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Category: Yellow Hematoid Quartz

Yellow Hematoid Quartz, Yellow Hematoid Quartz also known as Golden Hematoid Quartz or Golden Healer is quartz with hematite inclusions, with the iron oxide presenting as a golden color. These striking stones are filled with beautiful streaks of gold, yellow + bronze colors with occasional brilliant rainbows.


The combination of Yellow Hematite and Clear Quartz creates an inspirational alliance. If you are on the cusp of a life-change, or seeking a jolt of motivational energy, this happy stone can give you a jump start filled with clarity. If you are stuck in a spinning frame of mind, or simply can’t find your way out of the doldrums, it will awaken your desire to take action and keep you moving forward with a confident, creative edge. Yellow Hematite strengthens will power and increases your ability to remain focused while diffusing stress or unrest.


Golden Healer Quartz, on the other hand, has a rustic yellow-brown color caused by the presence of microscopic pyrite particles inside its natural crystal structure. You’ll find Yellow Hematoid Quartz carries many of the same properties as Fire Quartz but with a few unique differences. It can be used to help transmute negative energy into positive energy, and it can balance the yin/yang energies. Yellow Hematoid Quartz is also a powerful healer in its own right. It will enhance feelings of peace and tranquility while dispelling any feelings of being disconnected or distant from the divine. Yellow Hematoid Quartz is said to have the ability to bring warmth and vitality back into the body.


Yellow Hematoid Quartz allows the golden light of Universal Life Force to flow into the body through the Crown Chakra, clearing blockages and imbalances, aligning all of the chakras. Stars are symbolic of divine guidance and protection, as well as imagination, wonder, dreams and magic.


Meditating with a Yellow Hematoid Quartz l can open the energetic pathways of the body for multi-level healing. Imagine warm golden light entering your body through your crown chakra + filling every cell with its sparkly healing energy.


Some believe that Yellow Hematoid Quartz access Christ Consciousness, activating the crown chakra + the solar plexus chakra, joining our will with Divine will. Like a ray of sunshine, the glow of the solar plexus chakra lights your path and warms your body with the glow of self-confidence.


It vibrates with the grounding energy of Hematite and the exquisite high vibration of Clear Quartz. Downloading through the crown chakra, energy moves through your system, anchors you to the earth, and quickly awakens the solar plexus chakra. It alleviates disordered feelings and is fabulous for manifestation, as it allows you to consciously act on your dreams. It helps you see the path ahead and gives you the motivation to jump onto that path with confidence and security. It relieves discord, instills confidence and amplifies intention.


Simultaneously described as gentle and powerful, Yellow Hematoid Quartz is highly valued in the realm of physical healing, it is used to cleanse and enhance the well-being of the organs, stimulate the immune system, bring the body back into balance, balance yin/yang energies, and may be used for energy enhancement.

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