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Category: Starbrary Crystals

Starbrary Crystals are super special high vibe crystals encoded with information which is linked to certain star systems such as; Orion, Pleiades, Leo, Draco, Cassiopeia, Ursa Minor, Andromeda, Blue Avians and Arctorian.They are a type of quartz crystal that have certain markings on the shaft/ side of a crystal.These markings are unique encrypted codes that appear in the form or shape of:

  • Glyphs or markings
  • Geometric symbols and patterns (Rectangles, squares, triangles)
  • Linear patterns such as deep barcodes (not Lemurian striation markings)
  • Dots and etchings which look like a meteor shower effect coming from either the left side or right side of the crystal side

They have been encoded both REMOTELY and on earth by occupants of other star systems, with information such as insights, history and messages for humankind.

In order to decipher which star system your chosen Starbrary crystal is linked to, I always encourage you to connect with your crystal first. Build that connection via wearing/ holding the crystal all day (skin to crystal) and then meditating with it everyday for min 4 weeks. By using this method, you’ll then be able to tune into the crystal and start to decipher which star system it may be linked to. Remember to take notes!

There is no denying that we are now a part of this great awakening and we are now at a vibrational level which can resonate with these crystals in a bid to harness their teachings.

Use these crystals to help you acknowledge your star seed ancestral lineage in order to expand even further. I truly believe that Starbrary crystals are High Vibe bridges to help close the gap between US and the cosmos.

Starbraries are rare, precious, extraordinary, but completely natural Quartz formations that have been individually encoded by various, distant Star Systems throughout the Universe – at least 6 different ones who have left ancient crystal records of maps, histories and legends of their people. Their energy is undeniably different.

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