, removes blockages that stop personal growth. It eases grief, trauma, guilt and helps you forgive and find solace. ​Actinolite will overcome feelings of being isolated from others, it redirects psychic attack, illness and unwanted negativity. Actinolite provides an efficient shield against any negative thoughts, including your own. Actinolite will help you to be aware of when and where you have diverged from your original, real goals. This will help you to correct your course. Place actinolite in a window if you live in a neighborhood where there is intolerance or trouble with your neighbors or gangs to shield your household from threat or harm. This stone promotes unity of all humankind by spreading goodwill and accentuating understanding and tolerance between people of different faiths and political systems.

Actinolite pushes one to release the stress and weight we place on our hearts daily. This mineral helps pull emotions to the surface that one may hold very close to them. Actinolite provides one with the courage and confidence to face these uneasy emotions and find closure from them. When one is able to find closure, you will then be able to move forward with an open heart and clear mind.

When actinolite is included in clear quartz its energies are amplified.

Clear Quartz (also known as rock crystal) is often called the master healer crystal, and for good reason, as it’s one of the most (if not THE most) powerful crystals to work with for healing, manifestation and amplification. It’s the one crystal that every crystal enthusiast and spiritually-inclined person should have. Clear quartz also happens to be the most abundant mineral found on the Earth’s surface.

Clear quartz crystal is known for having high vibrations. The stone can clear the mind, body and spirit of clutter and can help to align the bearer with the highest form of themselves so that they may reach their full potential. The meaning associated with this crystal is a very powerful one, particularly for those who are setting new goals. This quartz is a supportive one and helps us to carve out a vision that is unique to us. In addition to this, the crystal has the power to drown out any noise from the outside world to create a pathway to your goals and to turn them into a reality in the mind’s eye.

Throughout history, Clear Quartz held valuable meaning to several cultures. Its ability to reflect and refract light led many to view it as a source of mystical powers that go beyond our understanding of Earth. It was seen as a gift from Mother Earth that connected us to ethereal realms. The name “Quartz” comes from the Greek word for “ice.” Take one look at a cluster of Clear Quartz, and you’ll see where the inspiration comes from. Greek philosophers believed that the stone was a permanent form of ice that was so cold it would never thaw.

Actinolite In Quartz Crystals Large

Clear Quartz is known as the “master healer” and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralizing background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonizes all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.

Every crystal has its own unique energetic properties, and Clear Quartz is especially great for energy amplification. This makes it the perfect addition to meditation, spiritual communication, prayer, or ritual intended to expand on your consciousness, as it will take your positive intentions and reverberate them further through the universe. The crystal is also believed to help its owner attract love, friendship, abundance, peace and vitality, so many choose to wear it on their person each day on jewelry.


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Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in