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Category: Yavapai

Yavapai amplifies your financial strength and ability to stay focused and to achieve financial goals. This is the perfect stone for entrepreneurs and helps the self employed gain confidence and endurance to stay in business. It promotes longevity in business. Yavapai can help lessen symptoms of headache and is used to help strengthen the eyes and optic nerves. Stimulates the base chakra, assisting you in grounding and connecting with the electromagnetic energy of the Earth. It is an excellent stone for use in scrying and magical work. It has been utilized as a magical stone for thousands of years, and is considered one of the best materials to use for the carving of magical amulets. ​Yavapai assists in absorbing from the universe, energies that are required for healing or other purposes It balances the yin and yang energies in the body. Yavapai is beneficial for teeth, bones, bone marrow and blood disorders. This stone can be used to help stimulate the connection between the base chakra and the feet. This can help those suffering from weak legs or who have difficulty grounding, eliminating body wastes or excess energy.


Yavapai helps one have self-control and anchors one’s flighty energy into a more stable way of life. It is this stone of inner strength and endurance, helping one to carry even the most difficult task to completion. Yavapai is also a wonderful stone for someone who has had a long illness or even been working on a project for a long time. Any sort of things that drains one’s resources such as acquiring a goal, working on self-mastery, a weight loss program, an exercise regime, or even just feeling the need to focus your energy,

Showing all 3 results

  • Yavapai Egg 1


    Stone Type: Yavapai

    Stone Cut: Egg

    Stone Color: Green/ Tan / Grey

    Stone Weight: 4.1 Ounces

    Size Stone Size: 2.16 x 1.55 Inches

    Location: Brazil

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  • Yavapai Egg 2


    Stone Type: Yavapai

    Stone Cut: Egg

    Stone Color: Green/ Tan / Grey

    Stone Weight: 4.5 Ounces

    Size Stone Size: 2.24 x 1.58 Inches

    Location: Brazil

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  • Yavapai Egg 3


    Stone Type: Yavapai

    Stone Cut: Egg

    Stone Color: Green/ Tan / Grey

    Stone Weight: 5.4 Ounces

    Size Stone Size: 2.37 x 1.70 Inches

    Location: Brazil

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