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Category: Tremolite

Tremolite is a fibrous amphibole mineral related to actinolite. What color is tremolite? Usually, it’s white or green, but it can also be pink, lilac, yellow, gray, or brown.


Tremolite is a calcium magnesium iron silicate in the amphibole group. It forms a series with actinolite and ferroactinolite, representing the magnesium-dominant end. Ferroactinolite is the iron-dominant end, while actinolite is in the middle.


Tremolite brings access to the Akashic Records. It is a stone of higher knowledge and connection on multiple levels, it draws people to you and aids in staying in contact with people who live far away. It stimulates the Third Eye (Brow) Chakra, and the pineal gland, connecting you to higher beings, bringing in guidance and support from other dimensions. It aids in reading the Akashic Record for your soul.


Tremolite comes from regions of the world that contain elevated levels of natural energies. Conducting universal life force, it can align with the energetic essence of any person, place, or situation. A stone of collective healing, it channels peaceful vibrations to nations under conflict or crisis and surrounds areas suffering from environmental disasters in a positive light.


Green tremolite is a potent gemstone that helps to balance emotions. It eases feelings of angst and nervousness and assists you in building self-confidence. Green tremolite is also considered a wonderful stone for relationships, it helps to keep partners together even when physically there might be some distance. Green tremolite maintains an energetic connection between you and your loved one and is perfect to work with if you’re in a long-distance relationship. It also reveals any emotional themes that keep you from feeling and showing up authentically in relationships.

Showing all 2 results

  • Tremolite Obelisk


    Stone Type: Tremolite

    Stone Cut: Tumbled Stones

    Stone Color: Green

    Stone Weight: 7.1 Ounces

    Stone Size: 4.2 x 1.3 Inches

    Location: Pakistan

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  • Tremolite Tumbled Stones


    Stone Type: Tremolite

    Stone Cut: Tumbled Stones

    Stone Color: Green

    Stone Weight: Varies

    Stone Size: .8 – 1.3 Inches

    Location: Pakistan


    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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