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Category: Utah Topaz Crystals

Utah Topaz Crystals, The colors of topaz are created through the deposit in the growing process of other trace minerals. Yellow and Pink topaz are colored with chromium, Blue topaz is colored with iron, Brown topaz is colored with manganese and the Orange and Red topaz are colored with phosphorus. ​Topaz is found in Brazil, Pakistan, USA, Russia and  Mexico. The name Topaz may derive from Topazos, a word meaning ‘to seek’, the other possible derivation of the name is the Sanskrit word topaz, which means ‘fire’. In current metaphysical thought, Topaz is viewed as emanating a variety of beneficial energies, varying according to the type and color.


Use this stone to improve brain function as you tap into the spiritual aspect of your mind. It is helpful for those with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Imperial topaz is useful for the elderly and anyone nearing transition to the Other Side. This is a good stone for speakers, authors, merchants, teachers, gastroenterologist and philanthropists. Imperial topaz can be used for urinary and kidney infections and imbalances.


Utah Topaz Crystals, increases the courage you need to embrace the magnificent person you truly are. It is also advantageous when you are trying to absorb what’s going on in your life and the lives of those around you. Imperial topaz helps you lighten up and feel good about yourself. Use it when you have to make a presentation to overcome a fear of public speaking. It also comes in handy for challenging conversations.
Imperial topaz teaches you to learn the value of emotional boundaries and honoring personal and sacred space. It can help you if you are having difficulty maintaining your own boundaries so that you don’t encroach upon others boundaries.

Showing the single result

  • Utah Topaz Crystals


    Stone Type: Topaz

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

    Stone Weight: Varies

    Stone Color: Sherry

    Stone Size: .5 – 1 Inches

    Location: Brazil

    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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